Page 119 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 119
ABOVE LEFT Sara Hanlon, Julia Coleman, Kaylee Beal, Tim Lowe, Chris Gore, Gibbs Preston, Meg Johnston relax on a trip in Belize in 2009. ABOVE RIGHT: Lauren Howe, Carla Schwager, Stephanie. Banik, Kiki Stellakis and Anna Donaldson stand on the wall. LEFT: Kristen McGeeny and Dawn Aldrich look classy at the 20 I0 Founder's Dinner. BELOW: Stephanie Banik, Kristin McDaniel, me and Krista Ricigliano emjoy drinks at a bar in Prague, Czech Republic in fall 2007 This section is dedicated to the Class of 2010 and it was created by three dedicated news staffers: Hanna Barker ('13). Heathe~ Gorsuch (,10), and jetcnne Ellis (' 10). to all seniors for their favorite memories and mentors went out and much of what unfolds on these pages reflects what came In. Stili want to be a part of the Senior Email your contributions to freepress@tncdanieLedu and we will add them to the online issue of the college paper. not
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