Page 88 - YB1896
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Certainly one of the most important requirements of a girl's education is that she should cultivate a taste for literature. Nellie Stewart Porter gave especial attention to American literature, and is now a competent teacher in 11 female seminary. She takes life in the same bright, easy way as when a schoolgirl, and is as popular with the girls as though she were still one of them, knowing fully how to sympathize and advise in such a way as to endear her to them all The next figure was a truly She was a skilled cyclist, and wore the bloomer costume indulging in her favorite Her head was covered with luxuriant brown, wavy hair, and eyes were and bright. However, Nan Bowlin Thomas can do more than her time in amusements. Because she is gracious to everyone, kind helpful to the needy, Nan is beloved by all who know her The quiet, unassuming manner of Sarah Kenly would not have led one to imagine she would fill one of the offices of the new woman. She is for a popular paper, and is her work exceedingly charitable and a true at all times and ill all places. new woman with the old, old charm." The interest Mar-ion Elizabeth Scnseny manifested in the study of OUt government inclined me to imagine that she: would take advantage of the: avenue to politics now to women. A few years after the completion of her course at Western College, she went to a law school, having decided, after much to become a She has recently been admitted to the bar, and is gailllllg I predict much success for her in her profession. at a Woman's Medical COllege, and although she has been but a year, her reputation for the prevention rather than the treatment of diseases is remarkable. While it is impossible for her in her profession to retain her former domesticity, s1102 still retains her modest and quiet manner. 68
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