Page 146 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 146
10 THE M'DA.NIEL fREE PRESS APRIL 3 200B Commentary Alcohol can help This Day in History April 3 By Chris Higgs 2004 Freddy Adu, 14 year old soccer star, becomes [he youngesr prevent heart disease professional arhlere in American professional spons in over a century. ByJull;aHec:k of whom died from Ischaemic said, "Alcohol in moderation is heart disease (THO). They found no big deal. It's evidenrly healthy 1996 Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski is arrested. Drinking can save our lives? Recent that people who did not exercise or to have a lirrle bit every now and www.jnfop/ studies across Europe and (he U.S. drink had 49% higher chance than then, and it's only when you abuse tie drinking alcohol to maintaining those who did one or both. Mod- alcohol [hat it becomes an issue." 1974 Nearly 150 tornadoes destroy areas covering 13 states. a healthy heart. erate drinkers who exercised at a Dr. Dana King, leader of the In a recent SBC article El- similar level were 30% less likely South Carolina study, said, "When len Masson. a cardiac nurse at the to develop heart disease than non- we say seven drinks a week, we British heart foundanon said, "The drinkers. mean one a day not seven drinks 1933 First flight over Mount Everest. combination of moderate drinking An anonymous McDaniel on a Saturday night." Some people and physical acriviry appears (0 be student who partakes in the party- may misinterpret these studies. a winning one in a reducing the ing scene said, 'Tve heard about Freshman Rory Anderson, risk of fatal heart disease," this before but there's always the said, "Knowing your limits and be- 1860 First Pony Express service begins. Research has suggested that key word: moderation. Also, the ing able to stay in control is really www.inJopleast.rom alcohol consumption may be heart studies probably only hold true to important. Having a glass of wine h>-Ilthy because it may increase the wine, when I take a couple shots with dinner most nights helps you 1783 AuthorWashingron Irving's birthday. levels of "good" cholesterol and of vodka, is that going to help my relax and fight cardiovascular dis- Friday and thin the blood. heert?" ease, but binge drinking www.tnlnd South Carolina researchers The studies showed that those Saturday nights is JUSthutting your _ studied the results of 7,500 people who drank wine were at a lower liver and brain." FRH PRESS fREE FRH PRESS FRf£ PRESS FRf.T PRESS after four years. They found that risk. And yes,' these benefits come To a partier's dismay, this study fREE PRESS fREE PRESS fREE f'RfSS FREE PRf.SS fREE PftfSS new (people who did not previous- with moderation. The researchers unfortunately does nor endorse FREE f'RESS fREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS ly drink), moderate drinkers were consider 14 units of alcohol per binge drinking or any drinking in FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS fREE PRESS FREE PRESS 38% less likely to develop heart week as moderate. A unit of alco- excess. However, the more sophis- FRrE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS fREE PRESS disease. hol is defined as half a pint of nor- ticated individual who enjoys a FREE PRESS FR!'! PRESS fREE PRI5S fREE PRESS FREE PRESS A European Heart Journal mal strength beer. A medium-sized drink with dinner could actually be fREE PRESS H~H: i'RESS "FREE PRESS FREE PRESS ruff f'RESS Study followed a group of 12,000 glass of wine is two units. drinking to a longer, healthier life. FREE f'RESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS FREE PRESS people for almost 20 years, 1,242 Freshman Cassidy Bryson, 1he Other Boleyn Girl keeps more than Henry's attention B,KlmWIIiIana. two hours. It is a Story of intrigue, court love affairs, power struggles, Many people wanted me against and family. seeing tht Osher Boleyn Girl. How- The film centers on the tur- ever, I am open-minded and curi- moil as rwo sisters struggle for {he ous, so I decided to check it OUt attention of King Henry. Although and thankfully I was pleasantly many people will be familiar with surprised. As both a product of a the plot from history class, the ac- generation with a relatively short tors do a superb job of capturing attention span and a movie buff the audience's interest regardless. who loathes wasting time on a The film features an ali-star cast, bad picture, this film is one of an including Natalie Portman as Anne elite few [hat has proved capable Boleyn, Scarlett Johansson as Mary of holding my attention for almost Boleyn, Eric Bana as King Henry, and Jim Sturgess (from Acrors lilt Univeru) as George Boleyn. Even Perhaps it is only for though J know how the relation- history enthusiasts, ship between Anne Boleyn and King Henry ends, I still found my- enthusiasts, but I think the movie fully done. For anyone who is a fan but I think the movie acrer, Filled with drama, romance self ashamedly in tears as the con- is capable of interesting a large ofSrurgess, he has a heart wrench- and heartbreak, this is a film worth is capable of interest- clusion drew near (I will not ruin spectrum of people. Not only are - ing scene which was so well done I seeing. ing a large spectrum it for anyone who somehow man- the costumes themselves fascinar- felt the urge to stand up and clap. aged to glide through life without ing enough to draw ones attention, The movie also has some interest- Partldpate I. the dlHuulon of people. learning this fact). and the scenery worth at least a ing twists, such as portraying King at Mc:DanleIFreePre ... c:o. Perhaps it is only for history glance, but the acting was beauti- Henry as a more sympathetic char- A possible actor's strike? Are you kidding me? , Three weeks ago, Hollywood writ- the writer's strike. people, even millions, around the vor of the actors granting millions ers returned from a major strike The Screen Actors Guild world who would be willing to act more. Of course when the next that halted the production of mov- contract expires in June, and the fora lot less. Heck, I'd direcr, write. contract expires, acton might be les and television shows. Thank actors, who, like me writers, want shoot, and edit movies myself for a asking for hundreds of millions. God. (0 bring in more revenue with the quaner of a million (wink. wink) But I guess it all comes down But, as if Hollywood. actors growing use of the internet, and dollars for each movie. as us fans aren't satisfied enough with the the potential millions of dollars it There's something to be said to the dollar. As much to see the ac- of film and TV hate millions they bring in every year, holds, won't renegotiate contracts about the members of SAG: they rors go on strike, it's easy to forget they are in talks about going on until those numbers are included just aren't humble. As much as that even though it started out as strike as well. into the new contract. Brangelina seem to be helping OUt entertainment, Hollywood. like I don't know if I can handle Come on Screen Actors Guild, the third world by adopting one Commentary Co-Editor an actor's mike. Hit shows such Stop being so greedy. All I'm saying kid from each third world ccun- everything else, has become a busi- as Lost and Saturday Night Livt is that you people are making mil- try, they would probably help a lot ness. And the number one thing that drives a business is money. were hit pretty hard by the writ- lions and yet you still want more. more by donating a million here ers strike. But for those out there, Just like in baseball, players make and there to various charities. Partklpate In the dl•• lllion who, like me, follow the teachings millions to playa game but yet You know they can afford it. a.t Mc:DanIeIFreePrH .. c:o. of Michael SCOtt, must be having they still aren't satisfied with their Hollywood isn't going to let the a tough time waiting for the new income. actors walk, so of course, they will episodes of tht Offict to air since I'm sure there are thousands of renegotiate the SAG COntract in fa-
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