Page 29 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 29
Englar Dining Hall renovation plans to commence this winter after finals, students look forward to changes EMMA SIMON ingrhisnews. Pectures Editor ''I think it's kind of bogus just co focus on aesthetic changes when the nutritional value and qualiry of the food served should be the main priority. Iwould be happier about the changes being made While students get to take a brearher berween rheir semesrers this if the food was also being changed," said junior Joanna Boccio. Winter Break, others will be hard at work as the much anticipated Senior Amhony Gordon anticipates the modifications, despite dining hall changes will commence JUSt after finals. the fact that the food is staying as is. From the floor 10 rhe ceiling, Englar Dining Hall will be re- "I think the r",novation project pretty exciting," said Gordon, ceiving a complete facelifr over this period of time. Students have "The facr that the college is making a conscious effort to apP"':lse been anxiously awaiting these renovations and are excited to see the the students is r",freshing. If nothing can be done abOUTthe food, outcome after viewing the diagram, which was displayed in Clar on livening up the furnirure is the next best thing. I'm glad !'Il get to Sept. 30 during the "Pick Your Seat" voting. enjoy lr for my last semester," Junior Emily Davis is eager to see the rransformaticn."] am re- Jan Term students will be among the first to see some of the ailyexcited about the changes. I think this will definitely be a posi- renovations for themselves as they pass Clar on their way to their rive change for the campus. It's a much needed mature change for temporary cafeteria, the Forum. Students returning for Spring se- the school and the entire student body," said Davis, who also added mester could also be temporarily moved to a differem eating factl- that she is excited for Clar to lose its "high school" feel. as well. Doors will be opened in this area [0 expose an area with a iry aa well. Dr. Ethan Seidel, Vice President for Administration and Fi- couple of rables and glass windows. The Forum has been reserved for this purpose for the first few nance, has played a role in the changes and has confirmed that the "Ihe glass windows will allow more natural fight in," said weeks of the semester as well, because it is likely that renovanons diagram seen in Glar during the chair voting is a good indication Seidel. will nor be complete until mid February. of how the dining hall will look in the Spring. The staging on the righr, however, will stay. An impcrtanr "I'm pretty sure the project won't be finished by the end of "There are still a few weeks r",frin the design process. Once we change occurring behind this (the staging closest to the porch) is Jan Term," said Seidel, who also noted that portions of the dining get a contractor, we can get a cost estimate and decide what designs that glass windows will be inserted berween the staging itself and hall may be ready for use by this time while other sections are still will fit within the budget," said Seidel. the porch. Along with rhis, there will be doors to enrer the porch being worked on. What have been finalized are the structural changes that will area that will be able to lock during non-dining hours. Junior Kelly Clancy is looking forward to returning to a nearly occur. The entrance of the dining hail will be moved towards the "The dining porch can then be used as a student meeting unrecogniz.ableeatingfadlityin the Spring, even ifiris nor unrlla kitchen, which will allow the walkway to be separated from the place," commented Seidel. few weeks into rhe semesrer U[ thinkremoeral Phenomenal opportunities This is the second time the !I!obi~ ~o;:h:t ;o::~~n~e~eli~~ arts (M.L.A.) degree. and conrinual progress define ball ~~ili~~~~ll~j:i~ ~~~twon a dub has hosted the event, but McDaniel and at satellite classes GPS. As much as these forces We have a number of five prize basket featuring McDaniel it's not the dub's second year. indicate that GPS is in a con- The club began four years ago, :~!u~:e~/~heS~;:~ J~s~:~;.!::ff ~~[far:i~ia~~ ,::~~e: ~.'te~ft:: stant state of change, reinven- ~~~d~e:ilit~~£: ~Idbm~:;'ir:~; in 2006. The club focuses on spotlighr individual prof.ams so four years and the M.S. in the tion and growth, we stick to raising the most money; she raise ~h~/~~~~~af~~~o~~~ Idea of fifth year. This is a wonderful doing day-to-day business in the $480. The Phi Della Theta Fra- ~;; th~~~~la~! t~g~:.nXddi~!n~l~ manner to which we are most ac- opportunity thar will give you a Most undergraduates do nor leg up over your peers whon you customed - teaching, learning, ternity raise the second highest they host eventS, like the memo- know much about GPS, and I enter the workforce with an ad- and supporting professional de- amount of $246. who attended ry walk, on campus that relate to Students ~i:~~~e~: ~~ ~~rr~~~~e aalr~~ vanced degr",e - jusr a year after velopment with a commitment thought the event was success. ~~r:;tt~~~SJ't~b;;~~~c~~~b;;~ finishing your undergraduate to excellence. Aidaux Caro-Arty, junior and chology majors to be a parr orche We started awarding graduate degree. . Check out our web site. JUSt of all majors can degrees as far back as 1935 and We have made remarkable click "Graduate Srudies" 011 the membet of the club, said she was club. Students in the club. U[Ger_ be involved have grown from a handful of progress in expanding online McDaniel home page. You may :::~!~sh:rf?e a;v~~;.c~t:~ino~~~~ students to a point where we an- ·coursework. As of Fall 2010, s"'''' your future waiting for you. onrology] can be applied to any- nually see about 3.000 different ren Fischetti said the club "did a thing," said Killian.
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