Page 62 - YB1901
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Now comes the "old mall." Everyone has heard of him. I( it had not been for him, what fun we would have missed! Phillips has whiled away many years replete with experiences as as March weather. After solving the "mystery of the gas-meter," he came into our fold as a Freshman. His troubles did not end here, but they have multiplied with in- creasing years. His life has been darkened by one continual disappointment. For four years he has been seeking for some girl who would" love" him (he IOVl·S them a/I), but his has only been deepened. His were raised to the highest at the beginning of his Senior some one kindly remarked to him that he was not the least mal/kind with the increased number students. His fondest hopes have not yet been realized, but his perseverance is something more than extraordinaay. He is like a rubber ball. Although he may be "squashed," he regains his customary form no injurious effects. Not even do {,insults" about "Christmas or "tickets" his ardor. He been in constant dread the girls should get some joke on him. Get him to explain his system for his correspondence, how reveal a mass of marks and last wrote, when he should receive an answer. Still another from the old" North" State clamors for recognition. Minnie Cnlpurnia Pickett sang herself into the class in its sub-Freshman year; she is still Her talent is undoubtedly for music, to which she has devoted attention, but surely she must feel some regret for the awful racket, musical and which she made while cultivating this talent. But, generally speaking, she very considerate for the welfare of her friends, especially those of the male sex. Nor does she wish to share their companionship with her friends of the same sex. She clearly showed this the first time that she met those at school. She chanced to meet one who was entertaining. Of course she did not wish to lose his but a new-comer came to claim her attention she did the in deliberately leaving him and accompanying the first one around parlor, because, as she said, she liked to talk with that man, Only after persistent -+ 52-)-- , \
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