Page 24 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 24
TERROR SPORTS • Football season IS looking bright GREGORY NOLEN Aside from that, the 20 I0 squad is one of the return. Stoff Reporler most touted Terror teams in recenr years. The team Coach Bartol ian said that experience is one of the is coming off of a 5-5 season and looking for irs first winning seasonsince 2004, when it won its last Cen- dilfere~E~s ~:i~:~:na~~slee~~s :~:~h::,!a~~~a/~'if_ ferences. ~e have a lot o(guys who have been play- Ir's fall on the Hill again and that means it's time for tennial g~;~e;:s:C:f~ra~ri~~s~ipe is the return of another season of Green Terror football. quarterback Torn Massucci. Last season, Massucci ~l{yhOe~~~h~~~~~~ d~~~I1{ee~~'m~a~t~l:e~~s!ltl~~~ This year's team suffered some losses in the last threw for 2,000 yards and 15 touchdowns, posting ~:s~~~'~ also keeps our guys fresh througftout the week when [he Carroll County Times reported that one of the rop five passing seasons in school history five offensive players had quit the ream just days be- Senior Captain and wide receiver Matt Cahill fore their season opener at Juniata. says that the team has a definite advantage with Mas- is the ~a~1ehe~it;tthheii':~:~:d~le~ t~D~t~~1 ~el; ~ "Four players chose to leave the team. Three of succi returning this year. of irs last 7 games a~ainst teams who had a winning "It (his return] greatly helps us on offense be- ~~c::~~~a:rt$~:~'u~h~~~!~g highly touted conference cause his ~~d~ou:Jt~~er~n~:~ep~~fu~~~ff r~fs::/~~r~~1:;j~~ knowledge of the game prevents us from The fourth player decided that he no longer wanted being Euc in bad situations. He's older and has seen "They are very good teams so we will have to to be a part of the team anymore. We respect that a lot of defenses thrown at him, and he can check to play at our best," Barrolian said. . " . decision. The fifth player in question was dismissed a different play that we have a greater chance of being Cahill says the mood of the team lS very POSt- from the ream due to multiple rules violations," Mc- successful at executing." rive in the beginning of the season because we still Daniel Coach Aaron Barrohan said. Another reason for optimism is the cog of have all our goals in our sights. We just need to stay Bartollan said that they will usc other players defensive starters returning from last year. Nine of focused and keep that positive attitude throughout to fin in for them. the eleven starters on defense last year are slated to the entire season." Student uses baseball to connect with people while studying abroad in Budapest JEff DAVIS SfaffReporler Going to Budapest I certainly had positive' expectations, yet l never could have predicted the way it all unfolded. On my third day of classes in Budapest in the fa!! of '09, I joined a friend of mine in his EPE. It was there char I struck up a conversation with the teacher, Reka. Through- out the course of the conversation, the topic changed to my love of baseball. Ironically. Reb had che number of a ~~f~~e ihkon:;si!ntv~;~'!v~~ht~ebh:~~a~~~~ahn~~no~eu~f:t;; ~~e~~:~~~\1~:~;ni~h~fl:f~r;ia~~~ ~!:~ba~\.tryoUt and a The typical away game rook place on Saturdays and involved a 3-hour car ride west across Hungary [0 a small [Own named Sop ron. The trips to Sop-on, which lies twO miles from the Austrian border, allowed me to experi- ence a number of other towns and cities in Hungary. So- pron was culturally shocking because I vividly remember ~f~r~n~::~~~i:~e~~nvd~i~O;il~~\~~~[[~;~ht~r sae~d11~~Og~~ ~~~' c~lllt~;:o~: v~~t~mdiTr;r~;alo~u:t:~i~~ ~~~~r~eu:~[~~ the United Stares. Despite these differences, the rules on ~tt~~:~r~~~I::fu~~h:~:~~rsDou:~n;r ~e~~,rZ~o1~~pe:o~~d that if you curse at an umpire in Hungarian you receive [he same punishment as you would in America, an ejec- non from the game. Our home games, which were played on Sun- days, were held in a town outside of Budapest called Erd. Terry, [he head coach of our team, built the field to allow ~e~~ei~~r1~;!~~b~~d :h~P~:s~ubajJ7fi~ld~::~h~a~~:vai~'F~7d of Dreams in that tall whear fields surround you on all sides. Terry also gave me the chance to help coach un- derprivileged Hungarian baseball players during this past summer. Our season ended in mid-Dcrober and our team won rhe Hungarian Cup in a memorable, come-from-behind My experience wit.h baseball, coupled with all of Ir::::::::::::::::::::==~~~~;;;:;~ victory II ~ 10. I was meerlng in Hungary, led me to make the great people the unusual decision of staying abroad for an entire year. ~e;~~i~o~~r otfh:h:;rE~~~~~s~e:s ~~v~ff;;. ~~~oer:~~i;re,l~ Your a couldgo here! went to Dublin, Ireland for St. Patrick's Day for spring break. When [ did not have baseball games, [ used the op- portunity to rravel to Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, Istanbul. and Prague. In [he end, my nip to Hungary turned into Contact us at for details. ~flb~~~~~rl ~~~~redh~a~~O:~~r~afoer el~e; ~re~:~:~r~~I!I~V~ a way co liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.::===1 ~~~~:~{~;d~ra~es~i~~e~ ~id:~a~~e~;eo(po:~~I~~
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