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coin, gi\'illg no va.lue to the gold or silver, but only rendering the brass current." yet those of merit tell the tale of successful post-graduate work. Look through our catalogue: LL. 1\1., one; D. D. S., one; C. E., three; Ph. D., seven; B. D., twenty-two; 11. D., twenty-two; IVI.A., one hundred and nine; LL. B,, one hundred and nineteen: add two honorary degrees of D. D., and there is a total of two hundred and eighty-eight decorations. Others are yet to be adorned and others still deserve it, for they are found THE PRESIDENT'S HOME. in high and honorable positions-the parish of the metropolitan bishop, the desk of the county school e x nminer, the chair of the editor, the gallery of the artist, the sanctum of the author, and the hulls of stn tc and national legislation. H Loyal famHy. The Yingling Gymnasium stnnds as a monument to the liberal loyalty of a member of cur first class. The Alumni Hall. though not en tirely built 2-l-
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