Page 33 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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;a~l:a:a:;l~l:l.1."'C:.J~'~GrDf.!.'~¥.[':I'1I[.__ .,__ In response to recent suicides of gay teens MASHA MAKHlYAGINA second-leading cause of death on college campus- "lf you or someone you care about displays Staff Reporter es, a fact that rings painfu!lypenioent for loved any of these warning Signs, do not hesitate to October 20, 2010 onesofTylerC!ementi. call The Trevor Ufdine at: 866-4-U-TREVOR Th~e words are forced. They are hard to write. A screamed video ofa homoerotic act be- (866-488-7386) to speak with a trained volun- Wear purple in memory of all who They are hard to read. Bur doIr. [WeenTyler and another male student at Rutgers teer counselor." Or visit www.rheuevorprojece. hove taken their lives in response to !..asrnight!wasattheAlIiesnfeetingandfi- University outed Tyler as "gal. Shordy sfcer me org. Please. homophobic abuse. nally,finally all rhe pain of me recent suicide trag- video scandal, Tyler jumped to his death off the edi~ swept over me. George Washington Bridge. 'Why should we care about [he web of sui- Openly gay Raymond Chase of Johnson and 8 PM - Red Square ctdes! Because it all ties back rc the world that Wales University hung himself So did Seili Walsh McDaniel Allies and Aclive Mind, will be hasling a we live in, the world where we are fascinated by and Justin Aaberg. who were only thirteen years Rfport~r's Nott; My.friend Hanna Barker wrou who people love, who people kiss, who people old and Billy Lucas, who was fifteen. Asher Brown an ;lIcrtdibk bwg for Admi;sions Ihm can apms vigil to honor the recen!victims, os well as every· hold hands wirh, and who people are. anracred used his stepfather's 9 mm Beretta to take his life my emotions and thou of the members who ruer~ one else who has bellied depression due Ie bully- after being teased for "gayness." In mOST of these p!'(Selll for brmr than 1 (an (11 is titl"d "In mponu to. While my friends have tried ro make Allies II safe, positive space for non-heterosexual individ- cases, harassment has followed the srudenr like a to (hI' nacida of gay trfflS across thr CO/Wiry" IIl1d ing. Information and resources obout depression ualsandtheitstraightal!ies, Ican't spin this into dark. unshakeable cloud. Every teasing. disgust- can b~ foulld til htlp:lladmissj~lls.mcdanieI.(du/ end ,uicide will be available an entertaining piece because the hearts of those ing word thrown at them was the equivalent of tnbid!3520IDrfaulr.tlSpx). mourning all across the nation are not amused. rhe rope or the gun rhar ended their lives. We are wretched with loss and we acknowledge Why are W~ $0 obsessed, maddened, and driv- Do ou want to ta e action? that this is me saddest marker for a need for our en to harassment ... violence ... hate ... by some- efforts'continuation. one's dedaration of what gwder they love or are Iby Hanna Bgrker According to the Trevor Project, which aims attracted co? (ompu!Prioe, the na~on'sleoding nO!l1lrofltQ(gonizafion thot work! with LGSTand ol)y college to Promore acceptance and prevent suicide of You might disagree with homosexuality. You !tud~nlS,i!(QllingfaraIllgB~Unj-;arlltytQexpBIDMrunRoviandMollyWei,the students that invuded might feel disgusted by irand distance yourself Tyler Oementi's pril'ltty and ultimately drove him to lump Irom the George Wnshington Bridge. ~;u~Jd~n:~;~~~:~s;snf~:~h(~~:~s::t::~~:r:;:~ from all mings having to do with "nor-straight- The RutQel! Uni'lBrsily (ode of Sludent Icndurt prohibits'mokingoroM empling tu make un audio u~1YOUth.This number skyrockets when these in- ness" (and I pity you if you do, because you're 01 vioeo rerording 01any pernln(sj on University premises in bothrol)ms, showers,bedroom!,orother d1Vidualscornefrom rejecting families, especial- missing out on having some terrific people in premises where there isun 8xpertotion of privory with respBdlD nudity ond/orsexuaIOdivily,withoUlthe ~ew;rh :r~nsgender youth. Wa~r concrete num- your life). But keep your putrid hatred ro your- knowledgBondtonsentolal1 ptlrlitiponts subject to sum retordings:nt( ordingtoComp~Pride. ts. SUICIdewas (he mird leadmg cause of death self. Every rejecting acr you throw at us is sharp- Tatukeodion,{ampuIPrioeilurgingpeaplelOtontodRutgerspr~ident aimurd Mt(ormitk at 732· among young people 15 [0 24 years of age in ening the murder weapon of a crime you don't 9]2-7454Ofonlineot 2009. Over time, we have seen that suicide is the want on your conscience. New clubs to ioin on campus KRYSTINA SHULTZ Inuoducing the Humans vs Zombies Club is the Presi- Stoff Reporler denr, Tarin Grosso. "This club is about bringing people to- gether who would nOt cross paths omerwise to have a good time killing 1.0mbies or hunting down human tribes who Sorting mrough all me clubs on campus is quite a task. The fight for survival wi[h nerf guns and sock grenades," Tarin clubs across campus are numerous wim academic clubs, vol- said. The dub meets on Friday at 7:00pm in Ensor Lounge unteer clubs, special interest clubs and quirky clubs. All and missions will be announced at least every other Satur- these dubs are vying for your petsonal attention. Several day. Questions~ JUSt COntactTorin at tcg003@mcdanid dubs have a small mark aeinsr them: [hey are the new clubs on campus. ey """ .tie ch"Uenge ..rprorno. ns ~""'II"'" moving your boocIy.... d "..ny? The Belly ll;o"",~ sdve5 ro a campus rhar has never heard of .hem. Of course, jng Club meco:son Wednesdays ar 6:30 in ,h~ Dance Sru- IhavetohavecompassionforthisdubandOlhern~wclubs, dio, which is hiding in the b=mcnrofGill Gym. Cindy so perhaps! can give them a bit of spotlighr. Yes, rhis is sort-3, kind-of, a litde bit of a promotion. Bur don'r stOp ~~~:,~~\~:~~~~e~:[;i::~l;~~~::~!c:r :~n~~;~~~~~::~ Reading! The new clubs on campus roo~ like r.hI'Y'~311.s~r outbecausethechlbis~thinkingofhostingsomedance-offs (0 cause quir.1'a bit of commorion. We rc college kHlS, It S on Glmpus and raking trips to belly dan(;ing rcsraurants.~ our Job mcause a commor.ion. . You'll get to show oR' some ELncymoves wirh your bdly. If I suppose I'll Staft the imrod!lctions. I am Co-PresLd~m rh~ D~nce Studio is hiding from you, try cmniling Cindy at of Random Acrs (Interrupting Starfish) Club. Our Fmt Random Act was a spectacular pillow fight in Red Square Hey! AUyou gamers, mere is now a Video Game Club. that lasted about five minutes and was easy to end quic~Jy. [t m~etson Friday ar 7:30 in Hi!l104 (try keeping ail these Next tim!' someone will have to bring a pillow fil~edwah days and times strnighl in your head). It s~ems that g:tming feathers. We'renowinrheprocC'ssofplottinganllltricate tournaments will be held, bur you'll have [0 get yourself [0 random act so keep your eyes open alldalerr. To find OUt me dub to jump in on the games. Contact Jamanl Barnes at about upcoming events (and about our randolll ~ame) you jcb003@mcdaniel.eduifyouwanttogetg:tming. can show up co a meering on Friday at 6:30 in Htll !04, or NOI up for all thesescrenuolls physical activities? Pres- email me, Krysrina, at , id~nt of 11,<:Olive Branch, Rub. Zaru mid me the club is Did you bring a bicycle co campus? Good for you about "promoting non-violence in (he middle east ancl glob- That'S the smarr way fOget around. J walk. The new bike baly, [and] exposing McDaniel students to a diff~renr side of club is a great outlet for you to en!oy your bicycle m~re Arab culeure, language, traditions, politics, etc." The club often than one of those "I'm late!" nd~ to class. The bike is looking to hold a Hookah Nighr; in the Gazebo, but the dub does both road cycling and mountain biki~g. ~L.ERT: dare has yer to be decided upon. In the spring rh~ dub is This Oct. !7 Baltimore has a "Ride ro Save-A-Llmb bicycle event. It raises money for people who have ~ Illissing lim~, planning to become more active, :I.lldif you have any ques- joiot or physical deformity. Mounmin biking events ~tl~ tions, ideas, stories, feel free to email Rul3 at rsz002@mc- be coming up within the nen month, so get ready to (Ide. Meetings arc on Tuesdays at 9, and any qu~sdons can be [hope these new dubs 50und interesting because 1 GIn wheeled off to the president, Christopher Bosco at cabOl5@ guarantee they'd love for you tojo;n. Each new face adds another dimension to [he face of the club. Thetop 10 1)You'renol an artist, s
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