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faculty, REV. HUGII L\TBlER EL!1ERD1CE, A.:Vl., D. D., President, ami l'rotessor of Hebrew, Biblical and Historical Theology. R£\', BESJAMI:'" PRAr-:KKI", BENSO:", A. 1\1., D. D., Professor of Systematic: and Practical Theology. REY . .JA~IES \\"ILLlA).[ REESE, A. ;'0.1., PII. D., Professor of Xew Test amcnt and Greek and Exegesis. HE\', TIJOMAS HA.\IIL'l'ON LI£W1S, A. ;'\1., D. D., Professor of Christian Evidences. jOSIJl'A 'VEIlSTER HERINC, A. 1\1., :\1. D., LL. D., Lecturer 011the Preservation of Health . PRESIDENT'S HOUSE 28
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