Page 28 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 28
~_r'IIJ.1I['_il=~:I::II~=~~~"II~la'll: • Changes to SGA allocations process cause challenges for many campus organizations KIM WILLIAMS cess. The paperwork was due so early that our cartons, which is preposterous considering most Editor in Chief dubs barely even had t·ime to have our first meet- clubs got their allocation confirmations several tng, much less plan OUt our event schedule for days ago. The experience I had with allocations the entire year," was horrendous, all in all. There was such chaos Items that will not As srudenr leaders went through the SGA's al- "I jusr fed like there wasn't enough rime [0 and miscommunication." be allocated: locations proce5.l, many noticed changes. Clubs properly plan a year's worth of events and submit Everyone involved admits that change can be were required to submit a budget laying out a concise but detailed budget on time," said se- difficult. ~Any time there's a change in a process, their plcnned eveors for the year and exactly how nior Bryan Yarringron, Co-President of Women's it's challenging, ~ said Dean Ger!. aT-Shirts money would be used for each Issues Group. Geel said ~Fnmration doesn't surprise me, ~What happened is in previous years, it was Senior Nick Bender, President ofSGA, said, bur Ithink this process will ultimarelybea more CPrize$ basically first come, first serve, and we wanted to "Because we had to do it in the fall ir's led to prob- traasparenc thing fOTsrudentsand SGA.I was iru- a Decorations prevent that from happening. We wanted [Q pro- lems of people having to plan their whole year in a pressed that many organizations put a lot of work mote fairness and equality for everybody and giv- few weeks but we wanted ro get rhe ball rolling." into planning and what they want to do for rhe a·Advertisement ing everybody a chance" explained sophomore "A lot of people questioned why forms were year. Ithink..the key in the new allocations process C Food ot on event where the HayoungKim,treasurerofSGA. - due early this year. We didn't expect that question is preparing treasurers and key members on how "giving away of the food" i~ One aherarion in the proc~ss is that rer_ and we're trying to come up with how ro berrer to have a good understanding and how to plan not the MAIN event rain purchases will no longer be covered by al- address that," addedKim. ahead and have an effective budget.~ C OJ's without on invoice or locations. Some srudenrs fdr that rhese items are Not only is the early timing an issue for some Members of SGA also experienced the pro- a quote purchases that will have to be made and should he students, bur the length of time that had to be cess from the orher end, Bender said "I'm a club covered. ~SGA is no longer covering many food, covered in the budget. "While ir may be reason- leader roo in Phi Delta Thera. I understand be- publicity, and decorative com, which will inhib- able for the college to create a budget for the en- cause I'm a club leader myself, it's hard." it a lot of smaller dubs or affiniry groups" com- rire year (as an insricuticn}, a ccllege srudenr con- Kim, said, "Lasr year we were granted menrcd junior Masha Makhlyagina, President of ceives of time in terms of semesters," remarked $37,800. This year we were granted $37,800, the Bender said of the money that has already Allies and the Vice Presidem of the Commuter senior Jake: Friedman, President of Philosophy exact same amount," and added rhar, "22,000 been allocated that "it's definitely not going to be Students Association. Club. is for club allocations and $7000 is for co- the full $22,000. We've only spem 75% ofrhat ~If we had enough money we'd be happy to Dean of Srudenrs cnd Vice President for Stu- sponsorship." plus the $7000," and contin- serve you. We need to see how many people can dent Affairs, Beth Gerl, said, uWhat I hope that For those curious about where the money uedthat"ifyoudidn'treceivemoneyforanevent, , benefit from it~ and continued that, ~We need students can gain from [hi~ is rhe ability to do that doesn't go to srudenr allocations goes, Kim you can revise your budget and reapply and we'"e to think how can we save money and still be fair. better planning, maybe strategic planning, for outlined, ~We give a lot of stuff to freshmen on- offered suggestions. Wc want to make sure dubs Yoursuhstiture for paper is technology. It's those the year. It helps students to think 'What are we entation, like lanyards and cups. That rakes up are coming back because we have rhar money," kinds of questions we come across. We have to gonna do fOf the year' rather than shott term. It a large chunk.. It's aLio for homecoming Senior Rachele Fonier, President of Justice think of alternatives," said Kim, also gives an opporrunity for students to rhink and leadership retreats for senators and execu- League, added. "1 think it is good rhat the money The early due dare of budgets, Sept. 17, was more ahead about collaborarlon, to better share rive members (srudent government leaders). We is allocated for specific things and [hat the SGA an issuefotmany. Senior KendraShillenn, co- their resources and talents." also have money set aside for LCDs [television,]. is beingStficter about returning receipts. Clubs should always be held accountable for how they presidenr of Women's Issues Group, President of Some STudentswere confused by the proceS5. Nothing is promised,bur we set aside money for are spending their money. Also, it is good the Environmental Action Club, and Vice Presi- Makhlyaginasaid, "[ was never notified ofalloca- LCDS so we have better communicadon for stu- plan ahead and I think the process is much more to dell( and Treasurer of (he Belly Dancing Club, rion form dfad!ines and, as of [OCt. 7], am still dents, We're thinking of spending between $3000 streamlined but definitely think it needs some said, ~!hadtroublewirhrhi5year'saHocationpro_ waiting to hear back from SGA about my allo- to $4000 but every plan is tentative." tweaking for next year." Pizza Rivalry: Mustangs vs. Domino's "Tales from- the Clit" developed to facilitate discussions of . WARREN KRAFT female sexuality Stoff Reporter Whar do Dominoes do? Thev fall. Thar BRITTANYROBINSON perfurm in ''Tales from the Clit," unlike seems to be the case with'the Mus- Stoff Reporter "The Vagina Monologues. "Every time I Tang'S,Domino'sriva!ry. finish with the 'Vagina Monologues' and Domino's has been serving Mc- 'Cocktales' producrion~, Ibemoan the fua Daniel students for about [Wenty years Pull uur your planner and flip to the that then::is no femaleequivalent to 'O>ck- now, and business has recently slowed momh of December. Now take your tales' (where men and women on campus down sin~e the opening of Mustangs pen and save the date Dec. 2 at 7:30pm talk: about issuesrelated (0 men and sexu- Piua on Aug. 10 2010. [}Qrninoes because you will want to be in Alumni ality). Talesfrorn the Oit is basicallyan at- Manager Sean Gomarek confirmed ,hat Mustangs posed a threat to Dom! Hall. W:h~? There ~willbe a premiere of tempt ro address this ga ," said Raley. ino·shusiness. "Definitely the fact that McDanIel 5 ~h~w Tales of rhe Clit.~ Raleya!sowenton t: explainthe rea5On- they are doser and open later has really . The .sh~s tide ~ ir sound like it ing behind the performance's ride. "It hilS affected Qur sales," said Gontarek. will bcsunil~to the VagmaMonologues." "dit" and NOT vagina in the ride boo:luse I Every year Domino'ss<:nds our fly- ersadv~rdsingtheirla[estdea!stoMc- ~~:::~:,~~:~:;:~: fin,dit~ra~th~di=i~nsofwo.m- Daniel srudenrs. These deals are very '''Tales from dte CJjc' ~will] be com lereli en s sexuality IS50 ~na-:cenOlc, meanUlg good, but they do not compare to differem &omme VaginaMonol P" Y we focus on women s vagmas even though Mustangs 20% discount for McDan- Raley said IDerewere three m~cllirer- meditoris iswidely regarded as the prima- ielsrudents. ences between the two productions. The ~~0u.:e of women's sexualplea5u re . ry Bunky, the manager of Mustangs ~~tdHfc:n:nceis the ~VaginaMonologues" ThIS IOPlC,WlU be the fOCllS o.f,my.perfor:, Piz1.a,said the reason why Mustangs is IS acorporaceproductiondeve!opedbyEve m Tales from me Clit thISyeM, ~ce doing so well is beCiuse he worked very Enslerthat is focused on raisingaw:m:nes.s sa.tdRaley. hard to marker his business, and that of violenceagainstwomen, whereasthe pur- . However, thisshow isnot meant to oit- hard work is now paying off. In addition to the great deal, post: of 'Tales from the Clit· is to celebrate ime the 'Vagina Monologues.' 1he Va- some srudents prefer the atmosphere women's sexualityand fOstera mon: open gina Monologues is a fam:asricproduwOI1 of Mustang Piu..a. Bunky and rhe Haif dialogueabout issuesrelated rowomen and that Istrongly supporr. I've been involved engage in conversarions with McDan- socuaJityboth on our campus and in the with it since my fim year at McDanicl," rulture at large, said 1Wey. iel students and more often than nor U said Raky. you leave the store with a great Story The second major difference is ~Tales The show is already gerring 3 good re- totdl. fro~ the Clit~ will reature original man:ri- sponsc.According to Raley, when she m~- "I rhink Mustang's isa much bet- aL ['Th<", Vagina Monologues'] are wrinen tiolled the performance to her sexuality In teT pizza experience than Domino's, by EveEnsler.'Talesfrom the air' v.illfea- sociology clas.<; during this past spring se- nor only is the pizza bener, but the tun: originallywritten material performed mester,her students seemed to like dle idea atmosphere is priceless. Espedally if ~both r.hewomen and men ofMcDan_ ofthisbcingashow.' you go pick. up your food late at night I~ICo~. This ~ that the men and Ifyouareinn:tt'StooinbcingapartOfthis because that is when the magk hap- women ~nvolvedm this production v.ill be show the meeting; are everyother Wednes- pens,~ said Joe Browning, a senior at pe~nnlflg and ~pressin? their commcn- day at 4:30pm in the sociologysuite (room McDaniel. ~es on women s socuaJny,nor perfurm- 228) in LewisHall. ~ngsomething writren ~ somfOne else as 'The show plare in Alumni Hall IS .~e case with the VagIna Monologues,~ on Dec, 2 at 7:30pm. Be on the lookout S3J 1h~. . fOrflyersand e-mails with reminders and e nalma)Ordiffi:renceismenwill ticker rices. h _., ;t I.Ou"!~e~lno~n~~~ ;d:e:tures that we can have if only we seek them with our " ... -Jawmarlal Nehru eyes open. Evnyone IS busy,and JOU may haveyour eyes tromed onyour t()-tio Bur kmk upfor n bit, !ilkI'a break,and mll.kesometimefor thosem Kiln Wtlltnm.s oments t at "U
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