Page 13 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 13
McDaniel becomes home to many first-generation college students AMBER SLATER offer firsthand advice, Sarah Stokely, Asso- Staff Reporler ciate Dean of Student Academic Life, ad- Dean of Academic Affairs, believes rhar Me- as generation student, fell in love with the Me- (Q gain supporr Daniel is the perfect place vises, "Seek Out mentors, whether they are freshmen because we are a "relationship ori- Daniel campus when her dad brought her peers, faculty, or staff. Build your own sup- emed cornrnuniry," to the Raven's training camp. After living Amid the chaos of saying goodbye to fam- porr network." ~When [first generation] students here for a few weeks, McDaniel "already feels ily, trying ro fit all their belongings into a Like many of their peers who come visit, they talk with other students and real- like home." cramped space, and meeting the stranger they were to live with for me next year, rwo The spike in first generation Stu- in every five freshmen faced an additional First generation college students make Up' dents may be interesting to some due to the challenge on move-in day. They wefe abcuc recession. to embark on a four year journey to which . 41 % of the class of 2014. "Education is recession-proof," John- their parents could not relate. son-Ross explained. "Parents are interested According to statistics released by col- lege admissions, first generation college Stu- in their children pursuing a career, nor JUSt dents, students who are the first in their fam- from families who have gone to college for ize that they will get (he support they need," haVing a job. No recession can take away ily to attend college, comprise 41 percent of many generations, first generation college she explained. education." the class 0[2014. This statistic translates to Freshman and first generation college First generarlon srudenrs set the the reasonable estimation that a first genera- ~~~~i~~sa;;~k~bt~b7C:d~~~i~;d~:ialdI student Anna Pleskunas agreed with John- standard and example for friends and fam- tion student lives behind almost every door ~%~nSc(~k~~r;xe;l:i:~~~ school and college son-Ross's sentiment, claiming, "It was very ily, Johnson-Ross added. While they find of freshmen residence halls. easy ro get acclimated here." For those whose parents cannot Deborah Johnson-Ross, Associate Freshman Kristen Hall, another first mentors in others, they must keep in mind that they are mentors to others. McDaniel senior teaches inGhana, learns a thing or two as well BE~ GRANT rer went to get the mail from the post office. Then Staff Reporler he announced who had received a letter and hand- ed it [0 that child. It was a huge, huge deal when a child received a letter. One letter was like the high- Last year, senior Amy Kachel read a campus an- light of that child's month. Here, with email, cell nouncement email about an opportunity to travel phones and such we have so many different ways to (0 Ghana. Kitchel responded, and was selected to communicate, and yet something as simple as a let- travel to a Essiam, small village in Ghana, to teach English to seventh, eighth, and ninth graders for a ter made these children so happy." month during the summer. The schools char K:uchd taught in were very The srudems Karchel would teach were cho- basic. They were see up in abandoned -arehou.s- made were of wood OUt sen from among the village children (0 receive a es. Blackboards there was no running of pieces inside (he black; painted water much coveted exrra monrh of education. buildings, and certainly no computers. There were rwo reading periods each daf. The . In face, there was one internet cafe in the students were so interested in learning mat Kerchel entire village, and the connection was so slow that found they had not only read the available books, it took Karchel an hour and a half to get her email but memorized them as well. loaded. Since the students already knew the books, But Karchel treasures her time spent in Katchel instead encouraged them to ask her any- Ghana, which fit well into her philosophy of life. HANNA BARKER thing. One child, Yao, wanted to know everything there was to know about everything, particularly Shared Karchel, "My goal in life is to see the world about the Titanic. and give back .as much as possible- in Hebrew it's The children also loved ro receive letters from called 'rakun clam,' to heal me fractured world; and pen pals. Said Kacchel, "Once a week, the head mas- I cannot wait to go back there one day." TH E LIG H TER SIDE QUICK VIEW Blotter by the numbers OF THE CAMPUS SAFETY BLOTIER Early weekends of semester are already eventful NORTH VILLAGE Alcohol-2 Posession-l- SAMANTHA LAMBERT Then it seems when students figured out North Staff Reporter Village was being "closed down for the night," StU- Failure to obey/drunk and dents migrated towards Garden Apartments. Where more citations of alcohol consumption of minors was disorderly-1 The beginning of a new ac~demic year is always an reported. exciting and joyful event. Friends embrace each other Also Blanche and ANW were written up over-the BLANCHE WARD after a long summer, students move into their dorms first two weeks. And somebody still hasn't gotten the and then when night falls, the parry begins. Students memo that it's not only stupid to smoke m.arij~ana Heolth-1 Alcohol- 1 at McDaniel have been noted ~o~ being creative, orig- at school but incredibly obvious when smoking It at, inal and if nothing else entertammg when It comes to lets say, the Golf Course. . ANW So. it's been fun McDaniel and a very entertain- eveTh~h!re~k~~1b~fo~~~~~~I' started, Aug. 28 and ing first couple of weekends back. Be safe and stay Alcoho~ 1 29, was exceptionally entertaining. ~ always Noah classy as always. Village was o~en for business. Walking around t~e GARDEN APTS quad: it wasnr unusual to sc:e do_zens of peote 10 an h hf:t groups laughing loudly, smoking clgarette.s, Alcohol-1 ging and joking with each other, celebrating r e cr that everyone was finally reunited. PAAVE However, some people like to take the party scene a little roo far. It was reported a young man was es- Alcoho~1 corted- out of a North Villa~e apartment by i am - pus Safety when a pretty lou J?aro/ was h s ut own. Posession/paraphenalio-2 Let's iust say this young man didnt want to c0fffcer- ate n~r leave the preI:Jlises even. though three a cets (Editor} Now This column by is ddicaud to Jomt oftht mOIl inllnt were there telling him otherwl~e. Note to students: calls to which Campw Saftty OifiCn1 mpond - or 1hould rttpond. GOLF COURSE drunk and disorderly conduct IS not all that funny, /lIcitimu actually tKcurmi, bur rhl namt1 of,ht culprits arr 110tin- dumd to protm tht l1or-1Q-;'lIlocrnt). Po.... ion/paraphinali .. 1 it's kinda sad really.
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