Page 149 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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~MCDaniel Free Pre·sus May 12 2008 MtDaniel College, Westminster, MD Turning Ba«:k the Pages M«:Daniel Alumni 60 Se«:onds Asks: A look at the year's most newsworthy Alums give their favorite memories and What advice do seniors have for . articles from The Free Press Page 13 advice for seniors Centerspread underclassmen? Page 7 In This Issue Budapest good for grades, traveling Thinking about a road By Kate Delenlck studied in Budapest or is consider- out that what she had heard about said he has been lucky enough. to trip? ing it, the academics is an aspect Budapest's easy classes and the real- navel to places like Paris on the The rumors are abundant and im- Think again, gas prices will that cannot be ignored. And when ity of the academics were two differ- weekends because of the flexibility possible to ignore: "Skipping classes conrinue to soar in the coming it comes to McDaniel College Bu- enr things. of his class schedule, which allowed months, check our where to find are a rite of passage and a GPA dapest, many believe the academic "I heard it was going to be the him to have Mondays and Fridays the cheapest gas Page 5 boosr is a guarantee." But does a rigor is on the lighter side. The cam- easiest thing in the world," Harden off. semester at McDaniel's Budapest pus consists of one gated building said. SIle was told that students In terms of act~al grades re- campus really live up to all me talk and most of the classrooms arc on never had to attend class bur soon ceived in Budapest, 9 out of 10 and expectarions? one floor. If students are looking for realized that most of her professors students agreed that their GPA Studying abroad is a luxury an official library on campus, they had fairly stria attendance policies increased either during or by the that many students ar McDaniel are won't find one. and classes were rarely cancelled. "1 end of the semester: Many found lucky to experience. Lately there has In researching the matter, how- heard I would never have work, bur that even a slight increase required been a large influx of students par- ever, the results are not as black and I almost always did," she said. "much less work" than they would riciparing in the program, and Mc- white as some might think. Senior Though many students agreed have put in at McDaniel. Other Stu- Daniel's own campus in Budapest is Lindsey Harden, a McDaniel stu- with Harden, some who studied in dents, like senior Kristen McDaniel, atop choice. dent who studied abroad during the Budapest only had class three days a Speaking with anyone who has fall 2007 semester, quickly found week. Sophomore Fernando Gomes to these photos for a Sherman Forger what happened on Spring Fling? Turn speaks refresher Page 7 The Snow Salter Grounds Director Phil Boob does By Rachel Hooper, more than dear rhe sidewalks, he's feature!J Co-Edtlor .-..pon~ibl", fur nroody all~;", c:eremoniesand event, and many A",ard-wll1ning reponer, John She-e_ other things students rake for man, from Channel I I WBAL- TV granted Page 8 in Baltimore, gave an inspiring keynote me.~sage at the Society of Collegiate Journalists' annual event. Getting Emotional His message, that reponing can be Despite ongoing frustrations with important work and that reporters the school, senior Geoff Peckham playa vital role in keeping commu- thinks everyone will go away niries informed, was a high-point "loving" McDaniel Page 18 in the day-long event of workshops and networking. Making Their Mark A group of about 40 students Two seniors plan to join the and teachers heard the speech, PeaceCorps and AmeriCorps after coming primarily from McDaniel, graduation Page 20 Hood. Gettysburg, Shepherd, loy- ola, and Anne Arundel Community From April 7 through 11, members of Greek organizations on campus competed in the College. This year, students from Penny Wars. Sophomore Ross Smith peers into a jug to check the progress of one group's ~e ~;~u~~9r!~anks for rwo local high schools, Westminster change status. The competition level became intensified as groups placed bricks of pennies into reading, and congrats seniors. their own, and rounded up any spare change or paper money to place in others'. DPR See "SCJ" on Page 6 Four campus Iilmmakers finish McDaniel feels the final projects, overcome difficulties boom of applicants By MI«:helie Menner Check out our new By Christine Boynton, "My dreams definitely include News Co-edttor exams unique content on Drinking, drugs, and getting into film. I want to be involved in film McDanielFreePress.cont Following this panic, high fights are all a part of one Balti- in anyway possible," said Hebden. A surge in college applicants has school seniors arc beginning to more guitarist's world. By day he ""Whether it has to do with writ- Weare pleased to announce that hit colleges across the country, apply to many more schools in an washes windows, and by night he ing, working the camera, direcdng, we have taken the InitiatiVe and and this impact has been felr at attempt to have some feeling of is a part of a hard partying heavy editing. I love it all." produced some feature videos .McDaniel. This surge of students, security in [he process. According metal band. His name is Scott, and Hebden's film, tided "Playing' based on what we learned atthat dubbed the "echo boom," offspring to USA Today, a study compiled his band is the subject of Taylor in the Dark," is about the above workshop, which can be viewed at of the "baby-boomer" generation, by the Higher Education Research www.mcdanielfreepress.comlblog/ Hebdens film for her senior proj- mentioned guitarist, SCOtt. Her has made the college acceptance Institute at UCLA found that "the Geoff.php right now. film follows SCOtt's life as a part of These videos encompass various rate even more selective, and as a proportion of high school seniors In addition (Q Hebden, seniors the band and tries to answer the aspects of the college life. They result, more competitive. applying to six or more colleges Include some Insight on the rich his- Steven Eggers, David Nasongkhla, question of whether SCOtt will con- tory of McDaniel, as well as some At Harvard University, admis- increased by 41 % from 1994 to and Billy Duffy have been working tinue his destructive behavior or behlnd-the--scenes Iooks et some of sion was only offered ro 7.1 % of 2004. " hard on their films this semester eventually grow up. he events that occurred on campus total applicants, rejecting 93 Out Gina King, Director of Admis- for their final project as film and ~I enjoyed being around a this semester. Hopefully, this ts e of every 100 applicants. The New sions at McDaniel College is well video studies minors. Each had to group of heavy metal dudes. They sign of bigger things to come Ior rhe York Times repons that many of aware of this [rend. However, she Press. Check them out now. Frci: overcome some chatlenges while panied really hard and always GP these rejected students had "ex- notes that extreme levels of rejected filming, but their dreams for future See "filmmakers" on Page 19 traordinary achievements, like a See "Appllc:anfs" on Page 3 filmmaking are still alive. perfect score on one of the SAT
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