Page 57 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW McDaniel and Environmental Action' 'Greek' star Spencer Grammar Committee make recycling easier talks about upcoming season KIM WilLIAMS There's a blank gauge outside me dining hall," said Features Edilor Colbert. "YOLIcan go to for LAUREN MILLER more on the cemperirion," said Sunira Parhik, Sloff Reporter Ir'seasy, helps rhe envircnmenrvand is a hoc president of the Environment:L! Action Club topic ar the heginning of this semester. No, it's (EAC). nor saving paper by protesting homework. lrs FAC is "going to set up a recycling station At the end of las! season, "Greek" viewers were recycling. outside ofGLAR for recycling ink cartridges and left with many unanswered questions. The "The bags that Housekeeping will be using plasti<;groo::rybags,andwillhopefullybegetring Gamma Psi and Zeta Beta Zeta rivalry was JUSt for recycling bins will be green from now on, in- more regular rctyding bins around school, espc:- heating up when [he ZBZ's managed to burn down the Gamma Psi house. Dale and Rusty stead of the old white ones," said Michael Rob-- dally Decker," continued Pathik. were nerd fighting over a huge grant for their bins, Director of Residence Life, in a campus wide A!; far as what is recyclable, Colbert listed science projects. Calvin was trying to get Grant email senr ro McDaniel Residential Srudems "Plastic, metal, glass, and paper. When in doubt to come OUt to their brothers so their relation- "The green bags will be placed in all of the you can ask." Colberrsaid, "It's comingled. Every- ship could be less of a secret. And Casey and recycling containers throughout campus. For the thing can go in the same bin." Cappie finally rekindled their relationship. North Village, Garden Apartments, 1';1. Avenue Additionally, Colbert said, "As for the Pepsi With all the possibiliries, the Monday Jan. 25th Houses and residence halls. there are... recycling containers, a newspaper or glass boule can go in premiere of "Greek" is destined to be full of conrniners and built-in recycling that will have thatoontainer.ldon\iliinkpeopiereaJinmatali drama and surprises. the green bags in them. Smdems do nor need to the recycling can go imo that container." While Spencer Grammer, who plays Casey Cart- gelgreenbags,justputrecyclingintherecyding rhe coatainer is shaped like a bottle, char doesn't wright, recently ralked abour rhe show via rele- container," said Ms. Mary Jo Colben:, Director of mean ies restricted to similarly shaped rnarerial. phone conference. She gave some derails on rhe . Conference and AUJ(ilJaryServices. While all recyclable marerial can go inro rhe upcoming season. A lor seems to be in store for "Recycling bags had been white before. Now samecomaincr, it's important to be careful that no the srudenrs at Cyprus-Rhodes University, nash gets tossed in. "If there tsfood wasre or orher This season is rhe last year of college for they're going to be green, which are morebio-- a lot of the older characters, including Casey. degradable. The white bags had been confusing. garbage placed ill a receptacle, though, the entire bag is considered conmminared and wHl nor be "This season Casey focuses on going to Grad Srudenrs had bought their own bags, so students school and figuring out whar she's going to do would see white bags in the trash and think the recycled, so please be sure ro pay attention where with her life postcollege. She srarrs seeing what school didn't recycle."said Colben:. you are disposing of nash on campus," mentioned her specialties are. She is still interested in po- [n addition to thl! swirch from white bags to Robbins in his email. litical science even though she and Evan had enc outfits. The Hory is the ulrirnare acceptance green, RecycleMania began at the end of January. We're a consumer soclerybur nor everyrhing broken up years ago and is pursuing maybe of being gay and that not being a derogatory "It's a competition between colleges. McDaniel we use has to end up in a landruine. So as Colbert going to law school," said Grammer. "Her and thing. Of course there's going to be some from will' be tracking how much recycling they have. said, "[use make sure and recycle." Cappieare back togcrher so that's definirely be- the Omega Chi house who ate going to create coming a pull ~or her and it'll blossom as the conflict ~nd of course people who are going to season goes on be accepting," said Grammer. There are also a lot of guesr srars who wi!! Of course, [he long aw~ited Casey and becoming into the picture rhissemester. "From Cappie reunion will finally be played our on lasl season Nora Kirkpatrick, who plays Kath- screen. "Casey and Cappic are together. You'll erine, is definitely on the show. We have L~a see them dating. You're gonna see where their Thompson; you meet Cappie's parents and she differences are. Which happens when peo- plays Cappi~'s mom," said Grammer. "We also pIe are like "We're gonnaget back together" have Sam Page who was on "Mad Men" for a and ~We're gonna uy to make it work" and it while. He was greaL I worked with him for a doesn't work out the way you think it's going THE FASTEST ARTICLE YOU'LL EVER READ. cou,ple e~des. We had some WeHY great ac- to be. College is a growing period for peo- t"'r$Ui.",year~o"'r"gue
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