Page 54 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 54
.. MEGAN ROBINSON Epic snowstorm: memorable for some annoying for others . KATE DELEN1CK I II S enser. They were WOII- Co Editor-in-Chief half of the Fellowship of the Rings, followed by Clue. Two Ajoku Julie Icrinne, and E 050n Ph- Mario over the SOPHIEDIVEN trays of baked ziti ore produced somewhere in the movie ing 'f~r Morio Oviedo. After re~ I~g, Rumorsare clr- Stoff Reporter Phogression. Throughoullhe doy there is talk of playing in phone,'we decide to head o~e~ to a.nfO~·lhou9h nothing t e snow. It.never happens. euloting thai students ore bUlldmg on 19 Ar entinean, it's is . Nooml Raphael resembling on igloo can be,found. ~hon 9 Nexl wewenl Mitkand bread Were flying off grocery store she1ve!;and the lines rc b I o,o"ldYoMwOh'a;o,'w",'p'Ola""d"e,xdPo'I'I"a"lo':gW,"\I,dd~;g·.Then'theclock . e check our werenlmosr unbearable. '·1went food shoppingllmrWayaf"_ h Wolching,h S uper ow wit h' rriendsl Just 901lhe news ",," ternoon and it was extremely chaotic. The lines went all [he way down ~~tb~h~~1;~lc~d~e~;ds:~mh::07c~~rd h;~!~i11;Yd!nlernshiP hit 5~OK~~:dHlo~I:~~ed to Glar. the aisleand I thought I was going early,"Sc:niorGinny Odierno said. out with. iust a ti~y little. scroter thai is currently ;~s~~ .c::; Residents across six S{ateswere srocklng up on theSt3p!es in prep- aration for a snow storm mat would not soon be forgotten. For Illany car·:·Jul;6u~~:~';~il~r~t;!~i~r the third timet college studems things like her pockets, chips, Ramen noodles, and a1CQholweremust-have:s. Saturday around 12:301 went to glar, waited in line 20 As Friday afternoon rolled around the Aurrie.(st3ned falling and minutes for an omelet, but it was WORTH ITI By 1:30 I at. 3nxioussrudents were p!anning pajama parties and bor chocolate so- dais. In a few short hours our college community was blanketed with ~epm~~e~:h::;~~rk:o~~ ~~~t:~1~7e~2sa~v~~ ~:ruh~~dc~~:' overtwofec!tofsnowwhichc.onrinucdrhroughollttilcnigh{inloearly lale. At 3:30 I went sledding and thought I wos going to die Sarurday cfremocn. on my way there with the snow up to my thighsl Srudcmschronided their experiencesduring this cpicstorm. Some - Megan Robinson, news editor were bored, somc stayed indoors, and some brave students ventured ourinrornescaofwhire. weet~~:!lemseov:r~i~~'e~i~~0~lhh~~1,Sb:et~~r ;~: laughing when Iwoke up tomorrow to only an inch of snow. hokilig up 10mel a fool OfSIIUW,hUlidieds of Md~oll: ~~~~ fi~:,,: iel students rushed into Glcr. The lines were long, the con- !~J~~ddb:g:~~~~;~eJI~:i:eos~.oAr:ue~dl versation was loud and the food went fast. Brave students finished reading "Dear John" even though my plans for see- treked to Walmart on foot but Walmart fan out of salt and ing the movie this weekend were squashed. later I watched shovels, so college kids came back with buckets to dig Iheir a JONAS morathon while baking cookies. I was trying to cars oul of the snow. The mood in the dorm was mellow. Ev- heat things up in the house. eryone was catching up on work and hanging ou! with t~eir . lauren Miller friends. Wrapping their feet in plastic bags For insulction, students walked over to the golf course to sled. Overall, the Saturday, 4:00pm·5:00pm: Becoming bored from 2.3 day was produdive, fun and relaxing, although there were hours of homework, I find myselF attroded to the sight of few places to go and fewer things to do. :~dtiro~~h:~~~~~~" n: - Sophie Diven :~~~en~~~~=i~~~~~~:~t:~ ing t~em to the football fields, the caravan splits inlo their Friday night, North Village: Don~j Long and 1learn how individual herds. Looking ot the tracks below some have reached as far as the tennis courts while others are visibly ~~z~~a~:~:~% ~~I~h:st~~~~;h~~ s~~~~~~g:~h~r.w;a.~~d:;' sledding near the stables. Not wonting to get my pants wet, stlltions wue prrdictillg illlOther 10 to 20 At pr~Jr limf!, WMtlJ/!T North Village: Pancakes are mode and eaten by SIX of us it/ches of !/lOW. F7"/!ePr= Sltl./f membtlr bad 10 halt ,·overage to make family breakfast style. Star Wars Marathon, followed by :;::~n~~~h ~i«~!:ar ~~~hin:h~I::u~f;n~i~~d::G~!I~~~ deadlille, bill the rrportillg wjll conrjrmr in our next jsmr.
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