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Ccrpcrattcn. The \Vestlllinster Theological Seminary is owned and controlled by the Methodist Protestant Church through a Board of Governors and a Board of Visitors. The Board of Governors COI1!1ists of five ministers and five laymen, appointed as follows: Three ministers and two laymen are ap- pointed by the Maryland Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, every fourth session succeeding the session of 1884. Two min- isters and three laymen an: appointed by the General Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, and hold office for four years. This Board of Governors holds the property, elects the Faculty, and exercises general supervision over the interests of the Seminary. The Board of Visitors is composed of one minister and one layman, appointed by each patronizing Annual Contercuce-c.. e., each conference appropriating a collection to the Seminarv. The Board of Visitors. or any of them, has authority to visit and in, spect the Seminary at all times, with a view to recommending to the Board of Governors such changes or improvements ill the management of the institution as may seem desirable; and also to report to their Conferences in the case of any students placed in the institution by them. B03t'd of Gcecmcre. RE\'. JOHN DAVID I"::INZEI~,D. D., Washington, D. C. REY. BENJA:\IIN STOUT, Fairmount, West Virginia. REY. JOH:'< xr. GILL, Washington, D. C. RE\'. CH:\HLES D. SINKISSO;'<, Atlantic City, x. J. REV. EOWAI{O J. DRIKKIIOl'SE, \1. D., D. D., Baltimore, :'-.lcl. JOSHUA WI';BSTER HEIW"G, A. :'<.1., Xl. D., LL.D., Westminster, Std. Pl.ETCHER R. Hxnms, :\1. D., Henderson, x. C. J. NOIOIAN "'ILLS, Greensboro, x. G. WAL'f'E!{ :\1. SEAIHi':G, Tomkins Cove, X. Y. T. PU:-.IY FISIlER, Denton, :'-.1. D. REV. HUGH L.·\'!'I:\IEll ELllE].1l)[CE, A. :'-.1., D. D., ex-officio. [Westminster, Xld. Offictt's of tbc Beard. REY. EI)\\"AIW J. DI{Ii':KHOOSE, :.\1. D., D. D., President . .JOSI!l·A WEIISTER HEHfNG, A. :'-.1., :'-.1. D., LL.D., Treasurer. RE\". Th-en LATn!EI~ ELilERDlCE, A. \L, D. D., Secretary. 27
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