Page 20 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 20
;a~~":II~:~::I.""••J"'~'''~''.:.'~~. 11.-11,.41[1 PROPOSITION 8: A Hearts VS. Minds Approach M!O tolLw(lK Stoff bpofl~t L".,. lft'J.tr1agt (noun,. c;ommonly rd'nrc-d to as'l. m;arriagt. AI~ ,cfcnal 10 all un. a tlgft of the ....orld e'1d'ng. .In .Iugury or our de- A" the w"nle '41111ffWt'f'Y IIv(r {'fup mile ,U 1 n",(M)n. and J. plot or lhe mC'null,. vntt2blC' sroup ,,,11((1 che g ,","11111(,. I Ihlvt' slY"n some ChUlIl\lH 1(.1 ,he jde~ IIr goly [eve, I H'lrnotuWlt One o( 1M tinl lub~11 people w.anl 10 d'KUU wilh me. have "Unit' I() the t;undu,ibll (h", 1h~ w"nt me cot-1:- bcdn~ g.~y h JHHhltlR {" he: d,hat1lcd or, Ie" whu YUliJte .and Pnt of Allttl' (D-pfnk:kIU~ II 'lamt'-K1 muri.lSC. i, going. All thi' com" an tho: hcd. or pili" .. h,1t the- hype h :about .llld _her( the :uJUmrnt how (iod mittie you. You have ju'l ;&\ much riRhl fa find love Dinritt Judge V2ufthn W"lk. "*.i uralSh! per-oo dnc\. It ,huuldn'( m.iUtf who yhU are o1f. ,he' r(lI.C:nt,,",,(nUt" ofProposaclon 8 in Dliforni" by Chic:fU.S. lin« tht inilial vDtins of Prop 8. cr. Undeniably. (he p"nK of dcfin,ns mUfI;IIgc h;lll roumC'd troll.lC'd IU: if yU" ,HI; hIlPPY, thcn ,hal i, .tli 111.11.hould mat. f un undt"und Ihe .JnJUuh «nain ludltlOnalnt sroup, ar( expcflencing. After 311. It wu Itr. Aflcr :III. who :arc We:It) Judse who ,omconl; t.hould IO\lc~ k3ry enoush Iha, we Ict Pf'!'pk of dlffacnt UUl marry. hl,iI now we h"vc ,hc1-Cout of (onuol rrbelng S...Yh nOI yC'lurching. Onc, but ,holt doc,"', mun fhac 1"1),1runnl"a ;IIfound 1,kl"« [Ot kpl tighu. you CAn force olhc" nOt fO be say eithef. Doe, lovin8 'omc;- Croup" hke The ·.luon.2t1 Orpniutlon (or Martl21(' (NOM) :Ire' "fc;IImins thn Ihlt Olle;: ur the umc: 'I:X m;ake ,hat ~rlon 3ny leu humllln eh11\ h. dlppery .li~.Ind ,h:1I Judsc \l:.alw·, ruhng ""'. undem()(f3ue To say th:1IIhe prO(o;IoIor Jomcotlc who I~ in love with Ii mc;mbcr of Ihe arpa'ite IJlu (,uPf"OlCdJyl of lhe nIl, or 1M uncktnexmk n.uufC' ;and (VII, a IhC't)(;r;wc: 1!.11(, II auppc»td nelu~ f\.ty h >i w-nelic. rhln~. lunu'1hinS thot! ".11\'1 he du""c.I III prodU(c If ~ .anl 10 uy IJut we den)' Utnt'.'C'I: coupl('t Ihe tlt;ht 10 mJfry bUlllll11 h.l"'~ I ht.r peuplt; ~h, IHIt nef'd tell b I.IIIIIU 'H AA mrtlltlp. In :.I. wplrldoft of l.hutCh.-net 110m 'trotti, they ncrd fu he ~hhwn:J Inlu-h 1I,,,t Jnd ,urrun as fhoe IdlJkK&l wnlon ofbd", tale. lhen v.c mUll k'rtf;l.lC' che 1C!.2t1btnt'f1u of "'Jrrl3~ h.lvc 10 10Ct!.. married AncJ on c YrC' do Ih~l. one: would limply Ihey d",ttv c.~YIltuple h .."e: Ju.1 • nHl"" flj;hl III ~ R"y ~'>l .",1lasht pt"hUh kh H' he !l1f.lIghl ill the rlQYb$oru of 'nd bmcfiu fo, mufUS" ,n Ihe' rciallvtiy liny .1,s1C'flf 1\h.ryt..nd to ....1,"uurln. tinJ 0Wf 1.000 bcftdjo m.., .,(' denied In'1clu'C'lu 11\ "'1\,,11I\llIn. I Onr! ,tullPY I)(uple :afe "tHrn ..! pt'Q Yt'I. we .ne pan: nc .. a,.. ","h crwulon and 01.1 ""yr.. hut buy. II we huld h;llnd.. .InJ pic wh(.1 Jtl\' h.we It IhrrrfC'nl vlCWon Invc, ...Iu~h II 1111(by II f:t'n _If lult nuk It OUI (If Ihll in Or\t rlCce I t<)l\ntiy. ~ nUhf .uk otlNClves tht Woly, AlitC1,,1~,t me"""c HJ Ihu ..e: whf1 Ihlnk (1' krlllW Ih ..r bn. ow punuif of·ftbt U.ineiina tdly W ..nd -'Pff'JJIftIIItc- wi\(' wl1rt! of ouf hrllt" ha.dltfnntl they IIrt AJY. but ;u(' ;Hh ..mrtl In lidmh II fur f(.I' 01 heln, tun Ihil ~UC'1·1-1 dlKCf'Cnt (tom .he tdi~\II ",.d maul {ilnlu,-"m we deem a, ''(unt! QIIJ"k"d or ro,ed. ,,,me Hue .anY"'''Y· You',,, J"" Iy,", III "I- .nJ -tntoritdc-'n popuL.(Wrnt wt' (,:11 1M IOlulibn Ii umplc: I( you don', like 13mC'.c roundf. "'"'ttl~ ~ .•uinS 10 :apanM' who h .. · .In Idtnuul kt of cquipmtnt o
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