Page 53 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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McDaniel community gathers hope, donations for Haiti HANNA BARKER day, Fcb. 4, representatives from Circle K, Peace Club, Ger. 2/13 Ger Stupid with the Cupids dance (Cercnrclogy Stoff Reporter man Club, Gerontology Club, Humans versus Zombies Club, Club) and Music Honor Society congregated in Decker Auditorium 2116 Far Tuesday (German Club) in response ro rhe call co service. 2f17 Vigil in Ensor Lounge (Circle K and Peace Club) The McDaniel communiry is organizing a coordinated ef- John Maddrey addressed the club representatives, explain- Each event will feature opportunities to donate to (he fort between campus organizarlons to raise money for Harian ing that one hundred percent of money raised will be going Hearts for Haiti Fund. Additionally, Music Honor Soci- relief in a week-long series of events called Hearts for Haiti. into the Hearts for Haiti account set up by Joyce. It is likely ety also plans to sell singing valentines, dates will be auc- Originally, International Club and McDaniel College that the money will go ro rhe Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund rioned for rlie Cupid dance, and rhe week will conclude with Radio planned [0 organize a relief effort centered around col- "This event has set Hail! back 100 years," said Maddrey, a dodgeball event. There are also plans to get local restau- leering clothing and materials, but shifred rhe focus to rais- emphasizing the importance of Hearts for Haiti. rants involved. ing money. Working in conjunCtion with Mahlia joyce at the Here is a tenrarive schedule of events: Keep an eye OUt for updates, as the schedule will become Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, the advocated 2/12 Kick-off Dance Event in the Forum (WMCR and more defined in the days to come. This will be an event you parriciparion from willing campus organizations. On Thurs- Inrernarional Club) will not want to miss! Technology simplifies donations for Haitian relief efforts DEVON McANDREW Haiti had already been declared the poorest country in the l'Tunes offers a collection of songs PUTtogether by various Stoff Reporter westernhemisphereandthistragicearrhquakelcli:rhecounrtyev~n artists called Hope for Haiti Now. This album offers 20 songs for more broken with no one to turn to but the resr of the world. $7.99 and 100% of the proceeds go to the Clinton Bush Haiti McDaniel College students can perform simple actions to Fund (see CD review in this issue by Rula Zaru}. Hope collapses at the sight of th~ crumbled and broken-down help our the people of Haiti. On campus, Resident Life is hosting Hearts for HaiTi, a strucrureofthePresidential Palace located directly in the city of The easiest way to donate money is through any cell-phone semi-formal dance, in the Forum on February 12, 2010. This Porr-au-P4!nce, ~aiti. This building was the oldest structure in carrier by text messaging "HAJTI" to 90999 to donate $10 to event will include music, food and a silent auction. The silent the city and provided a home for their leader as well as hope for the ROO Cross relief efforts, "YELE~ to 501501 to Donate $5 to auction will have items donared from the community and STU- the people when it had survived previous small earthquakes and Yele Haiti's Earthquake Relief efforts, or "GIVE I 0" to 20222 to dents on campus and all of the proceeds will go to Hairi. a larger one in 1946. donate $10 to Direct Relief. UI don't Think Americans in general are doing as much as As it lays in ruins, it serves as a reminder that Hairi will never At McDaniel there are 1,700 students and if every student they could be doing for Haid," said freshman Carherine Fron- bethe·same;it'shistoryhaschangedforever. donated $5, our school alone could raise $8,S00. dorf. "Compared TOthird-world COUntrieswho are making an On January 12, 2010, The 7.0 M earthquake struck Haiti The Red Cross has also been sending a lot of donated effort to help Haiti, such as Belize, the United States could be leaving 170,000 dead (as of january 26,2010). There are still blood to Haiti. The blood donation go to seriously injured doing a lor more," over 30,000 missing and 1.2 million homeless. people in Haiti Alinledonation can goa long way. REVIEW Artists band together to produce 'Hope for Haiti' CD RULA ZARU it features several different mU$ical genres due to Stoff Reporter the diversity within the artists. After listening 10 "Stranded," a song performed by [ay-Z, Rihanna, Bono, and The Edge, l fel! encouraged and no len- .w..p ...... r Hairi No"" is " liv.. "Ibum rh"",w,,~ re- .ger hOJ'ol'Jeu abcur rhlV.,ff..ccs of rk Earthquak .. leased on Satur
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