Page 57 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 57
Does "The Rite" have the right stuff? process, even as the demon ups the stakes higher and DAVID CLEMENTS Stoff Reporter higher. Some may see it as another cash-in on the exorcism genre of horror, but at its core, "The Rite» is about find-' Renowned actor Sir Anthony Hopkins returned to the ing and holding onro your faith. Michael Kovak's faith horror scene rhls weekend with the release of his super- is questioned through the whole film, even after witness- natural thriller "The Rite." Dtrecror Mlkael Hifstrom's ing some nightmarish events, right up to the end when film is the latest to revolve around exorcisms, but does the demon involved is in his face. it live up to the original legend of The Exorcist, or com- 'Even Hopkins's character admits that after all his plerely Hop! . years as a priest and exorcist, his faith in God has shifted The short answer is neither. It's true that "The Rite" from time to time. The movie seems to want to drive certainly can't compare to William Peiedkln's origi.nal home the point that one's faith will always be tested and classic, but it doesn't actively try to, unlike the last few shaken, but holding on to it wlll be the most beneficial exorcism movies. While not strictly anti-Hollywood, ic in the end. departs from Hollywood's big blockbuster, special effects- "The Rite» must also be praised for its different por- trayal of demonic possessions. Hafstrom decided to show heavy sryle. Instead, Hafsrrcm went with quiet, low-key tension, them in a more realistic light-there is no vomiting of rather than strings of jump scares and blood and gore. r= soup or spinning heads. The victims shown instead The only special effects seen throughout were in the de- go through physical torment and speak in inhuman voic- tailed make-up on the actors rhar were possessed by de- es, the most noticeable sign being dark, veined skin. mons. The plor is also a departure from a conventional There is no grand climax if/when a demon has been horror flick. . released; it simply vanishes from its host. O'Donoghue's Lead protagonist Michael Kovak, portrayed by actor character even admits how anticlimactic it is. The biggest Colin O'Donoghue, starts out working as a morrlcian inaccuracy of the movie is in its opening statement that with his father in their business. From the get-go, it's demonic possessions are becoming something of an epi- clear that Michael is a conflicted individual. demic. In truth, the Vatican dismisses the vast majority Unhappy with where he is in life, Michael enters of possession reports as simple mental illnesses. seminary school, hoping to get himself a free college de- Considering it didn't have much hype behind it, "The gree. After four years, JUStas he is about to be ordained, Rite» was a pleasant surprise. While there weren't many Michael cannot bring himself to complete his school- scares to make you jump, the movie has a constant feeling ing due to his shaky faith. The Father Superior, believ- of tension from beginning to end. Christians and believ- ing Michael has a calling to be a priest, convinces him to ers in general will appreciate it far more than those that take a course on exorcism in Rome. There, he remains a don't, both as enrerrainrncnr and for its horror factor. skeptic, poinring OUt how most demon possessions end True, it is obviously pro-Christian, but it doesnr re- up being nothing more than mental illness. The priest ally come across as preachy. All of the actors were very teaching the class advises him to visit an old friend, Fa- real and believable, but unsurprisingly, Sir Anthony Hop- ther Lucas (Hopkins), an experienced exorcist with un- kins really steals the show. "The Rice" may not linger orthodox methods. Father Lucas takes him under his in your nightmares, but ir will stick with you and make wing while they work to rid a young pregnant girl of you think, especially if you believe. It certainly has the a demon. Michael's skepticism remains throughout the rightsruff. " . ilt..I2.c.iJ..ixtmoments that look sus- tC ous')' z e orainary» -Brian Andreas These are the mo~ents in your life that will stay with you for- ~:er and shape you into who you are. Live every moment like Its your last. -Sarn Segal' ••• pick thi, Up Predictions for the 2012 elections: Are you ready for more mayhem? people have even went on to claim that this cause he was a Catholic. thar the Republican parry is a very obstruction- was an anti Washington-insider elecrlon. Ron Paul has been polling well in maw- ist party char gets in the way of gerting things This is a little debatable because while it's polls around the Republican conventions (give done. According to www.Huflingronl', true rhar many Democrats who have held ten- an example). Analysts think that he doesn't re- Democrats like Representative Paul Rhodes ured seats for a long time like Alan Grayson ally hzve a shot, but, perhaps given the tide of have called Republicans extreme obstruction- and Chris Dodd lost and the Republicans have the Tea Party, maybe the elecrorare might want i~ts for wanting to limit the budget deficit. Rep taken control of Congress, Republicans and a libertarian like Ron Paul who believes in end- JIm McDermott has called rheir actions an as- the Tea Parry failed to take control of the Sen- i~~t:~i:~ttili~ ~~~:~:t~~n~as a srricr inter- sault on the New Deal. (fObama works with ate. People have elecred some previous Repub- P the Republicans on balancing things like the lican insiders such as Marco Rubio (who was But voters would most likely want a budget he could be seen as an obstructionist the former speaker of the House) despite the younger face in the White House. So, I don't in the eyes of the members of the Democrat- fact that it was supposedly an ami-incumbent think Republicans have a chance at winning ic party. election, or an anri-insider election, or however rhe Prcstdennal election. I don't believe the I could also see the 2012 Presidential elec- you want to put it. 2010 midterm elections were a mandate for [ion turning our well for Obama. When Bill There are a few elections coming up in Republicans. [believe it was only an election . Clinton was President he faced a similar sirua- 2012. There is not only the congresSional elec- against the Democrats and the stimulus pack- cion in the 1990s. He faced a Republican con- don which happens every twO years, but also Many people in America are facing hard gress and was able to balance the budget with JASONSIEGEt the Presidential election. Staff Reporter I predict that as f.i.ras rhe Presidenrial elcc- ~::~h~~g~~~::et~::t~fig~~t::~~ the pace of :;;~:~ we were able to experience budget rlon a number of things could happen. Idon't . I believe one of twO things could happen Bill Clinton worked with Republicans on Now [ know you're thinking wait, you're crazy. think that RcpubliCi:llls have a viable chance to WIth the DemocraLS. One, the progressives, the North American Free Trade Agreement and You can think about election predicrions way in win the Presidency. One of their main guys is who agree with Obama's belief in consensus he also worked with them on welfare reform. advance? Yeswe can! Mitt Romney. He is a front-runner, and he is a building, could form a coalition against 8a- Getting re-elected shouldn't be a problem for Well, okay maybe we can't pr~dict the fu- ture. Human behavior is unpredictable. The verystaunGh believer in religion. rack Obama and vote him out of office. Jon the Democrats, even in this climate. last few elections have been pretty crazy ... While Obama's religious beliefs have been Perr, on www.crooksandliars.comwroteapiece It all depends 011 how the Demo<::rats plan to work with the Republican party, if Obama We've' seen the masses go back to the Demo- questioned and put a certain sect of voters slamming Obanla for his belief in consensus ~ln work with the Republicans without seem- whether he was a building. ag.1ins[ him that questioned Crats, and [hen we've seen them go back to vote Christian or not, [he idea thar someone could Democrats could c!ect someone e.lsewho is Illg too much like he sacrifices liberal values for the Republican parry. What are we going to be so Jeligious and get inro office also scares mo:e of a hard-lined progressive who believes that the Democrats admire, and if the Oemo- See next? Who are they going to vote for? III !tbeta! causes and who isn't willing to COffi- crats try to elect someone else like Hillary Clin- Many election analystS have claimed that people. Back when John F Ken.nedy in Secondly, Democrats have claimed con, or Alan Grayson. the White House pt'Ople were afraid of him be- • promise. this was an ami-incumbent election. Some
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