Page 29 - YB1902
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character and career of the graduates. Western Mar College wel- comes this test, for her wcighresr endorsements are her children. H Large family. Beginning with her first class of g'ruduatcs in 1871, and closing with the class of 1902. we count the l1;1111CS of' two hundred and fifty-eight men and two hundred and seventy.eight women-total, five hundred and thir-ty. six. Cornparecl with some colleges-c-hourv with nge and heavy with INTERIOR OF BAKER CHAPEL. endowment-this numerical result umv seem srnall, but since our college is of tender years and has no endowment, the size or our family is the source of pardonable pride. But we do not rest the highest value of our Alumni on this plebian problem of addition and multiplication; we mount to matters patrician. H Citlcd family. We challenge any college of our age and number to show as many titles and degrees. Though mere titles of honor are" like the impressions on 23
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