Page 153 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 153
THE M&inggood. gasoline and more so a withering hammering the wallet at $3.65 per radon. Others are ditching their $4.00 per gallon and higher over Icame into the field of journal- wallet. According [0 www.CNN. gallon. SpOrt utility vehicles and pick-up rhe summer, the general public will ism way back in freshman year, as com, the average price of regu- Many students have their cars HUCks for smaller cars and hybrid just have [0 wait and see how high my roommate, Jon Teter, and Itook lar fuel (87 octane) narionwide is on campus for the thrill of trans- vehicles. COStsw,ill go. With warmer weather a tour of campus organizations the $3.51 per gallon. Furthermore. portation freedom. However, the According to CBS News, SUV well on its way, walkers and cyclists first week of classes, telling ourselves CNN cites an American Auto- increasing fuel prices are creating sales have decreased by 28 percent will likely increase, as well as car- chat we had to get involved in ex- mobile 'Association (AAA) study more problems for the students while sub-compact car sales have pooling, public transportation and rracurriculars. Pat O'Toole ('07) showing California has the most making the automobile more of a increased by 32 percent. More the use of alternating drivers. got me into the SpOttS section and expensive fuel across the coumry hindrance than a help. people are deserting the desire for Until we see any changes or a I wrote a few stories, having never at $3.86 per gallon. Diesel fuel is Junior Terrence McDermon flash and power while seetling for decrease in fuel costs, one question written anything journalistic in my already well over $4.00 per gal- expresses his disappointment in a vehicle that is a little more fuel remains in mind: will it ever end? entire life. The next semester, Pat lon, straining truckers and pick-up escalating fuel prices. "I didn't have economy-friendly. asked me to come on board as me truck drivers alike. my car on campus at the beginning Junior Tim McTernan con- Partlclpide In the dlKUlIslon sports section editor. A year \later, Coming back a little closer to of the semester, but now that I do, templates exchanging his SUV for at MCDanlelFreePresu:om (he scaff seemed willing to put me in charge of the ernire paper after a Gassin'u Cost per Gallon ($) vote, even though I offered no new ideas. Katie Young and Istarred into Station Location Regular (87) Midgrade (90) the unknown. Ihad no idea how to Shell/Jiffy-Mart Main St. & Carroll St. $3.55 $3.65 do layout, and contrary to popular Sheetz Main St. & Rt. 32 $3.53 $3.65 belief, to this day I've never taken Rt. 140 & Lei Rd. $3.55 $3.67 a journalism class, or had any for- Pa .. D~j mal training. ...nd I. OUr Oceanic Rt. 140 & Englar Rd. $3.55 $3.69 rn"~I<>...",..M£#%& ;~.- Looking b~ck at my first sro- Exxon Rt. 140 & Sullivan Rd. $3.65 $3.75 nes, I nonce cwo things: Firsr, f was Sunoco Rt. 140 & Cranberry Rd. $3.59 $3.75 $3.85 a pretty damn good reporter and I'm wondering where my motiva- tion went; Second, the paper was only four to eight pages long, with Commuter Student Association involved The edition you see before you is 28 maybe one or two pages per section. pages. There are a number of factors in activities on and off campus that have caused such an increase in output. but I've been vety excited to see the Pree Press grow on my dents to express their point of view check for half that amount to the Mitch Alexander, the CSA "gives watch. and influence McDaniel policy," CHC, which is run entirely on do- [he commuters a place to feel com- A.!:, editor, I've been intimately Commuters make up abo~r 20% said member Sreven W. Carney. nations and private funding. fortable and a parr of a group with- involved in the production of 30 of McDaniel College's undergrade- Clarke said that the CSA not Members hope to continue OUt forcing the issue." _ 12 to 20 page issues and one April ate program. according to the col- only offers commuters a commu- to expand their fund raiser and to Alexander said, "I wish more Fool's edition. That's a lot of news- lege's handbook, and all of them, nity while on campus. but it gives hold another ~n the upcoming fall commuters would take a more ac- papen;. As a result, 1 probably know approximarely 340, are represented members a chance to get involved. semester to raise even more money. tive role in the group. A majority of more about what has happened by one campus group, rhe Com- off-campus. They also plan on raising money by the commuters JUSt want to go to these past four years at McDaniel muter Srudenr Association (CSA). "[CSA] isn't bound to the selling unique bracelets. class then leave the campus. They than anyone else. You probably don't From charities and fundraisers to campus," Clarke said. "It's a great miss the contacts and relationships know this, but in the beginning, I movie and pizza nights, and from ~,p,~,;n."gboardfor community ser- 'that they can build if they reached would estimate that the other editor on-campus ro off-campus, the y .. "A majority of the OUt,to the resident students by just and I spend about 15-30 hours put- members of the CSA are both an One of the biggest events by commuters just gening involved." ting together the Free Press. It ain't active and important paC[ of the the CSA this year involved a fund- want to leave the Members of the CSA are not no joke. It takes a lot of hard work commuOity. raiser to aid in the care of patients only active on-campus, bur are from everyone, and Ioffer my bigh- "Outside of SGA and the with ALS and other diseases. The campus. They miss also active off-campus and in their est gratitude. Honors Program. CSA is prcb- fund raiser involved two parts---;-a the contacts and home communities. Clarke has Former editors have often ably the most important group." raffle and a ghost tour of Gettys- been a volunteer at his family's ani- talked about leaving their lasting said Stuart Clarke, president of burg. relationships that mal rescue since before college. "It's mark on the paper. For me, I hope the CSA, "because we represent so Unlike nation-wide fundrais- they can build if something I didn't want to give up thar the next generations of college much of McDanie1." ers, the ill fundraiser was created they reached out to for college," added Clarke. students wiU continue to develop Clarke notes that the CSA is entirely by the CSA in honor of the Carney manages and runs a and explore the possibilities of me an important tool for fostering farner of member Steven Lowen- resident students ..." band, the Lowriders Blues Band. website I painstakingly, yet hap- active communication with jhe thai, who recently died of ALS. and also works as a repairman and pily, designed. I have said this many college because there are so many. "[Carroll Hospice Censer] was instructor at his family's business times before in these pages, but the The CSA is able to bring issues me first choice because they were Junior Melissa Stickles is a new in Harney, MD, called The String internet represents a new opportu- for commuters to the college's at- helping my father with his ALS addition to the CSA. «It is good to Doctor. In addition [Q music, nity for civic involvement. I charge renrion and the college is able to . and everyone agreed,H Lowenthal have support, a place to go to be- he also volunteers as an assistant the McDaniel College community respond. Because of CSA's effortS, said. [Ween classes. a place to keep your scoutmaster for the boy scouts to keep updating McDanieiFree- the new commuter srudent lounge Clarke said that at a gross of lunch until you need it.n She also and at the Harney Volumeer Fire Press.enm. was established on Academic Hall's $200, it is the most successful CSA sees the CSA as a good opportunity Company, and is a Civil War living Thank you, everyone. for let- first floor. fundraiser they had."Jt may not to "get to know more people and historian. dng me edit your newspaper. "The C5A is a group that pro- sound like much, but we are very have fun." See "CSA" on Paz;e 9 For more remlnlscelKe, see: vides the source for commuter proud. H The CSA will be writing a According to CSA adviser mlke.lllcdanielfreepre ... com
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