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three hundred and eighty-fourths inches; and the average age is twenty and one-sixteenth years. Eight of the class are Methodist Protestants, six are Protestant Episco- palians, three are Lutherans, two are Methodist Episcopalians, two are Pres- byterians, one is a German Baptist, one a Reformed, one a Hedonist, one a Heathen, one a Protestant Utilitarian, one an Agnostic, and one an Epi- curean. Politically the class is well composed. as twenty-two are Democrats, six are Republicans, three are Prohibitionists. and one is a Teetotaler Thirty per cent. of the class dance, cent. pretend to do so. Twenty-five per cent. wear glasses. Of fifteen per cent. wear them because have to, while ten wear them because they think they ought to for own beauty's Seventy-live per cent. of the class smile, fifteen per cent. grin, and ten per cent. make "goo goo eyes." Four members of the class are red headed, one is white headed. Only one in the class can raise a moustache, as has been frequently proved. One member of the class told when his twenty-first birthday came, the others 1Olsl'/)I held their peace. Fifty per cent. of the class passed a resolution declaring that the college needed them worse than they needed Dr. Lewis and Prof. Mc- Daniel met together and held a private meeting" between them- selves. Fifty per cent. of the class reconsidered matter and decided that they needed the college worse than the college needed them. One hundred per cent. of the class never has any stamps. Eleven per cent. of the class are subject to Rhetor Nosos. For further information consult Dr. Lewis or the Faculty. Character ranges between Beastly and Perfection. One hundred per cent. are in love. All except two expect to be married. For further information see Hunter, in History of 1901. One member of the class is dignified from the Faculty's point of view; all the rest are dignified from their own point of view. Fifty per cent. of the class had the pleasure of seeing Doctor Lewis when his" blood was boiling." -+ 5f)-!-
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