Page 17 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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New French professor joins Department of Foreign langua UCouragedoesn't always roar. Sometimes EMMA SIMON courage is the quiet voice at rhe end of Features Editor the day saying, 7will try again tornor- roux " Along with a [Jew class of srudenrs, some other [lew faces have arrived on campus, including Dr. Sonia Kpota-Richardson, the newest addition ro the De- partmenr:O~~~:di~~s~~~U~~~jan,the largestdry of the ivory Coast, and living for years in Burkina Sometimes the first fewweeks of school can be Paso, a COUntry in West Africa.Richardson has spo- overwhelming. But as a senior 1 am here to tell ken and embraced the French language throughout said senior Jami Lephew ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ber endre life. She grew up in a busy home wid, her you that you can get through it. So if you're parents, rwo sisters, and a brother, feeling stressed, talk to a friend. a mentor, a After grade school in Burkina Faso, she con- sibling, or your parents. And try again tomor- tinued her education and received her B.A. in Communications at the Universiry ofOua- gadougou. She earned her Masters in Journalism as well, after which she moved to the V.S. ro cam another Masters in French Literature at the University of Delaware. Finally, she completed her education with a Ph. D. in Francophone Studies from the University of Iowa. Her admirable background makes her a great addition to McDaniel. "t:Jot only is our new French professor friendly, bur she teaches French to us, the students, III a way char challenges us to chink Critically about the inAuence of the French Richardson first taught French at the University of Delaware, where she has many language in African countries," memories. ~J. had a class of students who surprised me with a play in class one day incorpo- rating many of the things that they learned from class," said Richardson. "I don't know When they organized it all, but it was very touching." She also loves when a snuggling student has an "A-ha!" moment, as she truly cares about her students and loves to see all of them succeed. Besides-her career, Richardson has many hobbies, including tennis, cooking, and traveling. She has traveled [Q multiple countries in Africa as well as France and Canada, and "loves discovering new places and learning about differen~ cultures." . Besides the French and English languages, Richardson IS also Huenrin Fan, an Af- ftCan language, and has taken some classes in Spanish, German, and Larin. h A versatile and enthusiastic addition to Mcffaniel, Richardson finally feels like s e has found her place. "I saw (he website while looking for a prospective job, visited, and fell in love ;~~ ~i~~.l!ege. Ie is the perfect environment, exacrly whac I wanted, and [he college's h Both staff and students are looking Forward ro th'e unique insight that Richardson a" to share with McDanieL . McCribs THE BEST AND WORST OF DORM LIFE WARREN KRAFT S!offReporter ~-bhough sophmores Mike Marks and Jimmy I bons' room is the size of a newborns nurs- e~, the two have figured out a way to make e t. room as spacious and comfortable as pos- b A Ie. The walls are covered with posrers and ~s of sports teams and movies, and it smells o delicious snack foods. ~arks and Gibbons share a room 220F in h . The two have been roommates since Panini Mike and Taquilo J'm's ~eliciou~ A~W ~h~ 20 I0 spring semester, and their friend- colP has o?ly grown stronger. They share, many Double: Jimmy Gibbon~ and Mike Marks In Room 220F in ANW. tnmon interests, and it is apparent tn the decor of their room. always (he most reliable. that is ~hy .[hey have fJ What separates Marks and Gibbons room no problem food for their friends and rOlll any other on campus is the passion these neighbors in their dorm. Their door is always open for. the most :~ yaung men have in treating each other and parr, and their room is very we!,?mmg. It has elr neighbors to great snacks such as home- lllade paninis and microwavable nquiros. nothing to do with the room Itself ?ecause HANNA BARKER These CWofine young gentleman under- Marks and Gibbons are what make rhis room Sophomore Doni Allen works on homework while eating an apple she took from Glar. She's Stand that the food services cncempus are nor so incredible. been really into apples lately. Check out our -Video interview with Action Item and All Star Weekend exclusive -An inside look at the Presiden'ts House online content! -Students weigh in on Dr. Casey -And more! Visit us online at
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