Page 32 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 32
PAIGE PRICE SlofiReporler Sevenpeople,hours of work, one dog, one goal. Canine Companions for Indepen- dence, or CCI, is a dub at McDaniel that i.slOcusOOonrrainingadogtobecomea service dog. They are cirrremly rrainlng Whit) who is a bL1Cklab and golden reciever mcc "Whitis II months old and very willing to learn. In order to become a service dog, Whithas ro accomplishseveral commands. These commands include responding to their name, huny~sir, Ids go) kennel, wait, qualification. and shake. Per these interested in becoming part "There is one command, however, that ofCG or seeing whar ir is allabout, meet- W'hithasytttomaster.Barldng. ingsare held Mondays at 7 p.m. The dub roAbigailVickers,the presidemofCCI, the holds fun events like Halloween parties fusrcimeWhirbarked,he.scua:lhimselP' and partakes in fimdraces throughout me There are four differenr types of com- year, paniondogs: the servicedog, 6dlity dog, Anyone would like tc take Whil fOra skilled companion dog, and me hearing walk musr first meet the members ofCCI dog. BecauseofW'hir's lovable personal- for safery purposes and be approved. But ity,Vlckes thinks thar he would be a grear gentlemen beware, Whit is nota tool for companion dog. picking up the ladles! "f-IelovestoUlddleand bas a laidback Mc:Danidisluckytohaveagroupof character,"saidVickers. He would also be individualswho take rimeOUtOrtheirbusy an cursmoding servtce dog becauseof his schedules to help train a dog to be a com- size. Aloog whh bls doclle personaliryhe panion for a personin need. has a quirky obsession with squeaky toys. Whitwill be one yearold next month When raising an animal, especially and he deservesto know what a g=tjob astrvicedog,rourineschedulesarekey. he isdoing. Next time Whir is seenaround Whit is in his crate for no longer than an campus, be sure to Stopand givehim a pat hour and a hall per day, which means he on me back, KEEPING UP WITH KAYA Kayo, the white Lcbj-odcr mix thot lived in the eel house lost ~or, hos groduoted from being 0 "puppy-in-training" Wha< do YOll ge, wh~n you combin" three Alpha Sigma Phi bro,hers. an English major, an Art Major, and a friple Biology- Chemi"'r.-l"'h)'lliClt ~h:t:,~c~~:no~;~~:~es~:~si~~~~n~i:,::~:~~~;~;:~ m::ljo,! "The b-cSl. Apartment. E~cr. AtLee Baker. Chris Shencn. Lucalt Spe,b",. Tim Hny & Sam Segallct u. everyday. in for a peak of their common room which nor only includes a large dvd, rwc televisions and sport5inemorabHia fining rhe walls, bur a periodic table, typewriter from the 1940'5~nd a 'I-inch floppy disk, showing each of the residents' character. Service in the 60's Dorm Room De icacies RHAElYNN GIVENS· then spend the school year gathering funds and CAITLIN ROETHEll supplies for. Then over the summer, some of the parrici- paring members assisted with the projece on lo- Knock Knock. Who's there? Sixty. Siuy who? cation. Appalachia. Oklahoma, the Philippines, I never had Hamburger Helper as a kid. My mom said it tasted like card- Sixty-Nine Dude! JUSt kidding. The '60s weren'r Puerto Rico, and Mississippi were JUStsome loca- board and powdered cheese- nothing her three children would ever eat ... jusl aboul Woodstock, rhe Manson family, and tions that rhe motivated 5.0.5 students went 10 and then I lived with my friend Tim Hoy. Viemam protests. In fa<;l, the 1960, was a re- create positive changes. markable era wrought with change thai passionate ~S.O.S. was something ... that changed peo- Tim's 1ft, love with ~h's stuff a~d he hos, unhealthily, fue1ed my love for It peopleunitedtoaffe<;t. ple's outlooks ... they gOt a different perspecnve ... as well It s quick It s easy It s deliCIOUS The Civil Rights and Feminist Movements, when [they] actually workled] with peopJe," rc- formarion. of the New Left, and popularization of fleered Zappardino. It's horrible for you. an like Andy Warhol's famous Campbell's Soup Hinge was designed for those who wanted to image, were all integral rc the definirton of chis create ties to [he local community through one- This week I decided to take on this delicious meal in a little healthier light. inrenselyidealistic era. on-one rnenrortng and tutoring local children, M<;Danid College, then Western Maryland, mainly minority kids from Union and Charles was no different as it housed passionateSludents Streets. This :ilctive involvement and witnessing Micro.a,. Ha.. bur•• r H,lp.r who felt they could make a change through com- of change demonstrated the effect one person can munityservice. directly have on another. 1/2 box. of sh.ort pastaJziti, rotini or These students were searching for authentic Along with reaching OUI and bonding with macarOni are goo choices) experiences thaI Ihey had not yet encountered i~ communities, the students who participated in 1/2 pound of ground beef . their lives so far. Among these youth was a for- S.O.S. or Hinge were also the leaders in change 1/2 cup cheddar cheese mer McDaniel College student, Pamela Zappar- on McDaniel's campus. They helped lO abolish 1/2 cup of water dina, who in an intnview with Naomi Raphael, unfair curfews and in making ROTC not manda_ 1 cup of milk the Director for Community and Outreach Ser- tory. This activism came from the feeling that me 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch vice, revealed how enthusiastic and dedicated the students nOt only had the opportunity to change 1 tablespoon Chili powder McDaniel students of the '605 were about mean- their own community, but the responsibility 10 1 teaspoon salt ingful community service projects. do so, given the advantage of being a parr of this 1 can sweet peas Zappardino and olher studenrs approached campus. professors Ira Zepp and Earl Griswold 10 be Today on campus we see hundreds of clubs advisors for a soon-to-be community ser- with dwindling members, doing little more than First, put the ground beef into a lor . vice organization that acmaHy gOI something meeting weekly to dis'cuss possible projects. up into piec~~ 50 it will cook faster. C~:ktowave. safe dish and break it accomplished. While some of these plans are PUt into action, thrl?ugh. If It 15 not cooked entirely after 10 o~ 10 mmutes, stirring halfway oft was a time in rhe country when things the lasting impact tends to be minimal and rare- unfll cooked. minutes, add a minute at a time wece changing ... students felt Ihey could have ly stimulates interesr past th~ completion of the impacts globally and locally,~ said Zappardino. project. Add the cheese, milk, cornstarch ch'l" The students and advisors were able to cre- Student's attention spans just don't last past !"ea!. Partially cove.r and return to ~icr~~ p0'fder and salt to the cooked are twO community service organizalions thar the free milk and cookies. We, as a campus, Ing time after In 2 mmute inter ....als Sf ' ave or at least 20 minute dd McDaniel had during the 19605: S.O.S and should look 10 [he example of McDaniel in the ' IFIn peas and let cool. 5, a - Hinge. Student Opportunity Service (S.O.S) '60s to gain inspiration for :.l.passion of our own Get a plate and dig inl The sweet resembled a homegrown Peace Corps where sru- in the apathetic 21st century, JUStas Zappardino added, and [ tend to add a little bit of nh~: of the peas. compliments the 5 It den,s picked a location outside the local com- advises: • I Sauce to satisfy t~e palette a munity and worked with members of that com- "Students today need to find their own brand Also, If you re not a fan of d . munity. This involved org:.l.nizing a project to of activism. Students can have a voice." takes less timel Fe meat, tuna can easily be substituted and
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