Page 12 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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"--·~..II""['-~~~=-::I~~~~"J."~la';.'l:• Goodbye, College Activities Office- Hello, Office of Student Engagement! MEGAN ROBINSON with McDaniel College. Alexander is now Director of Evenr Seidel said that the Student Engagement Office is oper- News Editor/ Web Manager Service in the Conference Services Office and Immler is the ating as of now, but moving at a slow pace as everyone ad- Outreach Manager in the Alumni Office Call Center. jusrs to the changes and Workman becomes more familiar Seidel said it made sense co move Alexander to Confer- with her job. At the beginning of this year, an announcementwru; sent OUt to srudenrs about the reorganization of the College Acnviries ence Services because he had experience with the set-up pro- "None of the students that were hired will lose a job," Office, newly renamed the Student Engagement Office. cess from his rime as DirectorofCAO, and chat he felt the said Seidel. In fact, several jobs will be added, such as super- The responsibilities and activities of the former College move best utilized his strengths for the college. visors of the student resource library. Activities were divided up among different offices. The set-up Alexander's position switch came as a surprise to him. Al- However, some student workers' supervisors and duties process and planning when students reserve a room is now exander said he did not know the reorganization was com- have been altered. For example, building managers, who handled by Conference Services, and srudenr programming ing until he was approached abour moving his position in were previously employed by CAO, now work for Con- is being handled by the Student Engagement Office. June. Ference Services. Additionally, the information desk has The locations of the offices are being revamped as well. Imrnler was told in June that her job would be ellrninat- changed ro the welcome desk. The rooms that housed the CAO are now being used for ed in two weeks. Her current position in the Alumni Office Gerl and Seidel said [hey have wanted to make changes both the Student Engagement Office and the Office of Mul- wasn't offered to her until she reapplied and was interviewed [Q these offices for years but were unable to with budget con- ticultural Affairs, formerly located in a back hallway under again for it. straints. However, Seidel said last spring he sat down with Rouzer (next to the Free Press room). Irnmler said she is glad to srill work for the college and Gerl and they came up with a plan that would utilize the re- The old Multicultural Mairs office is now home to the especially happy she conrinues to work with students, which sources they had in order to reorganize without costing the newly created student resource library. This will have re- she said was her favorite part of her job. college extra money. sources such as lists of local businesses that might be use- With Alexander and Immler moved to new offices, Seidel's and Gerl's plan was proposed and approved last Activi- ful to clubs, mailboxes, scheduling forms, a banner printing Christine Workman, who has experience in Student and Edu- spring. The actual changes began this June, when Alexander moved offices and lmmler was let go. des, Greek Life, and Substance Abuse Prevention machine, a conference room for dub leaders to meet in, and the new SGA office. The old SGA room will he the office for cation, was hired to be the Director of the Student Engage- Seidel said that now ro schedule an event, one only needs student community service. ment Office. The search for the assistant director to work to get the event approved by Student Engagement and then Ethan Seidel, Vice President of Adrninisrracicn and Fi- with her is still in the process. go to Conference Services to plan their event. He explained Beth Ger!, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean nance, expressed his excitement about the relocating of these of Srudenes, said she was very pleased with Workman's expe- that it made sense to centralize all of the set-up and plan- ning in one office. offices. He said it made sense to put the offices rbar werc im- portant resources to students in a central location char was rtence, especially in Greek Life, and looks forward to seeing Gerl said taking the set-up responsibilities off of the Stu- visible. her concribure to the campus. dent Engagement Office will allow Workman more time to The final component of the reorganization of these of- Sorne srudcnrs feel inconvenienced and frustrated by the focus on advising Greek life, one of her responsibilities. Gerl fices is the relocation of its workers. The two former direc- changes. "lt was easy to go in and talk to Mitch," said senior said one of the goals of the restructuring was to concenrrare tors of the CAD, Mitch Alexander and Erica Irnmler, are still Paul Donoghue, the Community Service Committee Head more on student programming in order ro "prcvid]e] S[U- of Alpha Sigma Phi. "Now I really don't know what to do." dents with a better Out of classroom experience." WorkinQ with Workman: The Director 01 the Office of Student Engagement PAIGE PRICE Hna and Kurzrown University. With the majority of Stoff Reporter her experiences having occurred on large campuses, Workmall wanted to find a smaller school in hopes of mcre ooe-on-one Inreracrlon with students. "Building relationship. with students is what is Imporranr in any college setting," said Workman, who was very enrhusiasric abour the smaller and more personal semng ar McDaniel. Workman has had many experiences that have led her to her current position. Being a member of the Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity as well as an orienta- tion leader in college have given her the rype ofknowl- edge that can only be gained through experience. Sh e has also had eJtpetience working with Drug and Alec- hal Prevention and Education. Workman was pleased to have an excellent transition inro McDaniel's friendly environment. She is excited to continue to see one of her Favorite perks of the job: ~Seeing students grow from when The 2010 Fall semester brings new students to the they aTe Freshmen to when they are Seniors waiting Hill along with new administrators. Christine Work- ro greduare." man, me Director of the Office of Student Engage- The only negative aspect of her job is work- mem, began her McDaniel career on Aug. 31. She is ing lare nights, but she does admit chat uthe nights pay involved inactivities ranging from Greek Life to the off when you get to work with students and see their '---- -' developmenr of various student organizations in order development." to mix academic affairs with student character. Workman anended Clemson University, With Workman already immersing herself she received her BA. in Speech and Communication into McDaniel, students are looking forward to work- Studies. She continued her higher edurarlon ar Iowa ing with her to develop a great standard of Student Stare University, where she received her M.Ed. in Engagement. Highet Education and Srudent Affi.irs., Almough she admits to being a die-hard She has worked in Student Affiurs at numerous Clemson Tigers Fan, hopefully the Hill will win her universiries, including the University of South Caro- over and rurn her inro a Green Terronzer! Landlines removed 'rom student rooms SIMONE DA.VIS Stoff Reporter McDaniel hen stopped providing campu. phones to all dorm rooms, The pho.nes, remove? every year in late 'pring before campus opens up to summer programs, SImplyweren t returned to their respective rooms for the 2010-2011 school year. . Thischanse hat been occurring at other universities aaoss the country as well, Includ- ing the Universityof Kentucky, Uni"ertity of florida, ~nd William.& Mary C?JleQ~. "Students weren', using them, N said Or. Esther Igllch, McDamel College. ChIef Infor- mation Officer. A surve,. conducted among McDaniel students in December 2009 revealed that 89 perce", of students never or rarely used the campus londlines. "'Thephone. never warteed, anyway," said freshman Alexis Davis. . "Studenh would trash them, or throw them from the windows, H 'glich said. "'RemOVing them only made sen.. since everyone uses their cell phones." Though the unused phones hove been removed from the dorms, ph,ones are sti~1open to student ule if requested. "The option is left open out of concern mPtnly for foreIgn ex- change students (whose] cell phones don" work here," Dr. Iglich informs. "The phones GREGORY NOLAN are ~~~:/~~~s;'~ones, " people this ,emester have requested a phone be returned to their room. • Freshmen Emily San~~;:, !~~he~h~~~~~Y~~~\~e S~:~h:~::t~~n~~~~rOb~y~
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