Page 148 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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THE M'OANIEl FREE PRESS APRll3 2008 PAGE12 VOLUME' ISSUE 4 Runners set records and combat ini .By Michelle Menner "Our coach kept telling me time to this event in the spring." and the three other members ... that Crutchley sees a great future Almost four semesters ago, four we would run a 7:51 which would for Green Terror runners. ~I look Green Terror runners were profiled crush the school record by about forward to bringing aboard some by then Pru PTm sports editor six seconds and would mean that incoming runners next year and Laura Hurron. Cody Crutchley, all four of us would have to run passing on the torch so to speak to Dan White, Kevin Bowman and sub two minutes for an 800 me- a new generation of McDaniel run- Tim Eggars were runners who ter," Crutchley said. "Needless to ners who I hope will be tracking all were promising talents on the say, we were all very skeptical, but down the records we have created," team. Some had speed and deter- come race day we ran 7:51 and put Crutchley said. mination, while others struggled to our names in the record books." Dan White was a contender overcome illness or injury. How- In February, the team placed for most improved at [he beginning ever, that was then and this is now. fifth at the DuCharme Indoor of his sophomore year, but [hen he Best known for his speed is Track and Field Invitational at was plagued by a knee injury that junior Cody Crutchley. The begin- Dickinson. Crutchley had a satis- sidelined him for almost the next ning of his athletic career here is fying fifth place finish in the one three seasons. After undergoing marked with many personal bests, mile run with a time of 4:40. surgery he started running again and today he continues his success. "The mile requires a runner to this past cross country season. In March, Crutchley placed thir- think about pacing unlike a sprint "After a full season of cross teenth II'! [he Men's 800 meter run but have the balls to break loose of country and my first ever indoor with a rime of 2:03.5 at the Cen- pacing to push the envelope so to season, I feel like' am in the best tennial Conference at Ursin us. speak ... [that] was my first mile of shape I have ever been in and He says his greatest accom- the indoor season since I normally hope to continue to improve," said plishmem so far was in 2007 at the just focus on the 800,~ Crutchley White. Ourdocr Conferences at Haverford added. "Bur I was very satisfied White developed a lifting College when he was a member of with my time but plan to hit much the 4x800 relay team. faster rimes when I devote more lunior Cody Crutchley looks hKward to passing the torm to im:oming runners. NCAA panel considers splitting With experience, deep .,- bloated Division III bench, softball sets Divi- sights on championship. Centennial Conference since 1993, thinks the conference schools have joined the Division in likely to stay together that McDaniel is pan of could join the last 15 years. Currently a new grouping because something sion III consists of approximately after panel listens to has to be done; about [he increasing 420 members and is expected to By Kate Delenk;k son game against Mary Baldwin members number of schools in Division III. grow to 448 members by the year and senior captain Karyn Curley "The plan is to stay together; 2012-2013. "One Focus - One Goal - One is playing with an injured shoul- By Rachel Hooper. I don't think we'd let an issue like One difference between the Team," is a morro that the Me- der mat by seasons end may re- Fea tures Co-Edttor this split ill up/ said Ulrich. "The divisions is [hat Division I and II Daniel Softball team takes [0 quire surgery. conference has been together for 16 offers athletic scholarships and Di- heart. With a full fall season and a Injuries aside, the team finds The NCAA website posted the years ... I think as a whole, myself, vision III does not. With the cur- nip to Florida already under their themselves motivated and deter- news on March 28, 2008, that the along with the [college] presidents, rent discussions, Smith does not belts this year's team is pushing mined to reach their goals this Division III working group is end- we'd like to stand by the original anticipate a change in that policy. forward to tough conference play. year. In the classroom the team ing its discussion of creating new philosophy of Division III.~ . McDaniel Vice President for With four senior captains found themselves last year among divisions in response ro prelimi- McDaniel President Joan Administration and Finance Ethan . and a "very versatile" freshman the tOp 75 Division III schools nary resuirs of a survey. Dcvelin Coley agrees with Ulrich. Seidel explained that the NCAA class, coach Phil Smith believes nationally for highest GPA's and Responding ro the degree of "The conference will remain unit- does not yet have any plans. "It's the team is wen prepared for their this year would like to break into opposition to resrrucruring, the ed; I do nor anticipate char we will more of a discussion, and the dis- upcoming opponents. the rep 50. On the field, beating panel is giving membership more splir apart." cussion has been going on for a "We have a deep bench, current conference champs, Get- time [0 explore options and plan- "Nl schools in the conference number of years now," said Seidel. which is something new.'" Smith tysburg is in the minds of each ning future Division III Town Hal! have been sent a survey ... 1 will not He explains several factors that said. With a conference that has player. On April 27, the Terror Meetings beginning in May. Ac- send it back until I get the input are driving the talks. One factor is improved exceptionally over the will get their chance to take the - cording to the website, the results of many others at the college," said the size of Division III and the lo- past three years the team finds Bullets at home. of rhe survey will not be released Coley. "I am filling out this form gistical problems with champion- themselves in the middle of some Captain Diana Roseraier, until April 9, 2008. with input from my athletic direc- ships and playoffs. of the best competition in the re- junior Kelli Workmcisrer, and Over the past month, when tor, coaches, faculty representative "You can only invite so many gion. sophomore Lauren Toomey have asked about their concerns for the to athletics, and this meering has schools to a playoff; it JUSt leaves a "Three years ago we would cerne through dutch for Lady future of me Cenrennia! Confer- not taken place. In the end, we huge number Out," said Seidel. have beat Swarthmore 16-2, but Terror before and this season will ence and with resrrucruring still will go with the will of the Centen- Over time, with the increased now they're making conference be no different. being considered, McDaniel and nial Conference, I am sure." size of Division III, a disparity has playoffs," Smith said. With mrer With their experience as well Centennial Conference officials Jamie Smith, McDaniel's developed in the types of schools, conference gaml.':S in four days as with new-comers like freshmen shared their concerns and explained athletic director for the past eight according to Seidel. "So you have coming up for the Green Terror M~ Eifert and Lauren Wilda~ the background of the current years, is keeping an open mind. everything from very small liberal injury updates are on the minds sin the team is stacked with talent problem. McDaniel parricipares in The current discussions are at the arts colleges, some are even smaller of the coaches and players. and with each swing of the bat the 11 member NCAA Division higher end of the division srruc- than us, to stare universities ... Like most teams on the Hill. they will be one step closer to a III Centennial Conference which rures. "They are looking at whether in Division III." Seidel placed Sofrball finds memseJves bruised conference championship. could be affected by any future one division has become essentially McDaniel in the middle between but certainly not broken. Sopho- changes. too large and should they form an- smaller schools like Bryn Mawr ~?re short-stop Lauren Toomey hrtkipate I. the dlacuuioa Steve Ulrich, executive direc- other division," said Smith. See "NCAA," on 11 injured her ankJe in an early sea- at Mc:OanletFreePre",co. tor of the Centennial Conference According to Smith, over 100
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