Page 56 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 56
_:_'lIlDI_il~~::I::1~~~:::I.~lIIi1:t.!.'l'J~~* _ Dine on a dime Fantastic photography in foreign I fields taken by students abroad SCOTTWELKOS SloffReporler KRYSTINA SHULTZ Ir comes as no surprise rhar countless students across McDan- Stoff Reporter tel's campus onen eat in [heir dorm rooms. Indeed, whether it is a quick breakfast before: class or a case: of the late night After the frigid, windy. and damp winter break, COUntrywith brilliant green grass and mountains munchies, the dorm has become: a popular place to chow the Mediterranean became my home for 12 days that rise up out of the mist Fun Facts I bet you didn't know; • Evil eyes are everywhere, down for many. thanks [0 Professor Susan Bloom's Photography and are not inherentl:r evil, in fact they What exactly are students eaTing? Popular items in- In this lovely COUntrywe visited the ancient ate supposed to war away evil. dude anything that's quick and/or microwaveable: Chef Bo- ~ill ~r&s~Ja~d~~~e:~~isT~~:te;,t~ttOr~~~~ city of Troy which had ruins from different cen- • Chai tea is served with yardee, Easy Mac, and Ramen Noodles. rhis taste of what I experienced encourages stu- turies due to being rebuilt so many times. We almost every meal and is usually For junior Chris Williams, late night meals come: in the dents to study abroad for Jan Term. also saw Pergamon (one of my personal favor- complimentary. form of Hot Pockets. Greece: The usual firH thoughts are of Del- ites) with a huge theater built into the side of the • If you want to buy some- Our visit rook us to the House and mountain. "I JUST kind ofbingc:,w said Williams. "Sometimes I don't the Church of me Virgin Mary, boeh of which thing try bargaining not only is it nor- fed like getting some nasry meatloaf from Glar and a rhree ~~i'al?!;fn;h:~ ~i~:,n~oili~~~:~:'an~es:n:de~~~ were located near the ancient Roman city of mal,.'t's eXth~te~~and Bazaar is split cheese Her Pocket hits the spot." and yes upon entering Sparta there was a shout EpheslJ.'i. The Green Mosque was our stop right into two sections: a covered section Williams also adds that eating in his room serves as a wel- of "This is SPARTA!" and an open air section, and it is comed alrcrnanvc to caring dinner in the forum, which he The ancient temples, churches, houses, and hefo~~:r~v!~ ~~:s=b~d.ed in the orgeolJ.'i the biggest maze I have ever escaped finds rc be cramped and unpleasant. monuments were beyond breathtaking, and the Blue Mosque, the Top k:pi Palace aniits trea- from. scenery of mountains provided a surrounding Others dine in their dorms for other reasons entirely. Ed stunning background. At each site, we learned sury, the humongous Hagia Sophia a huge an- The most important tip from our cistern named the cient Roman underground Lasher, for example, does so due to a lack of variety in veg- of the culture of the Greeks and of their mythol- Basilica Cistern. Finally, we topped off our day ~~h~Gr:e~t:d ~t[~r~i~~~~~ etarian options. A typical lunch for him is a grilled veggie ogy. We drank the water from me miracle spring with a shopping trip in me Grand Bazaar. This enthusiastic about our attempts to say wtap from the pub,which he describes as "clearly just left- at Delphi, ran a race in the stadium of Olympia, trip truly was mind blowing. "Please" and "Thank-you." overs stuck into a wrap." For Lasher, foods that ar~ typically prepared in his room and S~~~~:!r~t~~;i~ia~: i~~ha~~. ancient include a lot of oatmeal, when money allows, and frozen din- site because me Spartans trulylived a life where material objects were deemed unnecessary. fi- ners, though they tend to go "super super fase." nally, we saw Athens and the Parthenon located For those whose living arrangementS have kitchens, dorm room dining takes on a whole new meaning. Senior Jared ~~tt~;;~:r~~~'::il~%~:;he~;h~.'ty~~e&C;oe~ Ginsberg cooks himself meals about twice a week, which tend ire memory was when we found ourselves wind- to be pasta or stir fry. However, he roo cannot resist me ease ing along roads that were halfway up mountains of Ramen Noodles on occasion. whose bases touched the sea shores, and whose coves housed fishing towns with red roofs. It seems that despite me eating options offered by Me- Daniel, students just can't seem to resist eating in their own Fun Facts Ibet you didn't know: living spaces. For some, it is OUtof ease, and for some it is • There is a law in Athens prohibiting out of necessity; and in Chris Williams' case; "I'm really, re- buildings from having more than 8 srories be- ally lazy." cause the Greeks Want the acropolis to remain the ~igheslf:~i~~; ~:~n:~d cats are nor any- body's pet, but they're ncr nobody's pet because ~a?p::~:;t;?:~%:fr~;~:~:~~~~~~~;tU- • Palm trees line the streets of towns, and in some restaurants the orange juice is fresh- ~u~dr~zed from an orchard ju.,t outside the • Honey is served with yogUrt because ChrisWiUiams it isn't sweet. po_~_hi~ tcvcnte fallboc Thrk~en 1101ikei'l'!!t'"lli~arl''rerm mr food-gooo the first rtme I realized rhar I knew basically 0/' fO$hion Hot nothing about Turkey. What I found was a lush Pocketsl :M:cCri s THE BEST AND WORST OF DORM LIFE thing the first mghr we were at school. We woke up the WARREN KRAFT nexr morning and were both incredibly itchy, we fig- Staff Reporter ured it W35 because we both had new sheers that were starchy and rough. !t wasn't until that we actually Remember Sophomores Ryan Hennessy and Mike saw bugs crawling on our beds," It was quite amaz- Woglom from room 203 in McDaniel \-lam If not, ing how it took so long for them to realize their room you should know that they had one of the most repul- was invested, bur Mardo Davis believes that, "it took sive rooms on campus this fall semester. them so long to figure it om because their room was The rwo where cramped up in the right quarters in a stat: of disaster from the moment they arrived on of room 203, with JUStabouc no room to breath. It campus did nor help that they both play on the Men's Lacrosse After the initial acknowledgemenr that their room team and had all their dirty lacrosse t:quipmenr STrewn was invested [he duo went direcdy to Michael Robbins acro5srhe room, creadnga putridsrcnchand a heap to seek advice. Robbins and rhe Res-life staff took im- ofamess. mediate aCtion, by relocated the two iOlOa nicer, larger Earlier mis year I did a McCrihs piece on Hen- room across campus in [he basement of DMC. nessy and Woglom's room, basically claiming it to be Woglom said, "they paid for our laundry hill, and me smeHiest/dirtlest room on campus. Woglom said, gave us some spending ea.,h to buy some things like "Your McCribs article W35 pretty embarrassing for me, pillows, sheers, erc.. It was annoying bur I am glad how bur I am nor going [0 lie it was pretty accmate." it turned out we now live in a berter room and we don'r As if a hurtful piece wasn't embarr:lssing enough have to worry about blood sucking insects feasting on Now that [he twOhave a larger space to live in and I~•• I for th~ sophomore lacrosse players, these twO fellows ouraelicious skin anymore." . had to evacuate their room during finals week fall se- mester due 10 the fact that their room was invested haveendeavored[hetrauma[icexperien~ofabedbug with bedbugs. infestation rhey have shaped up rheiract and have been Iv; Stated by Hennessy, ~weshould have said some- keeping a neat and tidy living space. Top five winter-weather musts for surviving wind on the Hill TEAL KOCH Staff Reporter I. A Wool Coat - Did you part about these two is that though a bit on the pricey flattening your hair or gener- know that wet wool is warmer you can very easily layer them side. Purchase something you ating (more) frizz, just keep than dry cottOn? Think you'll for double the warmth! Snag won't outgrow, such as a scarf, your ears frOStbite-free. have to spend a fortune to keep twO or three neutrals (black, and keep decolletage all year 5 .. A Sweater Dress -long, warm when sunny turns [0 btown, navy, grey) to com- round! shon, or no sleeves, a knit is sleet? Think again. I picked up bine with any outfit-even Exua Tip: Stores CUt pric- the easieS[way to wear adreu a short and sleek military-style black and brown! Try socks eS to empty out their winter in the cold. They layer under wool jacket from the WeStmin- over stockings as a way to keep stock before swimsuit season, COatS, over long sleeves and $ler Antique Mall for $15! warm inyourWellies. so look for cashmere in May can be thrown on just as easily 2. Knit Stockings and 3. Cashmere - It's light- or June! as those sweatpants you were Knee-High Socks -The best weight, soft, and super warm, 4. Earmuffs - Forget a hat about to wear.
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