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but instead the heart of a girl, and that turned to Stone. The other was different. He was examining, with the Roentgen rays, the brains of an insane person, when flashed 011 his mind to apply them to his own cranium in order to discover tile condition of his brain. Whether he IounĀ« it full of knowledge or a vacuum 1 did not knoll', but for insanity or softening of the brain, Dr. Daniel Edwin Stone is a specialist. A congregation was attentively listening to tile new minister, whose earnest, impressive man ncr and sound reasoning delighted all his hearers. His sermon was of uncommon merit, and he performed the ~ervice with as much ease and grace as one of longer experience. From the 111any words of praise spoken regarding his discourse, I know Nicholas Oliver Gibson has rightly chosen his profession. The unusual literary talent of Ida Dodd won for her the title, ,; The Fair Scribe of '96," and the confident we made as to her success as a journalist have been fulfilled. She for the leading maga7.il1es and jour- nals of the day. The beautiful expression and thorough originality of her articles arc attractive. The peculiar fascination for her stories is increasing, for her a brilliant literary career. In a large I saw an astronomer gEing through a telescope at the bodies. Certainly to familiar with the brilliant objects us with awe and admiration when we contem- plate thcm is a most acquirement. Charles Clarence BillingSlea, accompanied by other enthusiastic astronomers, was viewing an cxtraor-dinnrj- phenomenon of the heavens nncler the Lapland skies. !\'lay much success and pleasure reward his astronomical research . . None of the numerous dangers of the distressful land of Armenia could deter Carrie Rinehart. from entering upon her self-imposed mission of mercy to the victims of the 'murderous Mohammedans. She is bravely carrying on the work so nobly begun by Miss Barton, tile founder of the Reel Cross Society.
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