Page 34 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 34
REAllY?1 It's just beer •••• CULLEN MURRAY-KEMP STUART FISCHER Stoff Reporter Staff Reportor r was home alone, doing laundry, My friend Amanda was preguanry and though rhe baby was due in aboui a week, The issue=-enforcemenr ofdrin'king laws technically it CQuId come at any time. $0, when my other on college campuses-sweeps across the friend Paul, who is [he farher, called me, J figured it had nation unwanted among somerhing ro do with the baby. 1 was wrong. Really, re- st.udents sparking faculry alike. tension problem and The ally wrong. h,ts home here at McDaniel College. Stu- "Dude, do you remember Score Laderer?" he asked dents are participating in "unsafe drinking,~ ! responded. "Yeah," because J did. Paul and I had when safe, responsible methods to bavtng a been in Boy Scours together, and SCOll had been in our good rime with alcohol are fairly trouble- .. troop. free. It may s_eem a simple issue for students or for policy enforcers, yer the "He killed somebody," said Paul. My firsr thought was, what? bur after an awkward si- ::~I:s~plc::fU in rhcaining mem;and human lllindst:t asweU isdifficult. halj.,indudingv~t3ri3n.vcgan,foodsfor .. udenlSwl\h allergies and 5pedal dictllry neMs: MO!It schools ... when: Today, like~ryothcr, Some might think me heartless for what I'm about JacsMcllinid fall in ,h"'ca'cgory1 One could argue Monday. Wednesday, to say,but it's the uulh. r 6nd it difli~"lt.o sym thm: that thq provide options _you arc allowed 10 choose and Friru.y, I went to havt: with ~ rn;cb in a cnmped ClgC, or a turkey chi: that between Ihe wil ..:d leltuce possibly tTe3tcd wilh MSG iunchat Glar. Igot in the dotSntgetro=lhestm.shin~.lhonestlyfednosadnes5 and rhe hummu., you 5aW 5rirted up to fix the natu",l s:mdwlch line, orderal oremOcionfurmeseanimals. Whn", ! do enjoy the idea separation ofoHsthat hasmkcn placceach nigh. for the myusua[,ands:ttOOwn. I ~f petS and want to someday have an adorable pug puppy, ,hroe-plwwceksdt:uilhasbc:enserved.lhcourlookon took me first biteand..,. ali7.ed! was eating ham. I...., never felt veJ)'do:se to animals: unnamed de- in Glar is bleak. yet made any final de- ment.perhapsfea,.orself-a:nren.:dness.haskeptadisrance Ham is meat! or cour.;e, I ha""n'l CARA GOODMAN However grim rhe prospcclS of change mayap- betwtenanimalsan~myself.lhisdetachmentisprobably dsioll'laboulbccominga~an,butwhatifJdc:-cide, Stoff Reporter pear,iti~possibl •. Onegradualesrudem.,UGBerkc- yes. I will not eat meat? No more ham sandwiches fut me. ;:;ythc"~~a!lJmalsandyoushouldloo"argument IqfQundrheopdonsquhelimi,ro ... anddid50m"-lhing ~,smalwaYSF.illsIO impteS1l me. However,an What am Jsupposc:toc:;otlnGlarifnmmeru:? Evc:'}'!hing aboutil. ·!bcrc:markablepanwasrhathcwassuccc:ssfUJ. good (as much as anything in G!armn bc:good) is=c ==:: ~=::in but ~m adifferenr emphasi.l AIm,»! every i"wming freshman wond~ .. how to avoid '!biswaspcrhapsductorhcfacrthal,accordingtoVcg- Hamburgers. rnk.ken s:tndwichlS, oh god chicken s:md- welfare f . pact me. lhis:uw.unent involl'l'S me Ihe inf.tmous "f~hman lifu:cn." Wilh the hdp of Glnr, et:IrianTImes, "jal poll of dorm ruidcnlS [al UC-Bcrk.· wichcs!llIn=gertoeatChick.fil-aagain.N..-vcragain I have found a solution: vrganisrn. The stunning lack ley) found IS%areveg
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