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after hearing Bessie Gunkel sing, said: .: That little girl hils a fortune in her voice." These words had often been spoken by lllany of us who had also been delighted with her singing, and now the fulfillment of our predictions is a source of happiness to us all. Frank Dunnington Posey is at the head of the department of Latin and Greek in a large university. His familiarity with three languages is remarkable for one so young. Many honors have been bestowed upon him, all of which he bears as gracefully and unpretendingly as he did when we knew him at col- lege. He has obtained leave of absence for a year that he may visit the lands where once flourished the languages which are his specialties. With the object of his special attention-not Latin and Greek-for he is accompanied by his sweet and attractive bride, his trip will be a most delightful one. Lt is always interesting to watch the passengers on a steamer, especially when bound for another country, and to the different expressions he- tokening their varied emotions. As I was scanning the faces ·of happy parties about to leave an American port lor European scenes, my attention was drawn to a young woman by whose side stood one whose expression plainly told the attainment of some prize. I had heard this woman when at school a desire to go to Europe 011 her tour; now the time for the of her wish has arrived. Nannie Keating possesses firmness in character and action, and cheers and othcrs by the charm of her presence; her keen sympathy, her love and her power of bringing alit the best thoughts in others, her a queenly place in She has the 'happy faculty of making useful and entertaining, and wor-ld will be better for her having lived in it. William Aydelotte Melvin. after graduating at the Yale Theological Sem- inary, entered the ministry. His high ambition to become a pulpit orator has been realized, and he is one of the most prominent minister-s in his dcnom- ination. ,The wide interest with which his sermons are read causes me to pre- dict that 0111' eminent divine will attain the popularity of a Talmage. 67
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