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By her kindness and wonderful 1110ral energy she will doubtless render much aid to the sufferers. For no one more worthy could fate have destined a and career than to Marion Hearn. He studied law after leaving and now the most prominent in his flourishing Eastern Shore town. He is ex- tremely popular with the young ladies. But contrary to what we should have tendency causes him to l?_e regarded as a flirt. When he grows he will overcome this inconstancy and be one of the first of am number to quit the state of single blessedness. The Senior class of our Alma Mater were assembled for a period in French conversation. The little teacher is fluently conversing with them. After notic- ing the enthusiasm with which they enter into the and the progress they appear to have made, I remembered" Ratie" fondness for German and French when a and was not that her suc- cessful mastery of these languages enabled her to now holds and which she is so well "filling. of extraordinary ability has been selected. of E. Oliver Crimes the work is moving along I was somewhat to see another one of 111)' in Africa, but his work was different from the former. He was earnestly en- to bring from into the light of the Gospel the remaining heathen that of the globe. If his success as a missionary continue as it has begun, Orion Livingston will be regarded as great a benefactor and his name will be as clear to the Africans as was that of the great explorer of the same name. The scene was a brilliantly-lighted opera, thronged with people held bound by the melodious voice of the star contralto singer of the day, who won brilliant success both in America and in Europe. There was prophecy in the words of one of the oldest patrons of Western Maryland COllege, who, 66
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