Page 30 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 30
"'''['~J''.[''iI~l:l::l~~l:J.1a'''iI:r.!.''''J~l*. _ Beep Beep Broccoli: Students A Doll's House create new REVIEW BEN GRANT Sioffreporter Beep Beep Broccoli: An odd name for a theatre improvisation group. Where could it have orisinaled~ ~I had a fairly boring math class (hat wasn't for credit," said sopho- more Chase Busto. "So I would come up with odd word groupings and Rosie Edelsron would draw (hem. I originally planned to write a chil- dren's song called 'Beep Beep Broccoli' to confuse young children. In- stead, it became our rhearre group." The group came to life when Busto and junior Cat Black were sitting around talking about Danger Sauce, another group on campus. While the rwc friends enjoyed Danger Sauce's work, they had their own ideas on how eo use humor. "DangerSaucehasalolofpopculrureandinsidejokesaspan of rheir hurnor, and we wanted to expand the humor In our group to be more all encompassing," Black said. "Also, l do ncrllke belng ou srage when J lmprov, even though I do act on stage. I thought we could do improv on video and pOStit on YouTcbe." Black and Busto were jOined by Ryan Powell and Edelsren to help form the group, which has ended up with eleven members: two freshmen (Paul Griffin and Kelsey Gondick), six sophomores (Busto, Edelsron, Ryan Powell, Zach Wright, Noah Patten, Drew Srrabosky), and three juniors (Black, Graham Cox, and Mae Alexander.) SAMANTHA LAMBERT Supporting Actress award if Ihis w;is ,h. They want to be funny, bur obviously did not want to be Danger Sauce tWO point zero. The group had their first Stoff Reporter GoldcnGloh ••. She was ,0 beaurifully con- meeting on October 5th. The way they worked rhe group was by starting out with a single plor or idea, and then everyone sort oflusr bullr from rbere. ;::e:i~g h~nr :~a~~,~;n~:~<~~~o~:~n.~c abned "It was very exciting to see everyone else so excited about shooting our first video," said Busto, who was thoroughly There was doceil. Thre W35 puskm. Thoro Nora and Nils Krogstad (Andy .FI.•mi~gl W35a bcauliful.o, Was soul«cking.Thoro .. t1ngu1sh- pleased with rhe ourcorne. And rhorowere pUppclS. Yes.puppelS. Hereharae,.".molion,W<'resod her face, j,wasamal- rcadon .bleandca.ily Perhaps improvisational broccoli will be more pleasant to rake in than the vegetable kind. Tho McDaniel C"llegc Thea"e did jng [0 wa,ch. Fu"hcrmorc, the final i.. C;rydriving, anywhcrc from 16-18 mpg_, Highw:ly I avct1lge about 25 mpg Lauren Mille .. Diven, Sa... Eriieh"'an,S' City-17mpg NEWS EDITOR"r,Mlcha ..IFlah ..rty, O....wGor.i..,,,,Ca ... HighWlly-25mpg Th. Fr •• Preu i. Megan Robin~n ART DIRECTOR Goodman, lien G,,,,,'. Karl" '''' d.dicat.d r_ htrp:/lwww.moddtdmusrangs.coml2007-ford-musClIlg.hlml :;;~;;,,~ ..fl... zz: FEATURES EDITOR Hanno Barker Hollond.Ma.hoMakhl»,agh". possihl.. Ho"".v_ Emma Simon la"r.n M""ay, C"II.,n How long do you """pcct 10 be driving this W. ~.i:;o;:;!~7L::~ M"noy.K, Sama",h .. HopclUllyforquilcalong[imc, Iabso!utely love having ir. COMMENTARY lambllrt, G....gor»' Nol..n, cc.. ;onally .nak•• EDITORS Poig"Price,lIriltanyRabin- prin'. In the.o If you knew whal you know now about your car, would you buy il again! .v....h, "". ""ill Hanno Barker COpy EDITOR _n,MaraSeib .. rI,Kry.';na Yeah, wahcur a dcubr. print'" ",,,,rr.ct;on Nathan Wuertenberg Jenno Little Shu":., Jacob Si.,g..l. Amber in ,h .. no",t po,.. ;- If you ... eee given $25,000 in cash today, what car would you buy with it! hi. i•• ".. Thank Sial.,. I would buy a 1968Roadrunn~r. w ............ ..,_p"""' .... _"' M.....'k.•0.Onr.o",,,,"",,o. <>
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