Page 53 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 53
LIGHTER SIDE OF THE CAMPUS SAFETY BLOTTER QUICKVIEW Blotter by the numbers Students do more than just study over Jan Term ROUZER Drugs- 3 Alcohol- 5 didju5fthar. efforts. PAAVE Angry ar the cold weather and the strenuous In an attempt to make ~ye!lowsnow," twO Alcohol- .4- classes, siudenrs vented on anything rhey could more srudents were busted for public urihation. find. This venting look iIS roll on buildings and Jan Term was capped byan;ncidcntolltside NORTH VILLAGE parked cars alike, mounting to 10 separarc Cam- of Harlow Pool in which a eon-srudenr found it Alcohol. 1 Assault. 2 pus Safery wrire ups for malicious destrucrion of necessary ro rip every single light offofthe side of Vandalism- 6 the building. propcnyover rhe sborr break. The vandalism came [0 a fierce. climax on Jan Fortunarely,rhedisobedient intruder paid MCDANIEL HOUSE 15,:aka the day rbe Sreelers knocked ehe Ravens lUllrestitution and the lights were resrored--good Alcohal-l OUI ofrheplayo!fs in carascrophic fa.shion. The GARDENS nigh[hddfourscparatevandalismscandals,rhr~ Jan Term 2010-2011 here at McDaniel was Alcohol-l CULLEN MURRAY-KEMP inNorthVillagealon~. eventlUl to say the least. Students srocd srrong in Staff Reporter Yer,as rhe holiday continued the criminals upholding rhe reputation: No serious learning or LEVINE HALL Jan Term isa time for[igh,schoolworkand rc- and crimes became mor~ inventive and, well, fes- srrenuous academic endeavors... pany on! Alcohol- 1 laxaTion for the 300 or.SO McDanid students (ive. One jovial Christmas fanatic, thoughrir nee- who rcmain on campus over the br& cvery essaryroadd rohisholidayornamentcoHection (Edilors NOM· This (olumn b] Cullt";' WARD year.Still,in rhe words of the infamous Beastie by thieving Christmas decor:uions from Hoover dMicaud IOJ~m. oflhe ralls to whirh Co.mpusS4ftry offiun Alcohol-l Boys,~You'gott;l fight, for your right, to pan- Library. Needless to say, the fanatic was hit with mpond./n,idml' arruallyom
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