Page 82 - YB1896
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Soulhern city: but at the time 1 beheld it, the greater part of the tOWIl in mourning. Many homes had recently been visited by death. Sadness prevailed. The oldest citizens said the death-rate had never been known to increase with such marvelous rapidity. Various and conjectural were the causes ascribed to the sad state. As I turned to cast a last look on the distressed town, eyes fell upon an imposing residence over the door of which 1 read ill large ;; H. A. Lakin, M. D." Across the street a residence equally as attractive drew 111)' attention. Seated near a window I recognized Dr. L. C. Freeny discussing with his friendly opponent their successful year's work. A large procession of men and women-e-zealons, earnest workers-were singing in mighty chorus, an evangelistic 1\-1uch attention is attracted by the moving body, but the beholders no attempt at violence; opposi- tion is not even manifested in verbal abuse, but from all sides are heard words of respect and admiration. My attention was especially drawn to the leader of the army. I-Ie was a military looking man, whose face was familiar. It was William Ellsworth Pettet, Commander-in-Chief of. the Salvation Army. Under his supervision the has made commendable progress and won a degree of respect that commands attention and augurs greater usefulness for the future. Various as have been the reports of enthusiastic explorers 01 the North Pole, they have been unable to make known to the human family what is there. At last information of substantial value has been added to the sum of knowl- edge concerning this region. Claude Tilden Smith has not only attained the goal, but the wonderful description he has given defies anyone to discredit his statements. He carried with him in his balloon bags of oxygen which would not have afforded a sufficient supply for comfortable respiration in the rare atmosphere through which he was floating had he not possessed an inex- haustible supply peculiarly his own. All of his classmates will be proud of his great achievements. For partialities entortainod for special places; attractions toward certain points of the compass, we are often unable to a reason. Carrie Shriver always confessed an unaccountnblc preference for "Vest. From that region of the United States a potential material to her W('II~being <1nd happi- ness, came. She is returning her delightful wedding tour. A pretty
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