Page 154 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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THE MV By Julia Heck Wallace from Rape Crisis Interven- male student. tion Service of Carroll County. One's appearance and outward "On Sunday. August 26th, sometime "Abour 73% of victims know their manner may, at times, be deceiving; shortly alur midnight, the Depart- assailants." however, these behaviors are never an ment if CAmpw Saftty (DOCS) uas Female college students ages invitation for sex without consent. anonymously informNi of an uncon- 18 to 24 are at the highest risk in "lfyou'rednink, nobody [forced sciousfUbjm in the bacftyard of a Wl'It America. In 2001, 97,000 students you ro] drink, so you are responsible Main Strm home. DOCS comaaed were victims of alcohol related sexual for what happens. You put yourselfin 911 who immuliaUly mponded and assault or date rape, according to me situation," said a female student. found a ftmak member of our com- She is one of many victims of a very munit} The semi-conscious woman "If she was dressed common misconception. Though was tbmmirml to have possibly bun the case may seem less clear when JtxuaUyassaulted ..... slutty and bei ng alcohol is involved, without consent, Most members of the college really flirty I would jt is still sexual assault. community have forgotten this think she was asking It's important for students to emailed alert that circulated days be well informed about the truths of after Fall Semester began. However, for it .." said a male sexual assault in order for victims to to those close [0 the incident, many student receive justice. The number of rap- circumstances linked to that hor- ists who will ever spend a day in jail rific night remain unresolved, and is a frightening 6%. the night of August 26 haunts them In turn, sexual assault All students should become to this day. April is Sexual Assault is the most underreported crime in more aware and act upon incidents awareness month, and it seems fit- the U.S. largely due to misinformed involving sexual assault. This is ting to explore the truths of sexual victims and peers. imperative so that unforgotten or assault. McDaniel students were casually unsolved cases such as the one dur- "One of the biggest misconcep- questioned about what they consid- ing the first weekend of school do tions is that we are most vulnerable ered sexual assault. Some of their not happen. Or perhaps it is neces- around strangers in parking garages responses are alarming: sary to horrify the community so or dark alleys ... but the nurh is most "If she was dressed slurry and much that the victim is not the one rape or sexual assault cases involve being really Hirry I would think she to leave campus. people we know very well, or even was asking for it ... then I guess that in dadng relationships," said Lauren wouldn't be considered rape," said a Participate In the dlKussion at John Sherman speaks at ninth annual College Press Day From "'sq" on Page 1 good story has emotion." the Alfred I. Dupont-Columbia initiative and finding opponuniries He said that the reporter has to University silver baton for "Diny in the field. and Century •.also attended. choose to make their work tmpor- Secrets." The IO-pan investigative "I mink I got a lot out if it," Shennan, a highly qualified tam on their own because, "your series which led [0 the closure of said Lege. who enjoys working on and experienced speaker, held the boss isn't going to come to you and the company. New Earth Services, his high school newspaper. As a attention of the future journalists say. 'I need you to go do some re- which was worsening ramer than senior, Lege thought the Press Day in me audience. His topics included ally important work' ... Your work improving the pollution in the event may have_ helped him even me importance of the field of jour- will become important when your Chesapeake Bay. more than the college students in nalism, the day-eo-day ups and standard for yourself exceeds what Society of Collegiate Journal- attendance because the advice he downs a news reporter faces, and a is expected and you meet that stan- ists president and senior commu- heard from the college students car- few final life tips from what he has dard regularly." nication major, A1yse Hollomon, ried a lot of weight. learned over the years. . He offered the audience one Kevin Hudson, a high school Sherman stressed the fact that final life tip. "There are times when sophomore at Century High School as a reporter you have to do diffi- it is imperative to stand up fur what "There are times in Eldersburg. is considering jour- cult things. "I'm in maybe 20 or 30 is right; there are also many other when it is imperative nalism as a career. He has been living rooms of parents with kids times when I believe it is as impor- working on the school paper as who died the night before .. .r like it tant to be effective as it is to be right to stand up for what graphics editor. He found the page individual students ... their profes- when they don't answer the door," or wrong." is right; there are also design workshop especially helpful sionalism in presenting their expe- said Sherman. "You are inserting Sherman also responded to a and getting advice from the.speaker riences, the stories they shared and yourself in people's lives in hard- question about broadcasting being many other times who he fdt had a lot of innovate the advice they were able to give." news situations, often when I pull a very competitive field. "It's a nasty when I believe it is ideas. The value of College Press Day, up to your house, it's the worst day world out there," he answered. "The as important to"be . "I'm a sophomore. so to have the speaker's message, and the work- ofyourlife." . more success you achieve, the more this information early .. .I think it shops were summed up by Shepherd. On the other hand, he advises, people want co bring you down; just effective as it is to be gives me an edge," said Hudson. "You might work for your school "I think i['~really important for be ready fur that." right or wrong." "I'm probably the youngest person newspaper but you don't know how anyone in journalism to remember With all of the difficulties and here." to break into the real news industry nor [0 take themselves or their jobs stresses, Sherman still described his An attendee from Cenysburg or writing professionally or getting (00 seriously." The audience laughed work with enthusiasm. -"I really do College, junior Madeline Shepherd, published in a regular newspaper," when he said, "I'm still the guy who love what Ido; Iget rodrive around enjoyed how Sherman spoke on is a double major in English and an she said. on a snow day is standing out in the in a van with a grear friend of mine, a number of different topics. She. individualized major in religion in Participant evaluations of the snow, saying it's snowing." and we get to make little tiny mov- learned important new details about American political history. day supported the popularity' of The audience viewed a sample ies," said Sherman. broadcasting. She felt the clip Sher- ~We acrually (lon'( have a com- Sherman's speech. According to of Sherman's skilled reporting in "We come in at (en and put it man showed was especially interest- munication major at Gettysburg," Hollomon, therewas a 10[ ofpos.itive his story package "Washed Away." together, and at five o'clock il's on ing. "It was beautifully done," said said Shepherd. feedback about the workshops and This emotional feature told the TV," he said, smiling. "Then you Hollomon. Shepherd also appreciated the many attendees praised Sherman's Story of how a man named Donald start fresh again the next day. It's a Nor only the main speaker, morning workshop on internships, keynote speech. The high schools Willey was trying to save a historic promise; r love it.". but also the entire day was helpful and was impressed with the value of expressed appreciation for being cemetery from being washed away In the introduction by [our- to those who attended. Man Lego, getting experience while you're still invited to the program. "It was a along the coast of Hooper's Island. nalism professor, Terry Dalton, the a senior from Westminster High in school. Shepherd hopes to even- great event, everyone was happy .... h portrayed the battles he faced cry- group learned that Sherman has School is hoping to double major in tually go to law school, but says she everything went smoothly; the food ing to conserve the hisrory of the won the highest national honors in mass communications and market- would also like to get a job editing was good." said Hollomon. early sert!ers to the island fur future me industry since joining WBAL in ing, with a minor in public relations. or working for newspaper. generations. August 2002. His awards include He attended the morning workshop 'When asked what stuck ou[ Sherman advised the aspiring a Peabody Award for "Chesapeake on internships and was impressed most about the workshops, Shep- journalistS, "Seek emotion, every Bay Pollution Investigation" and with the importance of taking the herd said, "the experiences of the
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