Page 18 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 18
_['.'~~~A(._il~~::I:11:J~~::I.1."''''.l~'~'::I~.'.!.'~li'''• How was yo'ur summer? How to go to 178 concerts in 4 Days on mrough. On a side note, Hyou happen to be IOting three pounds by Stuart Fischer ofcookedbacon in plastic bags, ir addsabouramtoureolihem look- ingat}'Ou funnily to the procedure [] Freshman Kelly lehr says: My summer rotked Afiet [hat, you arc di;ectcd to Y0l.lrcampsite (unless you have because I learned a lot about myself. There were a an rv or vip tickers, in which case you gosomewherc closer [0 the ac- lot of hurd times: I lived without power for 3 months, tion of the festival). Ar the campsite there ischaos. They JUSt tei!you Ideveloped horrible allergies, Iwas stressed about [0 park next to someone else, and you and everyone else set up your my first year in a new school, and Icould hurdly step livingquarrersin ahigjumbled mess.lhis iscool because you ger to outside without having on asthma oflack, but Ifee lthis meet alotofnewpoople, but i['s'also quite literally the opposire 0f summer was good because it helped me realize t~at cool because me sea ofcars.tenrs, and people that forms blocks any even during the worst times of your life, there's always wind there might be. That, plus humidity, plus no sbade, plus no rain, a light. Even through all the hard times this summer, plus all rhecars hcatingupm thcs\ln,equalspre[tyextremeheal. "!t'S my boyfriend was there to support me and help make 50 hot I'm afraid to sweat. !don't want it to boil on me," Brandon re- my summer awesome. marked at one point.,thehea[iscompierelywonh it In order [0 gC[ to me performance Stages, you must walk [] Dr. Mary says: Ihod on awesame summer STUART FISCHER through avefirabkshoppingmalloffood,dothes, music,souvenirs, because Icombined the best of both worlds: Stoff Reporler and even puzzle boxes. Thcvendots, and their wares, are innumerable scholarship and family. Ispend 5 weeks in Minnesota: in both sheer numbers and variety. Once you reach me main area, you on weekdays Iwent to the sub-basement of Wilson are greeted with more vendors, plus things like fountains and garne library at the U of MN to look ot150+ year old Question: What do you get when you 00$ unbearable heat, fake areas. There are multiple stages and they are all almost always occu- newspapers (in the flesh-no microfiche!) and then drugsearches,BO,OOO people, and lots of musk? pied. There is never a time when the festival is dead. There is always spent the nights and weekends visiting my family. Answer: Bonneoo, a four-day music festival on afarrn in the something imeresting to do. At night the weather is pertecr, and the small, rural town of Manchester, Tennessee. This past year 178 mu- headliners come OUI ro massive audiences. The performances are uni- [] Senior Abigail Vi,kers says: My summer was full of new experiences. Iwas able to complete my first sical and comedic acts performed (in additlcn 10 rhe marry acnviries versallyamazing, and it isnotunoommon to bear a performer tell you availabletofestival_goers),inc!uding]ay-Z,BluesTraveler,Tenacious research position and am one more summer closer to \ mat they have never played [0so mllly people. Being a pan ofascene groduating. Ialso had unforgettable adventures with 0, John Fogerry, Bassnecar, Conan O'Brien, and Stevie Wonder. .. like mat is preny intense, as well as satisrying, and it's all the more so and I, along with my friends Brandon Meckiru and Paul Dwyer, my friends and family from black light mini golf in for the laid-back, connected vibe the overall fesrivalha. It's basically (onnecticut, to a conopy tour in Texas: From Marylana, was mere. ilke going [0 rhebiggesr, best carnival you've ever been lO,andevery- When you gel to me town of Manchester, you find yoursdf to Texas, to (onnecticut and back again, my summer trickling toward a river of vehides Rowing il1lo the general Banna- one knows and likes each omer. And everyone is in parry mode for was a full one. roo area. Fora few hours, which fed likc days if you jllSt drO'.-e 12 foursrrajgh[days.Attheendofrhefestival, Paul described it thus, "J ftellikcljustgotbackfrommebesr,longestconcerrl'veeverbeen [] Professor Regis says: Although my summer hours ro get therein thefirsr place,youslowlyinch along lone!y back 10, but my body feels like IJUStgOt back from mebesr, longest con- la'ted, il ,eeme-d, only about 20 seconds, I had a roaru, ever under the watchful eye of the local.s, some of whom set certanyonehasevcroonto. H good break. I trolleted 10 Belgium where I gave Q up lawn chairs and watch rhe procession. Others seU water and pop- It's dirty, i~shot, it's exhausting, ir'ssome or the worst camping conference address; ole mussels, french fries, and sides ar in/la[ed prices. you've ever done. and ir's a1ffioStcerrainly the best fourconsa:urive waffles; and walked the cobblestone streets past WhcnyoulinaUygerinsiderhefestivalgroundsyouaredirecr- daysyou'veeverexpttienced. ,hurches and gUild houses that have been there for eel wsearchstarions, whert" wey check your vehide for prohibited My summer was awesome because it began with Bonnaroo. centuries. I also worked on my history of the romance itcm~5uchasweapon5anddrugs. What clwy reaUy do is open your Howll'llS yours? And more imporr:mcly, how will it be nex! year?This novel in Americo project. car,~ndifyouhaveacoolertheywiUlookinittomakcsureyoudon'l coming summer will mark the renrh anniVt'rsary of the festival, and have~assbordes,andthentheygiveyouawriS(bandandwaveyou ir'sswe to be adooz.ic. Youshould go. Economy affects summer employment drawn ro spend money on posters, clothes, find. Michael Byrne, a sophmore. "All rhe places and decorations rhat JUSt might make my Sophmore Annie McShea, who at the supermarket were filled near where college life more colorful. Then, because spent her summer working, told me, "I 'just llive.~ of the wounded economy, .1 have to scop wanted extra money for school rhis year." and tell myself, ~Hang on girl, you don't Luis Ortiz, a freshman, spent his summer '''The overall picture [of the econ- actual I)' need that" (I'm not always very working at a camp, but said that [he state omy) is one where the labor market is sri1l convincing). of the economy had no effect on his deci- kind of treading water. It's better than sink- Luckily, I was able to locate a job sion to get ajoh. ing, hut it's cerrainly nOt surging ahead,'" ac- over [he summer and joined the summer The economy is, as my dad likes to workforce of college kids. While some s[u- say, "a big thunderfuck" that is sitting sev- cording to reporter Motoko Rich's article ti- denrs on campus also mainrained jobs, it eral miles down the road; hut for now we rled, "Growth in Jobs Beats Escimates, Eas- KRYSTINA SHULTZ seemed that there were more sUtdenrs who can avoid the Horm. ing Concerns" (The New York Times). Stoff Reporter spent cheir summers relaxing. Many Stu- Orcanwe? Maybe my room doesn't need [Q dents probably spent their summers like "If the economy-had been beteer I be sovered in color, especially if I'm going Jaclyn Liebowittn, a sophmore transfer probably would have gorren a wairressing Once again I find myself saying, "Good- srudent, who spenr her summer relaxing job if there wasn't such high competition," to learn to be careful with my money with bye sleep," and "Hello textbooks!" College at home and at the beach. Others found said junior Linzie Bonds. the poor economy sitting in the middle of is JUSt starring and I already find myself themselves clinging to any jobs they could ~Yeah, ( couldn't get a job," said the road. CHEAP BOOKS ========== It's too lote now ... ... aUT CHECK THESE OUT NEXT SEMESTER! CHEGG.COM HALF.COM BETIERWORLDBOOKS.COM The nome pretty much speaks for ibelf. is on ~rp~hbe~;. ~'::~~s:e~~~i~~ e;~ee;~i: :::~uool~ ~~;J:d e-boy affiliate. You can get te)(tboo\cs and various other :~:i:::~~o~;ht~dry ':~i;IZ r:ihnsible and half of the book's actual cost, and you can choose how items 01 ridiculously low prices. They collect donated books and ~eltth ose te)(tbooks online. long to keep it. Even better, Chegg will plant a tree in the roiee mone.y for literacy initiative wordi'".d ollow prices to location of your choice for rentingl They've planted over 3 buy 0 credit to onsel the corban used t WI ~. 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