Page 19 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 19
iI~i:liI~~~""'.Jl£"'di:l~IB~~•• ]'~~.. [. • Iren't we better than this? word was said. When rhcfirse photos of gay pride appeared with learning differences. on thesiideshcwthe atmosphereof the theaterrapidlyshift- Th ed from complacenrenergy to nearlytangible tension. . e suggestion ~fa "super nerd" chamcrer, though, in- Many people laughed. Some made inappropriate and CIted me most reacaon. Now, this is a character ro which I derogatory remarks. can relate, so I was personally a bit disappointed when the A5 the monologue of the southern h'lly preacherbegan. audienceerupted into boos and concadkdons. and the character said that homosexualsshould be ron- Prepare for a bit of irony now. dapped. 11,e loudest section of the. audience at this polnr was Aml} W( better than this? a large congregationof scedene athletes. One of them, in It was apparent that some other students agreed with reply, suggested a "j~" characterto be the counrerparr of this statement, but even they looked at this lone clapper the n~ character, with the reasoning rhaclocks face many with disdain and/or embarrassment es they recognized. the ~~~: ~types. ~ind Frn going: "Hmm ... isn't impropriety. . d at" you are retnforang your negative sterecwpes We were sitting in a presenrarion about diversity,abour 3$ you- attack [he nerds? Isn't it also weird chat your section HANNA, BARKER recognizing and accepting Our difi'ereno::s. about being rol- was by far the loudest and most inappropriate during the Co-COITImentorYEditorj Art Director crane of other people. It struck me as inappropriate ro be whole presentation?" making such blatantly disrespecfid comments and actions I was pleased mar several other students raised their during such an event. hands to reinforce the idea of a "super nerd" character. Wehave ro be better than this. Nerds stick together, apparendy. 1t only got worse from there; especially after the Appa- What was even more impressive.though, was when a ~t~besitting;nAlummHaJjthemghtWili lachlan college student took the stage. She explained mat student athlete volunteered the suggestion of a. closeted gay "Wi panyperforrned "The New Jaees of America." Appalschans are the one group atwhlch it isstill widelyac- football player. As expected, a couple ofpeople around this colo e look to present; work thai: sharrersstereotypest:if ceprable CO poke fun. Shelsted several "Youknow you're a guy made some comments alongthe linesof,"Do you have ~of ceed, of abili'll of,gnsor- but I didn't grow up there. Ever since I'd moved to Calvert One positivethat can begained from someof the un~or· (ODMA). Offimpany sue- Theremsa Q&:AsieSsibnattbeendof the,perfofJrui,llte. Next year:,ODMA plansto \'110m with Will and Com~ Des "gt:ttlllgdicir mt:'SSage across. ~J~:jl~~~~~~~ g:amr~_liertQal stud('JUSS¥, em . PJtethe fact that the perfonnance sparked many many thouglusAAd opinion':>. It W"..IS difficult tn hear p.-ople gmUfl$ after me mow C'nds. Siloo~OI'!!;and discllSSion) when I ii$terted to some (If the Ill- who were called upon to spt>ak, becausene.arlyeverystare- Wecanal.I try ((l be hertel: Takethe d~ to Jearn ahout "":;. [ "'" qui., disappointed and 1 wo"';"red, "Anm~ meiirsparktXl. a reactionfrom me audience. a pcrson:~diJfetencesbefOrejumping tojudgment or $tereo~ than th;$!' Igocannoyedasme levclot"disrespccrrose;again, Iwon.. type. Be carefulwhen sayingthingslike. "Thars so gay,"or actiAbsenceof reaction to certain 'things and presence of!C- dered, why am}l ~ ~tter Ibm/lhis? '"'):I)U know you'rea redneckif. .. ,. becauseyou neverknow abl o~~ others.5horwed how some terms are mQre accept- McDaniel :.tudenc;offered.many ideasthar bad never who is aroWldyqu due could find that offensive. e ....lilUorhers. beensuggestedro the crewbefore. Sdmeof theseindude a Help make McDaniel College a \vt'koming environ- ~eople didnoc te:act .to derogarory terms against the Student mother. a perS()Iiwith mental illness..and students ment for peoplefrom all walks of life. , butthere was a collectiveintakeofbrcam when the 1)- From Amish Town to the Hill for some reason I knew for a fact loved me, and friends were a dime a like to give, but the people at Mc- chat this was where I needed co be, dozen because I was an athlete (not Daniel were different. Our conver- and as the days began ro pass my to sound shallow or conceited). Ev- sati?ns consisted C?fpersonal hap- gut became more a.nd more in rhe erything seemed perfect, but nOt ev- penings and experiences; swapping srories of life's reCent ups authentic right. See , I came from one ofche eas~ ~d-t~~~ge~~7;rl hOa~~sI~~~;:Jnt~e~g; and downs was pleasant and unex- iest and most successful social times fullest of extems over the last couple ected from a Journalism Professor ofyears. r had never met before in my life I ~~ :ro~i:~:~~sofLhTghesr~hl~~itfri:~d~ This led co that and I hap- liked that. . in Ocean City. MD. The searies that pened ro find myself with lictie ac- I cboose McDaniel. If not for would not be suitable for this piece ademic direction, and in need of a any reason other than the impression of writin~ .are endless. Waves. girls, ne~. scholastic escape. I picked up I was left wirh after a day's conver- beer. walrtng t~bles. free stylinE, writing, and the idea of journalism .sarions, for the fact [hat I learned so continuous parties, and all ever fa- came, and at about the same time much about th~ school through its miliar siruatlons had me never want- a friend guided me [0 rhe idea of people. Accordmg ro statistics pro- ing ro leave the beach (tWO of my studying journalism and playing bas- vided by the Office of Under grad pate roommates decided to not return co ketball at McDaniel. In all honesty Admissions, I am one of95 transfer school and do jusc (hat). r .Ioo~e? at McDaniel with skepti- students thar entered the doors with ~t~~llEN MURRAY-KEMP Before roe ""beach, it was Mill~ cism Initially. thinking such a small Repotter [he class of2014. In the end it's not f~:;::fl~rU~v~h~iTa~~a:~~~y~~~~~ ~~~ i~~~aO~tl;iyh~a:~ ~~ ~fsi~i~s~dYit'~~; ?aisapPOintmenr. confusion, ner- s b~il cficl£~s~;\~a~k~!~~Yf~~~~~/~h:~ ba~kness. slight anxiety, and serious ~sai~~ r;;orr: t~=d t::ffi~Uja~a[ ct;~~ekd truly awestricken with the people I ~h~bi~ ~JJllthgees-ei~'ia~~s~L~~f~e f~~~ ~et. The reachers and coaches gen- tio sb_asms were a few sweet emo- Uinely cared. I know (his is such a [hose ~round you, and allow your in- ~st~e ~~f~~tah~~eu¥o~e~e~anC~:~eh tno::d i:rt~ M~r3~enei~ld(~~t~ali~~~t~ cliche idea that every college would teractlons to make YOLl. Got Opinions? Come to the Free Press staff meetings, Mondays at 7:30 in the We want theml Writing Center.
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