Page 14 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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..... I~..II.[j-il~~::I::1~~~~1...~la.;..l: • Hoover Library launches new website MEGAN ROBINSON News Editor! Web Manoger On Aug. 22, Hoover Library launched its n~wly redesigned website. This re~t!Sjgn.added several new features and improved others co make it more user friendly and better asser students In rheir research. Silent floor added to library The new website also moved some previous features in easier to find [oeadons. The front page has an integrated search box rbac searches the)ibraries endr~ catalogue ,and most of the . databases at once. This search box makes finding resources, the most used funCClon of the library's website, MEGAN ROBINSON easier chan ever. News Edilor! Web Monoger The website also has informarlon about the library building itself, such as the library hours for the year. This enables students to see not only Hoover's usual schedule, but also its altered hours on holidays and breaks. Hoover Library has made many changes this past year: the new study spaces, the website Another new fearure is the enhanced subject guides. These guides are pages organized by subject that redesign, and the latest addition, the silent Hoor. The newly designated silent floor began contains many links to databases and reputable online resources per~aining [Q that specific subjecr. These.sub- this semester for the first time. jeer guldeswere compiled by rhc librarians at Hoover with a special Interest in or knowledge of each field, and jessame Ferguson, Hoover library director, said she received several requests for a .the right side of each subject guide lists the librarian that created it along with information in case a student designated area for concentrated study. These requests gave her the idea to create a space wanted to contact them for furrher help in their research. that was to be completely silent for students who want to study free of noise distraction. The new websire is easy rc surf; categorized tabs at the top of the main screen can be scrclfed over to re- This Hoor is aimed cowards individual workers, not groups whose collaboration can be veal specific pages. This navigation bar remains displayed at the top of every screen on the websire, so all the distuptivcrosurroundingstudents. pages can be accessed from any place on the site. However, Ferguson said chat rhe student rooms on the Hoor are still meant for Rhonda Strickler, reference and instructional technology librarian at Hoover Library, has been work- colJaborative group work and rhose working in them do nor need to be silent. Ferguson ing on the new site for over a year. She said [he process began not with a computer bur rather with surveys. does ask that students be aware that the study rOOIl1$ate nor sound proof, and to please Faculty, staff, and srudenes were surveyed about problems they had with the previous site and additions they be mindful of the noise level while in them. wanted ro see ro the new one. ~ The silenr floor is designated by signs on every entrance [0 the level announcing She then had them compare sample websites and mention what aspects of rhe samples they did and didn't its noise restrictions. Ferguson stressed that while the floor's policy will be mostly self en- like. She also had scudenr focus groups do a card sorting activity, arranging cards in a way that made sense in forced, it is to be taken seriously. Any students mat do nor comply with the policy after a order to show her ways to organize the website that 10gicaJlymade Sense to ustr,. Wllrning by a library sralf member will be removed by campus safety. Strickler said mat she created nine dilferent websires and had the librarians at Hoover decide on which Ferguson said level L was the mosr advamageous choice for rhe silent Hoor because one was best. After adding more aspects that the librarians liked from the other sites, Strickler was finished with ir has the least possible diStractions. It is the only Hoor isolated from exits, which could lhe redesign and it was launched in late Augu3t. create more distractions as students flow in and OUt.Also, the Roor is more isolated from the other floors; it does not open to another floor like the third or second levels.Addition- Despite the amount of work done, Srrtckler says she still isn't done. Stricklet says she plans to send our ally, Ferguson wanted ro chome a floor that was less rrafiicked, both to free concentrated email surveys asking the McDaniel community their opinions on rhe redengn, so it can be further adapted to workers from the distraction of roaming scudenrs and to avoid inconveniencing scudenrs users needs. who want to work more loudly on a particular floor. Many students srill haven't noticed the changed website; however, those that have had optirnisric reac- Ferguson looks forward to the iruplernenracion of this new floor policy, and ob- tions ro ir. "J think it's a positive change and it's easier to navigate," said junior and library circulation desk serving how it will address students needs. However, she .laysshe still wants to adapt the worker Liz Miri"l;O.SriII more Students need (0 give input, especially on the forthcoming email survey to make floor further rc make it even more benefidal co silenr concentrated study. the website best catered to llserneeds. In the furure she hopes to add glass sound proof doors between rhe study rooms, The new website can accessed at its previous location at For more informa_ and the rest of the floor, to better keep Out the noise of [he group rooms. Additionally, rion on the new website or to comment on it contact Rhonda Strickler at she hopes (0 add more large desks for students who want to spread our their work while studying. 60 Seconds: Freshmen Edition WHAT WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU BROUGHT AND WHAT WAS THE HARDEST TO LEAVE BEHIND? HANNA BARKER Co-Commentary Editor! Art Director "Pictures from home are the most important thing I - brought, and the air conditioner was the hardest to leave behind." NORA TONEY Phoebe McHole '14 studies her Biology notes 01Westminster Stolion. Studying off- "My baseball glove is definitely the most important eompusgives studenls thing I brought. with me. It was hard to leave my fam- onopportvnityto ily l;;ehind." explore Westminster. JAMES MACGUIRE "It was really hard to leave behind my friends, so the most important thing I brought is definitely my phone." MARIA BREW "It was hardest to leave behind my dog and car. - They're tied. The most important thing was my fan." KYlE HUNTER "The most important thing would be my computer, and - the hardest would be my xbox." MATTHEW SCOTT
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