Page 66 - YB1901
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ness but for their singularity, and as "Inexpressibly inexpressible" as the herself. Needless to say such strategy never proceeded from the of any other mortal, but all in vain. Fortune was unfriendly, the class refused to be ruled, her independence took a tumble, and then her womanly nature asserted itself. She remains as the leader of the triumvirate and the heroine of a few'; masculines." Such is the social queen. epilogue. The history of 1901 as a class has been completed. The record has been made; it must stand forever beyond our power to change it. Perhaps it is not what some of us would wish, but then others never see us as we see ourselves. We believe that it is no worse than the average, better we trust. Impressions have been created', reputations established, and characters re- vealed which not even the great future can entirely efface. The pleasant associations of our college days will remain fresh in the memory long after its vexations have been forgotten. Our relations as a class have been for the most part pleasant. True, our path has not been wholly free from discord, but in all we have preserved that unity of feeling and interest so essential to the welfare of a class. \Ve did not find the "road to learning" less difficult than did our predecessors, but we met each difficulty with a calm serious determination which triumphed in the end. But we did not cultivate the intellectual side of our nature alone, but we spent many pleasant hours in amusement. In every field of action we ha ve creditably acquitted ourselves. Now this remains only in the memory; the hour for parting has arrived. No more shall we together spend the passing hour; each must separate to his own sphere of activity. Associations have been established, friendships formed which not even a lifetime can destroy. Duty calls us elsewhere. The future alone is open to us. What that may bring forth mortal tongue can not tell, but whatever may betide each will cherish tender memories of Western Maryland and 1901. -+ 56 +-
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