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P. 70
prophecy of 1901. rAl H£ Woman's 1911 Rights. My choice of a career Reese, was a great surprise to my of f1.JldS m.e. Margaret Fuller year adv.ocate an arde. nt friends graduation, in a Shortly after cit}, on a visit, neighboring and likewise to me. I had the good fortune to hear being an elo- quent address on Woman's Hitherto I had been perfectly indiffer- ent to anything of the kind. the idea of woman entering public life had been repugnant to me. My soul was stirred to its depths, and before 1 the hall I was thoroughly persuaded of the error of my previous convictions. 1 determined henceforth to devote my time and talents to secur- ing to woman the elective franchise. My efforts succeeded beyond my ex- pectations; witness the [net that the polls are now open to every woman in Maryland, a state of affairs which is in no small degree owing to my untiring efforts. Wearied by the constant strain attendant upon speech-making, I was forced to give up work and. seek rest in a quiet cottage in the Adirondacks. The story I am about to relate may not seem altogether consonant with the my political career; but remember that truth is stranger than It was midsummer eve. I was lying in the hammock on the veranda ...+ 60-+-
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