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with difficulty escaped the gallows. However, his first disappointment did not cause him to cease writing, and now, since his naturalization, his fame has reached such a degree that many believe it highly probable he will be made Poet Laureate. Tn a studio I saw an artist carefully giving the fini~hing touches to a large picture, which showed that the talent of the artist was of no mean degree; in fact, of her pictures had been well 11ling. Around her were speci- mens of work. As she laid down the brush she took up a small of poems, and J intently watched her expression as she read the lines which were dedicated by the prospective Poet Laureate to "His Early Love." Poetry and Art are closely connected, and the poet's heart hasn't changed; neither has that of Lena Gray Parker. The scientific views held by our president, John Willis Smith, and espe- his brilliant success in his laboratory experiments, caused us to believe him for scientific investigation. I-Ie is an instructor in a chemical laboratory of one of our universities. By his deep research into the and his investigating mind, several discoveries have been made which aided in advancing science to its present The probabilities are that wealth and fame will attend his efforts, and do they will be but added laurels to his brow-s-but the gilded frame encasing success. The gentle manner and unexcitable disposition of Sarah Ellen Myers admirably enabled her to gratify her ambition to be a trained nurse. She is charmed with her work and has recently obtained the desirable position of Superintendent of Nurses in Johns Hopkins Hospital. The patients all love her, and the pallid, haggard faces brighten as she approaches, bringing gladness to their hearts, as well as alleviating their suffering. My attention was next drawn to two men who were experimenting with X rays. One of them, Dr. John Robert after successfully discovering and removing a foreign from a by their aid, determined to try them 011 his own heart. When, lo! his heart is not there, 6,
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