Page 151 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 151
THE M dteIr CPA $lnce cn~erlng <:allege. inarushmgoec~"adto prine renovated, policies, should already have clearance: and air condlrfoners, only removing sudden -Ir _JWI>r .......,..".""'8'" aU the quickly nor realize OUt undl '" ~pcr thar. She gerong 90% and 100% On she got the pa_ did questions over air con- know if they do and can prove it. them if caught. As many students everything I turned in," she said. per returned that two of its pages because then it puts more srress know, most of the RA's hate [0 McDaniel believes that getting bet- were missing. ditioners will remain ~ on the Area Coordinator over and be the ones to {ell them that they ter grades abroad in Budapest has "I still got an A," Van Lieu re- over again," says Resident Asslrant, have to either take them out 01" pushed her co get better grades at membered. 8y leslie Shirk that they will be charged. McDaniel. "I never used to care Anna Conley, a sophomore. , This leads many students to ask Many students are denied '" know people who have about grades," she said, "but after whether professors even read mate- The lottery pool for an air con- simply because, "the elecenciey bill them who need them, and have to I realized I could get high grades, rial handed inca them, or whether ditioner has become increasingly is JUSt tOO high to accommodate tell them to rake them our. 1real- I actually want. them and try to get something like that would happen difficult this year. k the trend everyone who wants an air condi- ize the side effects of not having them now." at McDaniel's main campus. usually goes, when the demand tioner, and the building will just an air conditioner, and yet Iknow Due to time constraints, Direc- For many students, studying in increases, the supply should. Un- shut down if there's too ma.ny [air we can live without it too. Bur to tor oflnremarional and Off-campus Budapest isn't always about educa- forrunately, since the demand has conditioners] in the buUding. Jr be fair. I wish me entire building Study Rose Falkner was unable to tion in the classroom, but about the increased, the approval rare has de- JUSt becomes a real balancing act," [ANW] had it, and since 1 rep- provide concrete statistics about the knowledge attained by traveling to creased, leaving many students in says Joan Lusby, the Physician's resent Residence Life, it reflects average GPA achieved by McDaniel other countries and experiencing a right and, quire often, unhappy Assistant in S[Udem Healrh Ser- poorly on me," notes Conley. different cultures. health situation. vices. On the other end of the spec- Junior Amanda Gushard-Ed- The protocol for air condi- "I think if people who have trum, there are students who also MollieVan Lieu, ·'08 wards said she believed the faculty tioning is as follows, according to a legitim;}te doctor's note, they claim that rhey need an air con- recalled an incident wanted the American students to student handbook: "seudenes are ditioner, when in facr, they have come to class and learn but that allowed to have air conditioners no medical inhibiter to keep them when she tu rned ina many professors were open to her if they have a documented medi- "I feel as if people from being healthy without one. paper with two pages missing a class or twO for other op- ca! note, a genuine need which is don't need air In essence, they try to abuse. the missing. portunities. "Traveling was encour- decided by Health. Services, and conditioning around system. aged," she said. . they must submit their forms to . "J feel as if people don'r need "I still got an A:' Junior Christina Hinkle, who Health Services by a specific dale here ...people are air conditioning around here ... is currently studying abroad in Bu- to qualifY." , more spoiled than people are more spoiled than they dapest, feels strongly about the value So what happens when a Stu- realize and can learn to live with- College Budapest students, nor was of the overall experience rather than dent goes through this process and they realize and can out ir,"says junior Anna Donald- the Registrar's Office or Brian Ault the actual classes taken. "You can sit is then denied? The said student learn to live without of Academic Affairs. in a classroom and read anywhere, is out of luck. until the following it." - Anna Donaldson It's.partially for this reason, as With or without statistics, stu- but [most people] only have the semester. well as those who have the most dents who have studied in Budapest chance to live in another country "My Freshman year, my aller- significant need for one, that the have provided raw accounts of their like this once," she said. glee were really bad in the fall, but selection order is made. Obviously time spem there. Junior Hillary With the number of students in addition. I get migraines if I'm should be able to get an air condi- Residence Life cannot accommo- Keadng, who also studied abroad in studying in Budapest on the rise, too overheate.d, and get really sick, rioner. Idealt with not having one date and please everyone, but the the fall of 2007 said, "I will prob- many agree with Hinkle's view. So $0 I gOt a note from my docror and. my freshman year, by having !lve general consensusanlOngstudems ably tell the next group [that studies while there might be tfUth to the filled out all the forms. The RA fans," adds Crough. ls that there should be a more or- in Budapesr] that it was easy.~ repotts of higher GPA's and easier approved, then -with room checks "It will change from year to ganized and Straightforward pro- Senior bio-chemistry ma- classes, there is much more to it she said to hide it ... thenl gOt the year, if more life threatening cases jor Kevin Flanagan, who studied than that. The Budapest program abroad e-mail from Residence tife deny- arise, people will get bumped, ~:1::~i:o:~:::;~1 in me 2007 f.ill semester, be- is not only about getting a higher ing it," comments Casey Crough, who otherwise would've been ap- lieved thar while his GPA increased GPA, it's about receiving a college at Mc:DanleIFreePre, ••c:o.. ~ a sophomore. proved," adds Lusby. it wasn't uindicative of the level of education while also having the ex- "J shouldn't have girls com- Severalsrudents tend to disre- difficultywithintbeclasses." perienceofalifetime. ing up to me· asking jf they can gard what Residence life approves Senior Mollie Van ·Lieu, who studied then: in spring of 2007,
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