Page 52 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 52
~"'lIl •• _il~~:I::I~~~::Ia"t."~Ia."'J: • FREE PRESS BEGINS NEW "ERA ONLINE KIM WILliAMS Edilor-in-chieF Seep the presses. Literally. Temporarily? The next rwc issues of the Free Press will be going green and mov- ing almost entirely OntO the website ( Almost entirely? Yes. Every rwc weeks, Free Press readers will still have some news in hand: a primed "teaser" will hit the campus to encourage readers to find full stories and awesome photographs online. With this bold move, the Free Press joins other college newspa- pers in trying OUt another method of bringing our readers the news. We hope that you all will follow us onto the web and give us the op- portunity to continue to provide Content of interest to you. The Free Press Twitter account (!/mcfree- press) and McDaniel Free Press page on Facebook will send out mes- sages about updates, so be sure to follow and friend us. For students who check out the web site for the next issue, there is a contest with a prize of $50 to Regal Cinemas in Westminster. To enter, simply pOSt a comment on an article. The names of every- one who comments will be placed in a hat, and a lucky winner will be drawn OUl. In addition, the Free Press is running a Facebook COntest from Feb. 22 to Mar. I. All you have to do is write "Support the Free Press going green! Read lhe@McDaniel Free Press online at mcdanielfree-," You'll need to like the McDaniel Free Press Facebook page and make sure to type@infromofMcDaniei Free Press. A con- .......... =.....~_...;;.==:.;.:=====::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;=::;;;==;.;... ....._...""'"' test participant will be randomly selected to win an Ipod rouch. Free .... - Press scaff are ineligible. Men's soccer team looks toward the future CULLENMURRAY-KEMP tion~ble behavior" by [he soccer team in- "The ream has been willing to embrace their squad looks for a more appropriate. way SlaffReporter cluded tasks rang-ing from scavenger hunts punishment and is excited to prove to the of bonding in the spring by cO'mpletlng a to the peer prompted sexual questioning of community that they are not bad kids." number of community services. Their work McDanielstudenrs. Smith emphasized that learning from within rhe community will include memor- This past fall season the McDaniel men's soc- The incidents "went against the McDan- this sirus ricn to enSure it will never hap- ing local soccer teams, and various forms of cer team faced some serious ehatges and ac_ iel Col\"S"- stan"", on h.""-'ng- " "'ola«'o" of pen"d again i~_ "''''5< ;',.,~on"nt. T~ a
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