Page 52 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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Hoover Library adds new furniture, workstations MEGAN RoalNSON Co News Editor Students studying in the library this semester might notice some new additions. The library recently invested in some new furniture to accommodate students' with a need for a different kind of workspace. The new addicions Include fWO new group stations, technology rooms, and rnovable fumirure. The group srarlons arc both located on the firST floor of [he library. These new stations are designed to set up a group around a central point. They con- sist of a large circular desk separated by partitions into rhree pods, which each comfortably sir three people. One of these workstations come equipped with IMaq. and both have electrical enders in me desk, to make it easy for Stueents [0 plug in laptops. The technology rooms located on [he third floor are dosed rooms that can be reserved and rented 'our, which are equipped with chalk boards and large [Macs. These rooms were created to give groups of scudenrs a place to work on a louder project rhar requires more privacy, such as a presenradon or sereening a movie. Moveable fUrniture is yet another innovation in rhe library, Several chairs and desks on wheels are located on the first Aoor. These are ideal for students who want to create their own space to work together. An alternative to Thetraditional wooden carols are located on the lower level. These are better suited to students that need quiet, individual study. They are L shaped and provide more space for the student to spread out their school work than the typical wooden carols. These additions were chosen and designed by jessame Ferguson, Director of Hoover Library. She worked together with a Creative Learning Spaces Group ABOVE: left to right: Junior Ben Cowmon, senior Dove Castle, ond sophomore Zoch Weeden use one of two which consisted of the head of Information Technology, Ester 19lich, [WO student technology rooms on the third Roar of Hoover library. representatives from the Srudem Government Assembly, a representative from BELOW: Sophomore Don Green, and scphomora Megan Robinson demonstrate using the study corners now administration, and a representative from faculty. The group gathered to discuss scottered throughout the librory. different learningspaces used in libraries across the country to declde whleh cypes cffumirure ro experimem with purchasing. Ferguson explained that the purchases were an experiment, and future pur- chases will depend on the students' reactions to the new additions. Ferguson said she is "Inreeesred to see what people's reactions are." She wanrs to see if the new furniture functions the way it needs to. She also wants to know ~:~;;i;~:.eals to students that helps them do their work better, and go in that Ferguson is soliciting STUdents'reactions to the new furniture in two ways. The first is an open house being held on February 5 at 2:00. Fetgmon is speak- ing at this event, and [here wJll be self-tours to showcase the new additions. There will be comment card, available at rbi, event to gather comments from students. Another way students can provide reactions is at the library's blog: http:// h~verlib.wordpress.,om~informarion_commons!. Ferguson can also be reached d .. ~c,\y for commentS at lferguson@mcd",,, New TVs now display SGA College Activities Programming Board. Corner channel 80 around campus February Ev~ts 9pm -11pm Ensor Lounge 1hun., Feb. 11 Stuff-A-Buddy . r ourselforasagive- MEGAN ROBINSON era! information and prOVideit in a way students Co News Editor would be intercst~d in looking at. Come and creat~ your own keepsake stuffed You can .mak e one fo . y s cows, koala and l lon, away. The buddies are: black labs, eagles, Bengal tigers, pengUins, pandas, The LCD televisions displaying the channel love bears. There are a limited number of animals. are located in Englar Dining Hall, outside of the Students returning for the spring semester may Pub, and by the Informarion Desk in Decker. notice new LCD televisions in popular locations Cowman said the SGA is looking to expand the Fri., Feb. 12 tpm Decker Auditorium around campus. These new TVs display the new projecr ro Includc placing televisicnsin academic Movie: Law Abiding Citizen Student Government Assembly chan nel, which buildings and restdenr halk Jamie Fo"" and Gerald Butler star in this thriller which focuses on a man, who returns ten years in addition to being shown on the newTVs, can This project was eight months in the mak- later to extract justice from the assiSTantdistrier attorney who prosecuted the case against the also be viewed on campus cable station 80. ing, according [0 Cowman. He said that he killers of his wife and daughter. The channel was created as a central place ~nd Dave Castle: SGA President, firs.t gOt the 9:30pm Decker Auditorium for students to look ar to find out about events Ideaataleadershlpconferencelastsprmg.Aft~r TWilight Saga: New Moon and happenings around campus. The station will some debate over the format, they decided on a Kri.lten STewart, Roben: Pattinson and Taylor Lautner Star in thi~ nexr installment in the Twi- display wearher, campus and nacicnal news, up- broadcast channel on the campus's dosed circuit coming events on campus, sports media, and ad- cable. The channel itself is maintained by SGA light series. Bella is devastated by the abrupt depanure of Edward and her growing friendship with Jacob. Her loyalties to both are tested. , vertisements from clubs. Vice President of Communications, sophomore Clubs and other organizations from around Brendon Cell. campus can submit pages and news request to be SGA is the visionary behind the project, 1hUrl., Feb. 18 lOpm PublTerrlUe Room displayed on the channel by submimng 10 the but not rhe only financial contributor. The Comedy Night #1: Tom Cotter SGA a form which can be found on the student project is additionally funded by the College Tom's high energy and rapid-fire sryle of comedy will leave you laughing. He has had his own imranet. Ben Cowman, Executive Vice President Acdviries Office, Information Technology, and half hour special on Comedy Centrol. He won best stand-up at me Las Vegas Comedy Festi- ofSGA, said the channel was created to rake gen- the Physical Plant. val. He has been on the.Tonight Show, Comedy Central's Premium Blend and the Last Comic Standing. Fri., Feb. 19 .1Opm PublTerr(U;elIDom Comedy Night #2: Arvin Mitchell Arvin has hit the comedy scene running since he debuted on BET's Coming to die Stage. He Be the voice of has been pe.r~rmed .at rhe Boston Comedy Club, The Laugh Factory, and rbeComedy Storc. He has partICipated In the Las Vegas Comedy festival and JUSt For Laughs. Th,."ks to the membersof CAPBoard Ia.ltsemesTer!Thry we«:: your college. l1mothyFoley Mai«:Hunrcr Eric lemmon Luke Schmidt Chris Rondo (Filmchairperson) Catherine O'Keeffe K:.tieFrechette DcvonMcAndr~ Lau,"Folry Kristen McGccney Rob Rosenberg ElizabethOakley LiaSnow L:1I1«:nMilIcr K:.tcHudson Come to the Free Press staff meetings, Welcometo the new members! llley are: ZachWcch"n Mall Koplow Mondays at 7:30 in the Writing Center. ErinDuf!Y Amanda Farr AprilYmberr Kristen Nuckles )il!Woolen Matt Biscnias We have room for more, and we welcome your participation! CAPBoard is open to all undergraduate students.
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