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home ill her favorite State awaits the arrival of the pair who arc so soon to occupy it. We wish her much happiness in her home. her course in music. She is in technical skill. The particular Brilliant passages, no matter how difficult, are executed by has composed several selec- tions which show it dash and military spirit one would scarcely look [or in a composition by a woman. May brilliant success attend" Mazie's" musical career. Milton Leroy me as one who would make his mark in the world. and perseverance were cnarac- arc essential for efficiently any plan. Early in life he to become a physician, but his work was another direction. He is a profoundly learned judge, much admired and re- spected by all with whom he comes in contact The requirements of the wife of a minister are especially do the various societies of the church expect help ancl advice from A large class of young ladies are receiving instructions fr0111 one 11'110is earnestly endeavor- ing to impress upon them the truth of the lesson. Attentively do they listen to her, with an appreciation which cannot but make her feel gratified with her work. The lesson over, the ladies repair to the room in which the morning sermon is to be delivered. The instructor is joined by a man of minister-ial appearance, who conducts her to a front pew, then solemnly enters the pulpit. Coukl it be that Hannah White was acting in the capacity of a minister's wife? No mistake was made in believing it to be she; but how changed from when we knew her. Although PaL11 Reese never evinced any remarkable talent when at school, his face and general demeanor always After his graduation he went to Europe, and soon writing verses. Among his first productions was a poem on Spring After its appearance, our bard
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