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Stockton Literary Society. """ presidents. first-{:crm. Second tA-rm. H. n. PRICE. O. xr. BIBBLE. 'Chil'd t::tnn. S. \r ROSENBERGER. :'i the regular courses of the Seminary the students are called upon for addresses, extemporaneous and impromptu speeches and other litei ary work of a like character. However, in these exercises the students are embarrassed by the presence of critical professors, and are unable to do themselves justice, make the progress otherwise possible. or enjoy the progmm in which they take par-t. :\0,,", it is certainly well for a person to remember to some extent that he is a subject of criticism; hut if he is continually conscious that he is talking to those who are going to criticise his efforts he is vcrv likelv to become formal and unnatural. The Stockton Literary Society ~balan~es the regular work of the Seminary in this respect. In the society hall the students gather e\'('1")'Friday afternoon to recite. read, deliver orations, essays and addresses, and enter into debates. Xo professors are present, the students feel no restraint. and the duties to be performed receive the efforts that come in response to the promptings 01 full and free hearts. Thus individuality and personality have opportunities to manifest themselves in a manner that is sure to lead to their best de. velopmcut and growth. The wor-k of the Society during the present year has not fallen below the excellent standard of previous years. Although we have not accom- plished all we hoped at the beginning of the year, we have done a great deal. The progress we have made has been manifest to us all. We all feel that the work of our Society has Freed us from much ernbarrassmcuc, given us greater power to think clearly and freely while on the floor, and in- creased our abilitics to express o nr thoughts definitely and distinctly. We feelsure that those who leave us this year to enter the active work of the ministry will alwa ....s have cause to remember the help obtained from Stockton Socict y , and we hope that those who go only for the vacation will return next fall with determinations to profit more than ever hv the advantages afforded in our Society. " 31
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