Page 35 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 35
NBAPreview College Football Status Report GREGORY NOLEN MATT BODNAR Stoff Rap.orler to-Sporl'i.Edilof We're about a third of the way through the 2010 college football season, and already we've seen some big surprises and disappointments. Here are four teams that have surprised us so far, End of the Ye4f &Stem Conference Standings and four that have disappointed. Surprises Disappointments our~:;~~:~,~i~:~~j~~~h~r,~~~?C:;d;~l~i~~~ 4-1 and are ranked sixteenth in [he country. With games against Washington, number nine Arizona, and Oregon Stare, the Cardinal may very well be a sleeper Pac 10 contender, and ~oa:~rt~hSe~;~a~~Cothe BCS if certain dornt- South Carolina: 111e Gamecocks arc starting to play like the ream fans envisioned ~Iemson: AfTer reaching the ACC champi- when rhe legendary Steve Spurrier arrived at the school in 2005. They are coming off a bye fi~~lie:1~~:Cl~r:~;~~~LI3~~~~i:h:~~~~ week 3~1 and ranked 22nd in rhe country, Un- step. However, that hasn't happened. 111e Tigers fortunately, the back half of their schedule has lost twO heartbreakers these last rwo weeks [Q games against highly ranked conference oppo- Auburn and Miami. 111e schedule doesn't seem nenrs: #1 Alabama, #11 Arkansas, #14 Florida, and cross-stare rival Clemson. :J X~C~~n~~~d~rw~~s[~~mC~II;:~~~2~e~~;[\~ Carolina State, and archrtval #20 South Caro- Michigan State: The # 17th ranked Spartans. lina looming ahead, are 5~0 heading into their big road game at #18 Michigan. The team has persevered through Georgia: What happened to the Dawgs! Coach Mark Dantonio's heart artack and just Georgia is 1-4, including 0-3 in [he (SEC) and upset the highly ranked Badgers of Wisconsin. coming off an embarrassing loss [0 Colorado. After Michigan, they face six teams who they Even star receiver AJ Green's return from a four should be favored to beat. They also avoid con- game suspension couldn't help this team beat a ference superpower Ohio State, which could Colorado team that is supposed to be near the make them a surprise Big 10 title contender. bottom of its conference, Upcoming games against #14 Florida, #8 Auburn, and archri- Michigan: Coming off a second-ro-lasr val Georgia Tech certainly won't help the cause place finish in the Big Ten [asr year, few thought either. Michigan would get to a bowl this season. Now, the team is 5~O and ranked # 18 heading into aj)ig shQwclow)l against-state rival-Jv1ichi ~:~~~~"in~~~~~~~7~~~~n:r~e~~!~';;Tr~;l~i ~ee ~~~~~~e~~~j~~r~~~hs~::out ~~~hb:~~'t:- back showdowns against Wisconsin and archri- val Ohio State Want more Free Press? Visit us online at . OJT/(j nnOI/ur >fro})gstart this ymT. fhl gaumltt .0utPickNick parmtr in crime, srnior Ce-Spem Editor Mati Bodnar ... 'guru" and my was rhroum dawn by sl/fprocUzimed Match-Up According to Nick ••• hishatdtopickngalllSllhl:higtrflyingPatriOlS_On!yptUblemisthatwithtbe dcprutun:ofonce in 0 gcneration rccciverRondy Moss, theOffi:nsedoesn'l Ravens really have the same zing. With a defcnse as gocd es tbe RaVCIISrsx having Patriots Baltimore @ New England 10\VOl!)' iIbooLthe big ploy nbility of Moss, they should have ItO trouble ron~'liningTom Bredy On theOlhersidcoftheball,1ook for100Fleece totnke fullodvun ofhisthorou bredA an Boldinall da Ion The Chlefs nave been one of the biggest surprises SOfar this ycar. However, usc Texans may have what it takes to fmally live up to Texans Chiefs Kansas City @ Houston theirpotcntiaJ and become a legitimate contender. The combination of Andre Johnson on the outside and Arian Foster-emerging as II star in the backfield will be too much for the KC in this one. The Colts haven't looked like the 13 win, buslrcss as usual team so fur this year. With losses to division rivals Jacksonville and Houston Colts Indianapolis @ Washington Colts aJreadytherescerns Lobea chink in the rumor. 111lltsaid, Mr. Mruming will have his guys focused Ofl getting back II)what works and ready to storm Washington like a WtLveoftea-pruty candidates. The RlIm.'!have themselves 8 SUlrin tile making at QB, but 10become II roal eomcnderthey willllcOO 10 show up 011 the defell5ivesidc of the ball Chargers on a morr.::consisrem basis. Philip RiVt."Tl! isoffloon MVPstanstatislically Rams San Diego @ St. Louis bUlncedSlOg~1histeamoockincont~nlionlObeCOf\Siden.xlaviable MVPcandidatc. The Chargm Mve LOOmuch olfCll$ive fircpowerand II defense thaLwill be inrookil.!Sam Brndforcl's face early nnd oflcn. SornehowtheVrklngshavemanagedlouSset1lbk:anoffL"J1Setl~1Ifcarun.'Sthe be!.1WR.RB,andQl3oftheirgertemLion.Thebestde..iJillreminthchistoty Dallas Dallas @ Minnesota Vikings OftllCgume now has the ultimate river boat galllbicr throwing him the ball 11lCVtlcin~aresimply impossible to maLdt upngaM Fllc:lorinatenacious dcfL'ftscandrulabsollltespeedslcrinthcslotwithPercyl-lasvin,isitcrnzyto suggest.dUllthi51CWl1oould nUlthe table all the way through the Super Bowl?
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