Page 150 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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THE MCOANIEL FREE PRESS MAY 12 2008 News By noon on April 8 a dlaotic mass Attfte close of Dlver- of students crowded outside the > sity Week, sponsored Residence Life office on the upper by the Office of floor of Decker. The chatter was slowly Ixtilding to a dull roar, while Multicultural Services, students scrambled 10 find the best on Friday April 25, a possible group of people to have camival was held in Red Square featuring on their application for the Garden the blow up obstacle Apartments. course Adrenaline Rush lI,cottoncandy, Coexistt-shirts, and tile painting. JG "II was cra:ry."saidjuniot Bethany Bachtel, "There wasn't even a real line, justa hundred people crowded in that little space hoping to get a good number. N The Lighter Side of the Campus Safety Blotter Editor's Note: This weekly piece high- well in mid swing. After the officers midnight, a student was seen near Caught With Their lights some of the more inane calls knocked on the door they distinctly Academic Hall carrying what looked Pants Down! and incidents to which campus softty heard "Shh, Campus Safety!" Before to be a pack ofhrer. Upon seeing the responds. the door was finally opened, rustling officer, the student decided to go in On Saturday April 26, two students noises and sounds of things being the other direction. By the way, not were found in a college building- indecently exposed. Documented An open 30 pack of beer, an or- moved around were heard by the offi- a good plan for future reference. In for unauthorized entry and indecent ange parking cone, and rustling nois- cers. At least one student admitted to further attempt to hide the beer, the exposure in Academic Hall...A es... what does one get with a com- drinking hard liquor; 10 students and student thought that the bushes near vending machine in ANW found bination [ike this? Surely something one non-srudem were identified. The Lewis would be just a good place as broken with all the goods re- moved ...An officer discovered three Becky Snider '09 entertaining, You might have noticed usual incidents were documented: any. Brilliant idea, even more so then students streaking in the vicinity of that lately, the campus has been a reg_ Blotter Reporter alcohol in a dry dorm, possession of pretending to be on the phone when the football field during Relay for ular circus, and 1 am not just ralking hard liquor, possession under twen[}' Campus Safety walks up looking for life ...On May 3, officers discovered students in the pool after hours Hard Iiqour, an about watching shirtless individuals one, possession of a multi-liter con- you and the beer you just hid in the According to inside sources, aJI the stumble across Red Square. tainer, residence halls room capaci[}', bushes. The srudem was compliant; a students escaped after spending orange parking cone, Though what could be more ex- and violation of quiet hours. half empo/ case ofbeer was recovered more than two hours in the pool and hiding thirty- citing and entertaining then watching Enter the orange parking cone. in the bushes near lewis. area. The officer on duty reportedly yelled "Hey-blonde kid, don't do drunken people suimble around and Speaking of strange, another fire packs in the bushes, actually act like they an: in a cirrus Sometime on Friday, April 25, a stu- extinguisher was stolen, only this time that!" before lelting him runaway. for possession dent was documented --it's all part of the act? WeU, here are verbal arguments of hard alcohol and for the theft of it wasn't in Rouzer. Instead. someone cracked glass door on the premises of lighter side. which are their own form of enter- one orange parking cone. Why the or- in Blanche took it fur a souvenir, per- the College Center. Campus Safety tainment. And we've had quire a few ange parkingconeyou ask: Well, your haps to use later in the proresr against later determined that a brick had been of them lately. Ir seems as ifsomc have guess is a good as mine. Although ac- the umbrellas on me patio of Decker thrown ac the glass door. taken the idea of stand up comedy to cording to the DoCS, stranger things CollegeCenter. On Aprill3, Campus If rhar is no< enough. SUQn~ a whole new level. Have no fear, if the have been known to be found in Safety found a working fire outside of behavior for you, keep a look our noise of a verbal argument doesn't at- dorms. Decker. Someone had set an umbrella fur three male non-students looking traer your attention, the noise from a Of course stranger thing; have on the patio afire. It hasntbeen deter- at and touching vehicles. The still party sure will. happened in dorms too. For instance, mined ifir was intentional or not. unidentified individuals have been When walking through Rouzer, on April 17 a Campus Safety officer Apparently someone has a noted fur their suspicious actions. In two Campus Safe[}' officers heard witnessed a srudem trying {Q hide grudge against Decker. On the same parting, look our for strangers going the traditional sounds of a party an open 30 pack of beer. Around day Campus Safety found a severely car shopping 011 campus. _ .._--- vioreace-reureo. tncl.hare crtmes
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