Page 120 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 120
Academic Departments Host Annual Picnics EMMA SIMON - - Staff Reporter TIME PLACE - With the end of the academic year quickly approaching, McDaniel students and faculty are 4-Bp.m. Harvey Stone Park having a variety of events (0 celebrate its concl~sion. . . Along with an assortment of other happenings on campus, another popular ~nd annci- 3rd Floor LewiS pated end-or-the-year occurrence is the picnic that many departments host for their students TBA - to have fun and relax a bit before attacking the stress of finals week. .. GeneraUy, the events are for majors and minors and occur at the, beginning of May, but it varies from department to department. Some are just open to seruors, some to all classes 1--------------- TBA Harvey Stone ~ -- of majors/minors, and some to any students interested. . Many departments have outside gatherings at Harvey Stone Park, while ot~ers hold their eventsin academic buildings or at a faculty member's home near campus. Ihe S:30~7 p.m. Off Campus way to find out about a particular department's event is to ask a professor or an Academic 1-- --'-- --- Sec~:%)~ Klapper, the Academic Secretary for ~iology, Chcm!stry, and Environmental Pol- S~7p.m. icy & Science, encourages students to atten~ their departments event. " Harvey Stone ~ "In my opinion, it is a good social experience," says Klapper, where students can have Iim their peers, maybe meet people that they have not met before, and get to know the profO:C.!\SOniin a relaxed, social setting," and~!~.= 11:30a.m.· Off Campus _..... I p.m. ~-- mc~'Ukr1'ir tiJdCi;4
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