Page 58 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 58
active male wrapped is inescapably or female of the sexually To fake or' esteem 1had always been orgasm obsessed. For a long time, no orgasm upin the idea of cumming. presenred with meant regularly failure. Imean, we're the importance of making your partner cum---ofren nor once, but multiple times! Just walk through a grocery store and count how many magazines not to fake could be categorized as either dit-orgasmic girls or vagina-orgasmic tour a bigger messages orgasm." about "having For me though, everything began with the idea that women OUt that women are beau- girls. Holy hell, was I delusional. It turned MAKHLYAG[NA --S=:-E==-X--- tifully, if not sometimes frusrraringly, complex. Some women want everything, and some need almost no work in order to explode. It'sjust that you never know what kind of lady MASHA you've got on your hands. And with this complexity, comes frusrra- Staff Reporter rion. According IO repom following the work of sexologists Masters and Johnson, plenty of men had felt that they had failed in sex ftom a It's taboo. It scares an),one fewoccurrencesofnorbeing;lbletobringtheirparrnersrodimax. who sleeps with women. rc the O~I1HE So, can women ever stick to a pact of never faking it"? The BigO,faked "'"",. ,0"",",,",1, pl'y,d. 1'1 to vo~~y;~i!~~e:~~~t~i~ ~Sn:i:~:.n should Stop being so afraid And we'll never know how If pornography is any indicator of our sexual models, then we're been doomed. In the five rep-rated and rncst-warched videos on Pornhub .• ""."",,-,,_ • com,, and Porn.corn, the female actors/participants never onccinsrrucred rhetr partners on how to give them pleasure. lu fa~t, women feelsuch a pressure to cum nowadays that many report ?emg unable to r~Jax1Jl make it happen. Otgasms are are acrivared by [he pamsymparhene nervous system, which calms us, not the sympathetic portion, which causes our fight-Of-flight re- sponse. So,a lady needs ro chf!l, feel good about herself and be able to enjoy the ride in order to get[Q that finish line. an orgasm. Then again, many women (and men) have said that they don't One sophomore, who wanted coremain anonymous, comment- feel char an orgasm should be a pinnacle of sexual activity, To be ed: ~With rnyfirsr boyfriend, Idecided rhar [would never fake it. I'd frank,some folks jusr like the experience of someone stroking their rather my man know how to please me than think he's been doing it junk, regardless of the end result. right. So I didn't. Turns our, there's so much emotional Irusrradon All in all, it comes down to communication and what you're for men at that age. Who knew? I've faked it ever since, mostly JUSt comfortable with. If you're willing to feel frustrated, even porenrially to get them off me before Iget so utterly bored chat the situation be- hurt, by a woman telllng you that some of what you tried last night ccmes morefimny rhan sexy" wasn't her thing, go tor it. [fyou listen, you'll end up having amazing And I doubt it's only young adult men-myone, even women sex that benefits the both of you. This requires women speaking up who sleep with other women, could succumb to feeling like shit in and their partners urging them on to feel secure enough to straight the sack if they knew they weren't satisfYing their partners. The self- up say what they need. Student life. I've always been very enthralled more years of experiences were taken cancer, and I wi!! ride to givescrcngth hospitals, cancer centers and hospic- es each. day during rhe ride. 4K for rheir to my friends and loved 'ones by rhe world around me, and I know from him. that I've been provided with the op- Cancerclaimsasignificamnum- who are srill barrling againsr cancer. Cancer also gives financial SUppOH non-profits I know my journey will be long cycles to portunity and ability co explore and ber of deaths per year. In 2007, al- and arduous, and will presem count- to local,cancercenrric we bike throllgh. in checommuniries of it for as enjo), every lnrle pan 8 fTlillion deaths worWwide mOSr Wlth the help and SlIPPOft of my caused by cancer. Chances are lnng '"" I can. I ";fTl fTlpli.h,,~ less challenges fn' fTle <0 overCofTle: ire of time I am al/otted With, and in- Wee" (0 someone dlng""~h! .fatlguc, ..."uc. e>ne (hough. I will formyrideacrossthecountry,lchal_ uncle was diagnosed with pancreatic erful enough \0 evoke some sort of join d07.ens of other riders just like lengeall of you [Q become an acdve and cerebral cancer. He had lived a response from you myself in an effort ro do our parr to member in the struggle against can- long and cdebrated life as a father. a In rhe summer of 2011, I will help tradicate cancer. Through fund- cer in some way. Donatecoanorgani- grandfather, and a decorated veteran bike cross-coun;ry from Balrimore, raising done by each tider,wewi!lbe zadon That suppOrts c~ncer research of chI' Baltimore City Police Force. Maryland ro San Francisco,Califor- able to suppon 4K for Cancer's mis- Volumeer. Fundraise. Just remember CHRIS BOlEST";-' But as his condidon progressed and nia over the span of GOdayswi,h the sion of spreading awareness, foster- that whatever you do, it contributes Contributor eventually developed lnw bone can- Baltimore-based organization 4K for ing hope and uniring c.ommunieits to chI' fight againsc cancer. cer, it overcame him and he passed Cancer. I will ride to honor my un- across lhe counry in the figh(against Jfyou would like [0 donatc to 3way eadier ,his yMr. Al'hough he cle's memory.! will ride <0 ~elebra,c CanCer. We do this 'hrough cancer fTlyrid~r fllnd. you Illay co'"aCI me I have b~.,n:an avid cydis<. explo«:r. had liv~d for "ever"l decad"s. his my f
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