Page 32 - YB1902
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Westminster L:beological Seminary. " " " Bistot'ical. CT!N"G 011 a resolution of Rev. L. W. Bates, O. D., the Marvlnnd Conference. April. 1881, appointed R{:'\',J. T Xlurray, D. D.: Rev. P. L. Wilson nntl Dr. Charles Billingslea to formulate a plan fer the establishment of an institution in which to train young men for the xfinistry in the xlethodist Pro testnnt Church. One year later the com. mit-tee presented a report, which was adopted. and on September 6, 1882, there was opened in Westminster. xtnrvlnn.L "The School of Theology." SEMINARY, September 4,1883, the title was changed to "The Westminster Theological Seminary," and on April S, lSS-l., it was duly incorporated by the Oenerru Assembly of Maryland. Pl'(sid
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